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VSD Closure / Repair (Adult) Surgery Cost in Dubai

Treatment and Cost


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  • 3 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • 18 Days Outside Hospital

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1 Hospitals

Types of VSD Closure / Repair (Adult) in Kings College Hospital Dubai and its associated cost

Treatment OptionApproximate Cost Range (USD)Approximate Cost Range (AED)
VSD (Overall)12320 - 2126344898 - 77840
Primary Surgical Closure12307 - 1771245896 - 65873
Patch Repair13343 - 2017050217 - 73453
Transcatheter VSD Closure14700 - 2160053741 - 79804
  • Address: King's College Hospital London, Dubai, East Exit - Al Marabea' Street - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
  • Facilities related to Kings College Hospital Dubai: Choice of Meals, Interpreter, SIM, TV inside room, Accommodation

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Other Related Hospitals

Types of VSD Closure / Repair (Adult) in Thumbay University Hospital, Ajman and its associated cost

Treatment OptionApproximate Cost Range (USD)Approximate Cost Range (AED)
VSD (Overall)12112 - 2166145227 - 78171
Primary Surgical Closure12526 - 1763444544 - 65547
Patch Repair13602 - 2062448521 - 74733
Transcatheter VSD Closure14726 - 2168353777 - 79288
  • Address: Thumbay University Hospital - Ajman - United Arab Emirates
  • Facilities related to Thumbay University Hospital, Ajman: Online Doctor Consultation, Post operative followup, Mobility Accessible Rooms, Rehabilitation, Air Ambulance

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Types of VSD Closure / Repair (Adult) in Burjeel Specialty Hospital, Sharjah and its associated cost

Treatment OptionApproximate Cost Range (USD)Approximate Cost Range (AED)
VSD (Overall)12247 - 2179845193 - 78923
Primary Surgical Closure12288 - 1832845937 - 65040
Patch Repair13799 - 2038549619 - 73532
Transcatheter VSD Closure14359 - 2178853146 - 79403
  • Address: Burjeel Specialty Hospital, Sharjah - Al Kuwait Street - Sharjah - United Arab Emirates
  • Facilities related to Burjeel Specialty Hospital, Sharjah: Online Doctor Consultation, Post operative followup, Mobility Accessible Rooms, Rehabilitation, Air Ambulance

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About the VSD Closure / Repair (Adult)

A ventricular septal defect, or VSD, is a condition where there is a hole in the wall between the two lower chambers of the heart, present from birth. It's the most common congenital heart defect and can occur alongside other heart issues. A small hole usually causes minor or no symptoms, but a larger one may require repair to prevent lasting damage and complications.

Ventricular septal defects (VSD) occur in around one-third of 1% of newborns, but it's less likely for adults to be diagnosed since the defect often closes naturally during childhood in 90% of cases. VSDs linked to heart attacks are exceptionally rare nowadays, with less than 1% of all heart attacks being associated with them, thanks to modern treatment methods.

The exact cause of ventricular septal defects (VSD) at birth remains unknown. However, it can be associated with other heart defects, heart conditions, or genetic disorders. The use of specific anti-seizure medications (sodium valproate and phenytoin) or alcohol consumption during pregnancy may potentially elevate the risk of a child developing VSD, although further research is needed to establish these as definite causes.

A rare known cause of VSD is its occurrence as a side effect of a heart attack.

Ventricular septal defects (VSD) come in four main types, each differing in location and hole structure:
  • Membranous: This is the most common, constituting about 80% of cases. It occurs in the upper part of the ventricular wall.
  • Muscular: Found in approximately 20% of VSD cases in infants, this type often involves multiple holes in the heart wall.
  • Inlet: Positioned just below the tricuspid valve in the right ventricle and the mitral valve in the left ventricle, blood passing through the ventricles must navigate this type of VSD.
  • Outlet (conoventricular): Creating a hole just before the pulmonary valve in the right ventricle and before the aortic valve in the left ventricle, this type connects the two chambers, requiring blood to pass through the VSD on its way through both valves.

How is VSD Closure / Repair (Adult) performed?

Most ventricular septal defects (VSDs) are too small to pose significant issues, often closing on their own by age 6. In such cases, healthcare providers typically recommend monitoring for symptoms rather than immediate surgery. For moderate to larger-sized VSDs, repair is usually advised. The two primary methods are:

  1. Surgery: A cardiac surgeon surgically patches or closes the hole, which can involve stitching it shut or using a synthetic material or tissue graft, depending on the size and location of the defect.
  2. Transcatheter Procedures: These catheter-based procedures access the heart through a major artery. A specialized device called an occluder is placed at the defect site to plug the hole. The occluder is typically a mesh framework covered in a synthetic material.

In both cases, the heart tissue eventually grows around the patch or occluder, incorporating it into the heart wall between the ventricles.

Recovery from VSD Closure / Repair (Adult)

The recovery period after repairing a ventricular septal defect (VSD) varies depending on the chosen method. Transcatheter procedures generally result in shorter recovery times, measured in days or weeks. In contrast, surgical interventions require longer recovery periods, measured in weeks or months. Following either procedure, symptoms of a VSD typically decrease or vanish, contributing to improved post-treatment well-being.

Antibiotics will be administered to prevent infections like endocarditis. Regular checkups will follow for a while to ensure that the hole gets closed properly. To prevent blood clots the patient may be given aspirin. Apart from all these, for the first few months, activities will be kept limited till he or she is fit enough to exert more with physical activities.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the factors affecting the cost of VSD Closure / Repair (Adult) in Dubai?

The VSD Closure / Repair (Adult) package cost in Dubai varies from one hospital to another and may offer different benefits. The VSD Closure / Repair (Adult) package cost usually includes all the expenses related to pre and post surgery expenses of the patient. The VSD Closure / Repair (Adult) cost in Dubai includes the cost of anesthesia, medicines, hospitalization and the surgeon's fee. Post-surgical complications, new findings and delayed recovery may have an impact on the total VSD Closure / Repair (Adult) cost in Dubai.

Which are some of the best hospitals in Dubai for VSD Closure / Repair (Adult)

VSD Closure / Repair (Adult) in Dubai is offered by multiple hospitals across the country. The following are some of the most renowned hospitals for VSD Closure / Repair (Adult) in Dubai:

How many days does it take to recover post VSD Closure / Repair (Adult) in Dubai

The recovery of the patient many vary, depending on several factors. However, on an average, patient is supposed to stay for about 18 days in the country after discharge. This is important to ensure that the surgery was successful. During this time, control and follow-up tests take place to check for medical fitness.

Which are some of the other popular destinations for VSD Closure / Repair (Adult)

Dubai is one of the most popular cities for VSD Closure / Repair (Adult) in the world. The country offers the best cost of VSD Closure / Repair (Adult), best doctors, and advanced hospital infrastructure. However, there are other cities as mentioned below that are popular for VSD Closure / Repair (Adult) as well:

How much are the other expenses in Dubai apart from the cost of VSD Closure / Repair (Adult)

Apart from the VSD Closure / Repair (Adult) cost, there are a few other daily charges that the patient may have to pay. The per day extra expenses in Dubai per person are about 60 USD.

Which are the best doctors offering Telemedicine for VSD Closure / Repair (Adult)ation in Dubai

It is possible for patients to opt for video telemedicine consultation before they come for VSD Closure / Repair (Adult) in Dubai. Some of them include the following:

Some of the most sought after doctors available for online video consultation for VSD Closure / Repair (Adult) in Dubai are:

Doctor NameCostBook Appointment
Dr. Sundar Kumar199Book Now
Dr. Murali Krishna182Book Now
Dr. Ahmed Al Jabouri210Book Now
Dr. Ala Eldin Farasin199Book Now
How many days does one have to spend in the hospital for VSD Closure / Repair (Adult) in Dubai?

After VSD Closure / Repair (Adult) surgery, the patient is supposed to stay for about 3 Days in the hospital for recovery and monitoring. This time frame is important for the patient to recover properly and feel comfortable after the surgery. With the help of several tests, it is determined that the patient is doing fine after the surgery and is okay to be discharged.

How many hospitals offer VSD Closure / Repair (Adult) in Dubai?

There are around 1 Hospitals hospitals in Dubai that offer VSD Closure / Repair (Adult) to international patients. These hospitals have the required infrastructure and a decided VSD Closure / Repair (Adult) unit where renal failure patients can be treated. These hospitals comply with all the rules and regulations as dictated by the regulatory bodies and medical association in Dubai