Successful Kidney Transplantation in India: A Case Study (Kisagero Rhobi from Tanzania)

Successful Kidney Transplantation in India: A Case Study (Kisagero Rhobi from Tanzania)
  • Patient Name : Kisagero Rhobi
  • From Country : Tanzania
  • Destination Country : India
  • Procedure : Kidney Transplantation
  • Hospital : BLK Hospital

This is the journey of Kisagero Rhobi and how MediGence helped him to undergo Kidney Transplantation in India, after searching far and. beyond. Relieve his journey from the eyes of his daughter Bahadi.

Kidney transplantation is a major procedure conducted on patients with faulty renal function due to end-stage renal disease. In this procedure, a healthy kidney from a suitable donor is transplanted into the patient’s body to restore normal renal function.

Mr. Kisagero Rhobi from Tanzania was one such patient with end-stage kidney disease. He had been on dialysis for months when his daughter, Bahadi, got in touch with MediGence for assistance regarding her father’s treatment.


Mr. Kisagero, 50, is a resident of Tanzania. His daughter Bahadi raised an inquiry regarding his father’s treatment abroad because of the unavailability of proper medical facilities in her home country.

With so many options to consider, Bahadi and her father decided to finally consider India as their destination because of affordable pricing and better healthcare. As soon as the team at MediGence received the inquiry from Bahadi on behalf of her father, the Patient Care representative got in touch with her to know details about her father.

During the discussion, Bahadi informed that her aunt (her father’s sister) would be the donor for her father. She shared the complete medical history of her father and also shared the reports for further review and opinion. The team at MediGence promised Bahadi that they would get back to her within 24 hours with a firm opinion on the medical reports and the total cost of the treatment.


Mr. Kisagero was on dialysis when Bahadi got in touch with MediGence. His health had been deteriorating day by day, which really worried about the family. Even the local doctor in Tanzania had advised that he needed urgent kidney transplantation and that he is referred to a medical facility abroad to seek treatment.

Considering the criticality of the situation, the team at MediGence quickly took action to assist the family who required some urgent help.

Treatment Decision

As promised, the team at MediGence got back to Bahadi within 24 hours of her approaching the team for assistance. Bahadi was provided with a detailed opinion on her father’s medical condition and a confirmation that yes, he can travel for the surgery.

She was also given information pertaining to the hospital and the doctor and the costs associated with each hospital. She ended up selecting BLK Hospital for the treatment of her father because of the best cost that the team had negotiated and the overall facilities provided by them.

Travel Period

Bahadi, along with her father and aunt, traveled to India on November 10, 2018. She was picked up by the Patient Care representative from MediGence and safely dropped at the hotel, where a reservation for them was made by the team.

After all the pre-investigations, the transplantation surgery was finally conducted on December 22nd, 2018. Mr. Kisagero has been discharged from the hospital and is currently recuperating. They are planning to head back to Tanzania on January 17th, 2019.

Treatment Details

Mr. Kisagero and his sister attended their first consultation with the kidney transplant surgeon at BLK Hospital on the very next day of their arrival in the country. The surgeon wrote a prescription for the tests required before the surgery. In the meantime, a dialysis session was also planned for Mr. Kisagero to maintain his health by the time transplantation is planned.

The team at MediGence helped the family prepare the documentation for the Ethics Committee. They realized that they had not brought all the documents that they were advised to. However, they were given a fresh set of the list with documentation to prepare, which they did in coordination with their relatives back in Tanzania.

In the meantime, all of the investigations were done for the patient and the donor. The HLA, unfortunately, did not match and therefore, the doctor ordered a DNA fingerprinting test for the patient and the donor to confirm and prove that they were actually related to each other. The patient’s family has explained the benefits of this test and its importance in clearing the Ethics Committee Meeting.

After the documentation was prepared and the test reports were ready, the complete papers were submitted for the Ethics Committee Review. The committee finally announced its decision and approved the surgery on December 13 and Mr. Kisagero and his sister were finally admitted on December 21, 2018.

Just before the surgery, the blood pressure of the donor increased abnormally because of which she had to be kept in recovery for a few hours. They were transferred to the operation theatre after her blood pressure stabilized. The surgery was completed successfully and they both were transferred to the recovery room in the evening and to their rooms the next day in the morning.


The donor was made to walk after one day of the surgery. The patient was also made to walk after a day. His parameters started to normalize and were given special attention throughout his recovery at the hospital. The overall recovery of the patient and the donor was uncomplicated.

The donor is completely fit to fly back and the patient is yet to attend a couple of follow-ups with the doctor. MediGence wishes both Mr. Kisagero and his sister a speedy recovery and a very healthy life ahead.


Recommended Hospitals for Kidney Transplant in India

Wockhardt Hospital, Umrao Apollo Hospital Apollo Multispecialty Hospitals
Columbia Asia Yeshwantpur Bgs Gleneagles Global Hospital in Bengaluru Indraprastha Apollo Hospital in New Delhi


Top Kidney Transplant Surgeons in India

K D Sadhwani Gaurav Dixit Rahul Raghavpuram
Umesh Gupta Urmila Anandh Dr. Reetesh Sharma


Explore the Cost of Kidney Transplant Surgery by Country

Cost of Kidney Transplant Surgery in India Cost of Kidney Transplant Surgery in Turkey Cost of Kidney Transplant Surgery in Singapore
Cost of Kidney Transplant Surgery in Thailand Cost of Kidney Transplant Surgery in Israel Cost of Kidney Transplant Surgery in South Africa
Cost of Kidney Transplant Surgery in South Korea Cost of Kidney Transplant Surgery in UAE


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Last modified on blank at Jun 24, 2024


Amit Bansal

Amit Bansal is a serial entrepreneur, Co-Founder, and CEO of MediGence. He has more than 17 years of strong technology experience. Having worked for some of the recognized companies in India, Australia and traveled worldwide to help businesses to grow multi-folded under his leadership and strategic guidance.


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