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Vasectomy Cost in Ajman, United Arab Emirates

The average cost of Vasectomy in Ajman approximately starts from USD 1000

Treatment and Cost


Total Days
In Country
  • 1 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • 9 Days Outside Hospital

Treatment cost

USD1000 - USD1500

1 Hospitals

Types of Vasectomy in Thumbay University Hospital, Ajman and its associated cost

Treatment OptionApproximate Cost Range (USD)Approximate Cost Range (AED)
Vasectomy (Overall)1373 - 25274922 - 9281
Conventional Vasectomy992 - 20693640 - 7268
No-Scalpel Vasectomy1146 - 24624054 - 9265
  • Address: Thumbay University Hospital - Ajman - United Arab Emirates
  • Facilities related to Thumbay University Hospital, Ajman: Online Doctor Consultation, Post operative followup, Mobility Accessible Rooms, Rehabilitation, Air Ambulance

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Other Related Hospitals

Types of Vasectomy in Kings College Hospital Dubai and its associated cost

Treatment OptionApproximate Cost Range (USD)Approximate Cost Range (AED)
Vasectomy (Overall)1345 - 24244990 - 8914
Conventional Vasectomy1031 - 20533694 - 7292
No-Scalpel Vasectomy1113 - 24664056 - 9190
  • Address: King's College Hospital London, Dubai, East Exit - Al Marabea' Street - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
  • Facilities related to Kings College Hospital Dubai: Choice of Meals, Interpreter, SIM, TV inside room, Accommodation

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About the Vasectomy

A vasectomy is a male birth control method that stops your semen from receiving sperm. The tubes that contain the sperm are cut and sealed to complete the process. Vasectomy is generally performed under local anesthetic in an outpatient environment with minimal risk of complications.

You must be certain that you do not wish to father children in the future before undergoing a vasectomy. Vasectomy should be regarded as a permanent method of male birth control, even though it can be reversed.

Refusing to have sex is the only way to prevent becoming pregnant. On the other hand, extremely few vasectomy procedures fail. Around 1 in 10,000 times after a vasectomy, sperm may be able to pass through the divided ends of the vas deferens. For many years, vasectomy has been a reliable and safe technique of birth control. Following a vasectomy, semen samples are regularly examined to ensure the treatment is effective. You could need a second vasectomy if sperm are still present in your semen samples.

Why is Vasectomy done?

  • Pregnancy can be avoided with a vasectomy almost entirely.
  • A vasectomy is a minimally invasive procedure with little chance of negative outcomes.
  • Vasectomy costs are far lower than the long-term costs of birth control pills for women or female sterilization (tubal ligation).
  • After a vasectomy, you won't need to use birth control methods, such as using a condom, before having intercourse.

How is Vasectomy performed?

  • Vasectomy procedures are available in two types. A no-scalpel vasectomy is the alternative to an incisional vasectomy. Both are carried out in outpatient surgery clinics or physician offices. Both numb your scrotum with a local anesthetic. A shot of anesthetic is administered.
  • The ends of the vas deferens, or the tubes that carry sperm, are divided and closed in both types of vasectomies, blocking sperm from passing through. If a guy ejaculates during an orgasm, this prevents the sperm from combining with semen and releasing it.
  • Your skin will be cut so that your surgeon can access the vas deferens. Next, the vas deferens are separated and either cauterized, cut, or knotted. Close cuts are catered using an electrical current.
  • Few people experience pain after a vasectomy. Although your scrotum will be numb, some men report experiencing a minor "tugging" sensation or the sensation of something moving. Depending on how they typically perform the surgery, your surgeon will determine whether or not you require stitches.

Recovery from Vasectomy

Although it's common to resume sexual activity a week following a vasectomy, it's crucial to understand that the procedure doesn't always function immediately. There will be a lot of sperm "in the pipeline" that takes time to clear after the vasectomy, but no new sperm will be able to enter the semen. To check for sperm in your ejaculate, you should schedule a follow-up semen analysis with your urologist. Use alternate methods of birth control throughout this period.

It can take a variety of times for your ejaculate to be sperm-free. The majority of urologists advise delaying semen testing for at least three months or twenty ejaculations. At that point, one in every 100 men will still have sperm in their ejaculate, and they might have to wait longer for the sperm to discharge. Until a semen study confirms that your vasectomy is effective, you shouldn't assume otherwise.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Vasectomy cost in Ajman?

$1000 is the starting cost of Vasectomy Surgery in Ajman. Only some of the best and certified hospitals in Ajman perform Vasectomyation for international patients.

What are the factors affecting the cost of Vasectomy in Ajman?

The cost of Vasectomy in Ajman may differ from one medical facility to the other. The cost quoted by some of the best hospitals for Vasectomy in Ajman generally covers the pre-surgery investigations of the patient. The treatment cost usually includes the expenses related to hospitalization, surgery, nursing, medicines, and anesthesia. Post-surgical complications, new findings and delayed recovery may have an impact on the total Vasectomy cost in Ajman.

Which are some of the best hospitals in Ajman for Vasectomy

There are many hospitals that perform Vasectomy in Ajman. Some of the most renowned hospitals for Vasectomy in Ajman include the following:

How many days does it take to recover post Vasectomy in Ajman

While the speed of recovery may vary from patient to patient, they are still required to stay for about 9 days after discharge. This duration of stay is recommended to complete all the necessary follow-ups and control tests to ensure that the surgery was successful.

Which are some of the other popular destinations for Vasectomy

Ajman is considered to be one of the best places for Vasectomy in the world. This is because of the availability of some of the best doctors, advanced medical technology and good hospital infrastructure. However, there are other cities as mentioned below that are popular for Vasectomy as well:

How much are the other expenses in Ajman apart from the cost of Vasectomy

There are certain expenses additional to the Vasectomy cost that the patient may have to pay for. These are the charges for daily meals and accommodation outside the hospital. The per day cost in this case may range from 60 USD.

How many days does one have to spend in the hospital for Vasectomy in Ajman?

After the Vasectomy surgery takes place, the average duration of stay at the hospital is about 1 Days. The doctors team review the patient's recovery during this time with the help of blood tests and imaging scans. Once they feel that everything is on track, the patient is discharged.

What is the average rating of Hospitals in Ajman?

The overall rating for hospitals providing Vasectomy in Ajman is 4.1. This rating is calculated based on several parameters such as hygiene, politeness of staff, infrastructure and quality of services

How many hospitals offer Vasectomy in Ajman?

There are around 1 Hospitals hospitals in Ajman that offer Vasectomy to international patients. These hospitals have the required infrastructure and a decided Vasectomy unit where renal failure patients can be treated. Additionally, these hospitals are known to comply with the international standards as well as local legal requirements for the treatment of patients.

Who are the best doctors for Vasectomy in Ajman?

Some of the most sought after doctors for Vasectomy in Ajman are: