Understanding Infertility Treatments: Success Rates, Causes, and Options

Understanding Infertility Treatments: Success Rates, Causes, and Options

Today’s date is the most important common query “Is infertility treatment highly successful?”. Well, the success of infertility treatment depends on many factors including age factor as well.  Infertility Treatment Packages are the best option if you or your known ones are looking for any such treatment.

Infertility is referred to as not being able to conceive after a year or longer of unprotected sex. As fertility in women declines gradually with age, some experts evaluate and then treat women aged 35 years or above following six months of unprotected sex. Women with infertility must consider making an appointment with a fertility expert. Reproductive endocrinologists could also help women with pregnancy loss. Infertility may be caused due to an issue with either one or both partners or a combination of several factors that prevent pregnancy. The key symptom of infertility is not able to conceive. There may be other symptoms. In certain cases, men with infertility might show some signs of hormonal problems like changes in sexual function or hair growth.

Causes of Male Infertility & Risk Factors

  • There are several causes of male sterility as mentioned below:
  • Inability to produce sperm cells.
  • Production of poor or low-quality sperm.
  • Genetic diseases like Klinefeflter’s syndrome, and myotonic dystrophy
  • Sperm is not able to live long enough to undergo fertilization
  • Suffering from conditions of diabetes, such as cystic fibrosis, and autoimmune disorders, c.
  • Some supplements and medications
  • The veins on your testicles are larger than normal
  • Cancer treatments like radiation therapy, chemotherapy
  • Substance use, including drugs, alcohol, and smoking
  • Trauma to the testes.
  • Hormonal disorders

Risk factors for male sterility are smoking tobacco, being overweight, using alcohol, exposure to toxins, use of illicit drugs, certain previous or present infections, and trauma to the testicles.

Causes of Female Infertility & Risk Factors

Some causes of female infertility include:

  • Problems with the uterus: It includes septum, polyps, fibroids, or adhesions inside the uterus cavity.
  • Problems with the fallopian tube: A common cause of female infertility is a pelvic inflammatory disease, generally caused by gonorrhea and chlamydia.
  • Problem with ovulation: There are many reasons why a woman cannot ovulate regularly, such as hormonal imbalances, eating disorders, thyroid conditions, substance abuse, stress, and pituitary tumor.
  • Issues with egg quality and number: Women are generally born with all the eggs they would ever have, and this supply can end early before menopause. Some eggs may have the wrong number of chromosomes and can’t fertilize or grow further into a healthy fetus.

Many factors may increase a woman’s overall risk of female infertility as listed below:

  • Age, obesity
  • Hormone issue preventing ovulation
  • Abnormal menstrual cycle.
  • A low body-fat content
  • Endometriosis
  • Problems with the uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries
  • Cysts, tumor
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • Primary Ovarian Insufficiency
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  • Substance use (heavy drinking)


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Why is Infertility Treatment Important?

When patients are not able to conceive naturally, they will have to undergo IVF. For such couples, IVF could help become parents. It is much more likely that a woman with a damaged fallopian tube or blocked fallopian tube can have a higher chance of having a baby with the help of IVF. Fertility treatment on time can also prevent many other conditions. Treatment of fertility might become difficult if not done at the right time.

Difference Between PCOS and Infertility

In Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), the ovaries generally produce higher levels of androgen, which affects the development and release of eggs. Some eggs develop into cysts, which are small sacs filled with liquid. Instead of being discharged during ovulation, cysts accumulate in the ovaries and get enlarged.PCOS negatively affects fertility as women with this condition do not ovulate or release eggs due to the excess production of estrogen by the ovaries. As ovulation doesn’t occur regularly, periods generally become irregular, and high levels of hormones like testosterone can negatively affect egg quality, lead to insulin resistance, inhibit ovulation and increase the risk of gestational diabetes. Infertility is the result of a disease of the female or male reproductive tracts, which prevents conception.

Types of Infertility Treatment

There are 3 main types of fertility treatment, such as assisted conception, intrauterine insemination (IUI), and in vitro fertilization. If the fallopian tubes get blocked, one may require surgery to repair them. Intrauterine insemination also called artificial insemination, involves the injection of sperm into the womb through a thin plastic tube inserted through the cervix. In vitro fertilization is a procedure in which an egg is fertilized outside your body. Fertility medicine stimulates the ovaries to produce the required number of eggs than usual. If a partner has an infertility issue, they may be able to get sperm or eggs from a donor to help conceive. Treatment with donor eggs is generally done with IVF. Many countries other than India are also recommending IVF treatment.


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Also Read: Thailand hospitals & clinics providing IVF

When to see a fertility doctor or fertility specialist?

Here are some reasons to see a fertility specialist:

  • Partner has trouble maintaining or achieving an erection
  • Has no period, heavy bleeding, and irregular periods
  • Has a history of sexually transmitted infections
  • Has a chronic medical condition
  • A woman has irregular/no menstruation
  • Severe pain during menstruation
  • History of pelvic infections
  • Age & lifestyle factors
  • Ejaculatory disorders
  • Issues with sperm quality and/or quantity
  • Genetic abnormalities
  • Cancer treatment

IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) Package

In the available, In vitro fertilization Package all the processes of the IVF procedure are covered. IVF is a process of fertilization in which an egg is combined with sperm in a lab. The process involves monitoring as well as stimulating a woman’s ovulatory process, removing an ovum or ova from her ovaries, and letting sperm fertilize them in a culture medium in a laboratory

Countries where I can book the best affordable Infertility Treatment Packages

You can book the best affordable infertility treatment packages in the below-listed countries:

Package Name Starting Cost in USD
IVF Package in India USD 4300
IVF Package in Turkey USD 4000

Steps of IVF Process performed by IVF doctor

Here are the steps involved in IVF:

1. Boost egg production via superovulation: You will be given fertility drugs that will start a process known as stimulation. The more eggs a person produces, the more chances they have of successful fertilization.

2. Remove the eggs: About a day before eggs are scheduled to be extracted from your body, you will be given a hormone injection to help your eggs mature quickly. The doctor will use a thin needle to take out eggs from the ovaries.

3. Collect sperm from a donor or your partner: When eggs are extracted, your partner will be providing a sperm sample. You also may opt for donor sperm. Then, the sperm is passed through a high-speed wash.

4. Unite eggs and sperm: This stage is known as insemination, which generally takes a few hours for an egg to fertilize a sperm. The doctor might also inject the sperm directly into an egg instead. This is called intracytoplasmic sperm injection.

5. Transfer the embryo into your uterus: About 3-5 days after fertilization, the doctor will place the embryos in the uterus using a catheter.

Infertility causes that IVF can treat

IVF can treat several causes of infertility, such as the inability of sperm to penetrate the egg or survive in the uterus, low sperm counts, failure to have intercourse, and blockages in the fallopian tubes which cause sperm to mix with the semen. Other causes of infertility that IVF can treat are endometriosis, problems with the uterus and fallopian tubes, low sperm counts, ovulation problems, antibody issues that harm eggs or sperm, the inability of sperm to penetrate the cervical mucus, poor egg quality, and genetic disease of either partner.


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The Risk or Side Effects of IVF Treatment

Below are some side effects of IVF treatment:

  • Soreness from injections
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Bloating
  • Hot flashes
  • Mood swings
  • Fatigue
  • Allergic Reactions
  • Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome
  • Mild Pelvic and Abdominal Pain
  • Pelvic Infection
  • Emotional Stress

The risk associated with embryo transfer

Generally, more than one embryo is transferred to the uterus in IVF to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy. While this helps in preventing several repeated cycles, placing more than two embryos in the uterus raises the chances of multiple pregnancies, which in turn increases the risk to both the baby and the mother. The mother has a high risk of pregnancy-induced hypertension, preterm labor, complicated delivery, and hydramnios. The fetus might suffer from a higher risk of premature birth, congenital malformations, the need for intensive neonatal care, and low birth weight.

Do’s & Don’ts after embryo transfer

 Things to do after embryo transfer:

  •  Pamper yourself for a few days.
  • Take your medications
  • Have a healthy diet
  • Pay heed to endocrine-disrupting chemicals
  • Take a daily folic acid supplement

Things to avoid after embryo transfer:

  •  Avoid too much bed rest
  • Don’t panic
  • Avoid exposure to extreme temperature
  • Strictly avoid alcohol, tobacco or smoking
  • Avoid lifting heavy weights and rigorous physical exercise
  • Other things that should be avoided include hair coloring, traveling too much, eating spicy and outside food, and swimming in dirty ponds.
  • Avoid sexual intercourse for the initial few days after embryo transfer

Probability of IVF Success Rates

The latest report reveals that 50% of IVF procedures in women aged 35 years and under led to live birth. For women 42 years and older, around 3.9% of the egg transfers led to birth. Success rates are normally reported according to women’s age. With age, the success rates of IVF decline unless donor eggs are used. The success rate of IVF also depends upon the type of treatment.

Also Read: IVF Treatment Cost Guide

Expectations from IVF

IVF helps patients who are otherwise unable to conceive. The main benefit of IVF is achieving pregnancy successfully and having a healthy baby. This procedure is quite safe and has higher success results. IVF is found to be more successful than IUI and other types of assisted reproductive technology. IVF also helps diagnose fertilization problems.

When to look for an Infertility Treatment Package

If you want to avail infertility treatment at an affordable rate, a health package is the best option. You get a huge discount, which helps you save a lot. You also get the chance to get treatment at world-class hospitals. It brings you the best fertility experts.

Benefits of opting for an infertility treatment package

There are numerous benefits to opting for an infertility treatment package. You can get treatment at the best price. You get attractive discounts, which helps you save some money. Other benefits of the package are free telemedicine, a city tour, treatment with the best IVF doctors, a full refund on cancellation of the package, etc. You get all the required assistance to make your journey comfortable, such as arrangements for accommodation and food, and visa assistance, airport transfer.

Health conditions after infertility treatment

After infertility treatment, you can experience light spotting or bleeding. Cramping and pelvic pain are other symptoms of post-fertility treatment. Fatigue and tiredness might be there after one week of the treatment. Tender, sore breasts are seen by many women. Some women also experience nausea. Some other symptoms of post-fertility treatment are an increased need to pee and changes in vaginal discharge.

Will the doctor guide the precautions to be taken after Infertility treatment?

Your doctor will tell you to take necessary precautions after infertility treatment to get the best result. They will advise you to take medications on time, do mild exercise, stay away from stress, have a balanced diet, and avoid alcohol, caffeine, and drugs.

How many days after Treatment I be observed by the fertility doctor?

About twelve days to two weeks after egg retrieval, the doctor will test a sample of blood to check whether you are pregnant. If you are pregnant then your doctor will generally refer you to an obstetrician for prenatal care.

Can I be assured of the best services from the hospital?

You will get the best services while undergoing infertility treatment at the hospital. You will require assistance at the hospital to make your treatment journey smooth. Right from consultation to treatment, you receive excellent care from the experts and staff.

Explore the Cost of IVF Treatment by Country

Cost of IVF Treatment in India Cost of IVF Treatment in Turkey Cost of IVF Treatment in Spain
Cost of IVF Treatment in UAE Cost of IVF Treatment in Singapore Cost of IVF Treatment in Thailand
Cost of IVF Treatment in Israel Cost of IVF Treatment in Tunisia Cost of IVF Treatment in United Kingdom
Cost of IVF Treatment in Lithuania Cost of IVF Treatment in Morocco Cost of IVF Treatment in Cambodia
Cost of IVF Treatment in Malaysia Cost of IVF Treatment in South Africa Cost of IVF Treatment in Switzerland

Recommended Reads:

IVF (In Vitro Fertilization): Symptoms, Classification, Diagnosis &


Intrauterine Insemination: Symptoms, Classification, Diagnosis & Recovery

Last modified on blank at Jun 24, 2024

Reviewed By :- Vijita Jayan

Urvi Agrawal

Urvi is an avid reader who is passionate about writing. Having worked in hospital settings like AIIMS, She has experience working as a healthcare writer and has written about many healthcare and medical topics. Besides her role as a content specialist, she likes to spend her time cooking, dancing, and painting. She believes that positive thinking is crucial for being happy.

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