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Stem Cell Therapy Cost in Ankara, Turkey

The average cost of Stem Cell Therapy in Ankara approximately starts from USD 7000

Treatment and Cost


Total Days
In Country
  • 1 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • 14 Days Outside Hospital

Treatment cost

USD15000 - USD25000

1 Hospitals

Types of Stem Cell Therapy in Guven Hospital and its associated cost

Treatment OptionApproximate Cost Range (USD)Approximate Cost Range (TRY)
Overall Stem Cell Therapy Cost7751 - 13796236237 - 405129
Autologous Stem Cell Therapy5729 - 9139173076 - 269988
Allogeneic Stem Cell Therapy7785 - 13211232335 - 409292
  • Address: Kavakldere, G
  • Facilities related to Guven Hospital: Choice of Meals, Interpreter, TV inside room, Accommodation, Airport Transfer

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Other Related Hospitals

Types of Stem Cell Therapy in Baskent University Istanbul Hospital and its associated cost

Treatment OptionApproximate Cost Range (USD)Approximate Cost Range (TRY)
Overall Stem Cell Therapy Cost7983 - 13737241112 - 404790
Autologous Stem Cell Therapy5513 - 9098167198 - 271119
Allogeneic Stem Cell Therapy7788 - 13648237398 - 410567
  • Address: Altunizade, BAKENT
  • Facilities related to Baskent University Istanbul Hospital: SIM, TV inside room, Accommodation, Airport Transfer

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Types of Stem Cell Therapy in Asya Hospital and its associated cost

Treatment OptionApproximate Cost Range (USD)Approximate Cost Range (TRY)
Overall Stem Cell Therapy Cost7092 - 12175214888 - 366872
Autologous Stem Cell Therapy5063 - 8094152994 - 244524
Allogeneic Stem Cell Therapy7102 - 12154214555 - 367570
  • Address: Yeni, ASYA HASTANES, Cami Kars Sk., Gaziosmanpaa/stanbul, Turkey
  • Facilities related to Asya Hospital: Online Doctor Consultation, Post operative followup, Mobility Accessible Rooms, Rehabilitation, Air Ambulance

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About the Stem Cell Therapy

Two significant features set stem cells apart from other types of cells. They can proliferate spontaneously into new cells. That is, they renew themselves. And through a process called differentiation, they can develop into other types of cells with distinct functions. Almost all tissues in the body include stem cells. Additionally, they are required for both tissue maintenance and post-injury repair.

The stem cells can differentiate into various tissues depending on where they are located. Hematopoietic stem cells, for instance, are found in the bone marrow and can produce every type of blood cell. Furthermore, stem cells can develop into other cell types such as bone, muscle, brain, or heart cells.

Various types of stem cells exist. The most adaptable stem cells are embryonic stem cells since they can differentiate into any type of fetal cell. Most stem cells in the body are mostly found in tissues and organs, where they may only aid in tissue and organ maintenance and repair. They are less capable of proliferating into new cells. No other body cell possesses an inherent ability to differentiate into new cell types.

What are the different types of Stem cells?

  • Adult stem cells: Small amounts of these stem cells can be detected in most adult organs, including fat and bone marrow. Adult stem cells are less able to differentiate into different bodily cells than embryonic stem cells.
  • Embryonic stem cells: These stem cells are derived from 3–5-day-old embryos. Approximately 150 cells make up a blastocyst, the term for this stage of the embryo. Because they are pluripotent, they can differentiate into multiple stem cells or any kind of cell found in the body. This makes it possible to heal or restore damaged tissue and organs using embryonic stem cells.
  • Adult cells altered to have properties of embryonic stem cells: Scientists have used genetic reprogramming to turn ordinary adult cells become stem cells. Researchers can make adult cells behave like embryonic stem cells by changing their DNA. They are called "induced pluripotent stem cells" (iPSCs). This novel approach might make it possible to use reprogrammed cells rather than embryonic stem cells and shield the newly created stem cells from the immune system's rejection.
  • Perinatal stem cells: Researchers have found stem cells in both umbilical cord blood and amniotic fluid. These stem cells can develop into specialized cells.
  • The sac that envelops and shields a developing fetus in the uterus is filled with amniotic fluid. In samples of amniotic fluid taken from pregnant men for diagnosis or treatment (a process known as amniocentesis), researchers have found stem cells in it.

What is the importance of Stem Cells?

The unique characteristics and potential uses of stem cells in research and therapy are the main reasons for their significance.

  • Regenerative medicine: During the early stages of life and growth, stem cells can differentiate into a wide variety of cell types within the body. They replenish tissues that are harmed by illness, trauma, or aging, acting as the body's healing system.
  • Understanding Development: Researchers are better able to comprehend how complex animals grow from a single cell thanks to their study of stem cells. grasp the course of illnesses and developmental disorders requires a grasp of these essential concepts.
  • Drug Testing and Screening: The safety and effectiveness of novel medications can be evaluated using stem cells. Their ability to be engineered into distinct cell types makes them a controlled model for studying diseases and testing possible remedies.
  • Potential therapy: A variety of illnesses and ailments for which there are insufficient medicines available now may be treated using stem cell therapy. Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injury, diabetes, heart disease, and other conditions are a few examples.
  • Tissue Engineering: Organs and tissues for transplantation can be created using stem cells. This may put an end to the organ shortage issue and remove the requirement for immunosuppressive medications.
  • Research Instrument: Stem cells offer a useful instrument for examining the course of illness and normal development. They make it possible for scientists to study the consequences of genetic alterations, verify theories regarding the causes of diseases, and create novel treatments.

How is Stem Cell Therapy performed?

Depending on the specific objective, the kind of stem cells utilized, and the disease being treated, the process for using stem cells can differ significantly.

  • The source of stem cells is embryos, specifically the remaining embryos from in vitro fertilization treatments, which are the source of embryonic stem cells, or ESCs. ESCs are capable of differentiating into any kind of bodily cell. The body contains adult stem cells in a variety of tissues, including bone marrow, adipose tissue, and blood. These cells can differentiate into a small number of different cell types. Reprogramming adult cells, such as skin cells, to become pluripotent again, similar to embryonic stem cells, produces induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPSCs.
  • Collection and Isolation: Under local anesthetic, bone marrow is extracted using a needle inserted through the skin and into the bone. In Adipose Tissue culture, using a minimally invasive technique called liposuction, stem cells can be extracted from adipose tissue or fat tissue. From Blood, Apheresis is a technique that can be used to get peripheral blood stem cells. The donor's blood is extracted, and processed to extract stem cells, and the other blood components are then given back to the donor.
  • To isolate and concentrate the stem cell population, stem cells may be processed once they are collected. Sometimes stem cells are cultivated and multiplied in a lab setting to boost their quantity before being utilized in therapeutic or transplant applications.
  • Stem Cell Transplantation: When hematopoietic stem cells are infused into a patient's bloodstream, they can migrate to the bone marrow and start the process of creating new blood cells. This procedure is widely used to treat blood malignancies.
  • In terms of stem cell treatment or regenerative medicine, FMT (fecal microbiota transplantation) is unrelated to stem cells. Rather, the main goal of FMT is to correct the bacteria-gut microbiome imbalance, which is frequently caused by illnesses like Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) or other gastrointestinal problems. Understanding the impact of the microbiome on health and illness, as well as any potential interactions with stem cells, is still a topic of ongoing scientific research. Incorporating an understanding of the microbiome may improve stem cell therapies' efficacy and safety in the future.

Recovery from Stem Cell Therapy

The length of time it takes to recover from stem cell operations varies based on the procedure type, the ailment being treated, and personal circumstances. Here is a broad summary of what could be involved in recovery:

Monitoring: Following a stem cell treatment, patients are frequently kept under constant observation in case there are any unanticipated side effects including bleeding, infection, or allergic reactions.

Rest and Observation: To allow for an initial period of healing following surgery, patients may need to refrain from intense activity and rest.

Pain management: Patients may feel pain at the location of administration or at the site where stem cells were taken (bone marrow or adipose tissue, for example). As needed, prescriptions for painkillers may be issued.

Other Symptoms: Patients may have symptoms associated with their underlying condition or the healing process, depending on the type of stem cell treatment being used and the condition being treated.

Short-term recovery: Depending on how invasive the treatment was and how well the patient is doing overall, patients may progressively regain strength and mobility in the days and weeks that follow a stem cell procedure.

Long-term recovery: It may take weeks or months for stem cell therapy to fully show its effects, especially in terms of tissue regeneration or improved disease outcomes. Usually, follow-up consultations with medical professionals are arranged to track improvement.

Rehabilitation: To accelerate healing, build muscle, and maximize functional results, physical therapy or rehabilitation activities may be suggested in specific situations.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Stem Cell Therapy cost in Ankara?

The minimum cost of Stem Cell Therapy in Ankara is about $7000. Stem Cell Therapy in Ankara is available across many hospitals in different states.

What are the factors affecting the cost of Stem Cell Therapy in Ankara?

Stem Cell Therapy package cost in Ankara has different inclusions and exclusions. Some of the best hospitals for Stem Cell Therapy offer a comprehensive package that covers the end-to-end expenses related to investigations and treatment of the patient. The comprehensive Stem Cell Therapy package cost includes the cost of investigations, surgery, medicines and consumables. Post-surgical complications, new findings and delayed recovery may have an impact on the total Stem Cell Therapy cost in Ankara.

Which are some of the best hospitals in Ankara for Stem Cell Therapy

There are many hospitals across the country that offer Stem Cell Therapy to international patients. Some of the most renowned hospitals for Stem Cell Therapy in Ankara include the following:

How many days does it take to recover post Stem Cell Therapy in Ankara

Upon discharge from the hospital after Stem Cell Therapy in Ankara, the patients are advised to stay for about 14 days for recovery. This time frame is important to ensure that the surgery was successful and the patient is fit to fly back.

Which are some of the other popular destinations for Stem Cell Therapy

Ankara is one of the most popular cities for Stem Cell Therapy in the world. The country offers the best cost of Stem Cell Therapy, best doctors, and advanced hospital infrastructure. Some of the other destinations that are popular for Stem Cell Therapy include the following:

How much are the other expenses in Ankara apart from the cost of Stem Cell Therapy

There are certain additional cost that the patient has to pay apart from the Stem Cell Therapy cost. These are the chanrges for daily meals and hotel stay outside the hospital. The extra charges may vary from 40 USD.

How many days does one have to spend in the hospital for Stem Cell Therapy in Ankara?

After Stem Cell Therapy surgery, the patient is supposed to stay for about 1 Days in the hospital for recovery and monitoring. This time frame is important for the patient to recover properly and feel comfortable after the surgery. With the help of several tests, it is determined that the patient is doing fine after the surgery and is okay to be discharged.

How many hospitals offer Stem Cell Therapy in Ankara?

There are more than 1 Hospitals that offer Stem Cell Therapy in Ankara. These hospitals have propoer infrastructure as well as offer good quality of services when it comes to Stem Cell Therapy surgery. Also, these hospitals follow the necessary guidelines as required by the medical associations for the treatment of Stem Cell Therapy patients.

Who are the best doctors for Stem Cell Therapy in Ankara?