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Ear (Pinnaplasty) Surgery Cost in Jelenia Gora

The average cost of Ear Surgery (Pinnaplasty) in Jelenia Gora approximately ranges between USD 2160 to USD 3150

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Total Days
In Country
  • 1 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • 13 Days Outside Hospital

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1 Hospitals

The cost for Ear Surgery (Pinnaplasty) ranges from USD 2160 - 3150 in KCM Clinic

KCM Clinic located in Jelenia Gora, Poland is accredited by ISO. Also listed below are some of the most prominent infrastructural details:

  • Comfort of the patients is the utmost priority of KCM. It provides accommodation facilities in Private and Double rooms with hygienic restrooms
  • Free Wi-fi service available
  • Air-conditioned Exercising rooms
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  • 20 Specialties Centers

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About the Ear Surgery (Pinnaplasty)

Pinnaplasty is a type of a surgical procedure used for the correction of prominent ears. This procedure is also known as otoplasty or ear pinning. This ear plastic surgery is conducted on people of both the sexes and of all ages, who wish to correct their ears that tend to stick out.

Some people may not bother about the “bat” shape of their ears, but, for others, continuous comments from others can lead to distress, particularly during school years. Pinnaplasty is the best and simple procedure that can solve the problem safely and quickly.

Ear pinning surgery involves making an incision just behind the ear in the natural fold where the ear joins the head. This lets the surgeon reshape the year by removing some part of the cartilage. The surgeon can then use permanent internal stitches to keep the ears in their new place.

Who are the best candidates for pinnaplasty?

The best candidates for pinnaplasty include both children and teenagers, although adults may choose to undergo the surgery as well. This surgery is not recommended for children younger than five as their ears will still be growing and developing.

You can go for pinnaplasty if your ears are protruding or sticking out at a prominent angle from your head. Pinnaplasty is typically carried out in people who have one ear that sticks out much more than the other. In such cases, pinnaplasty can restore the symmetry of ears.

How is Ear Surgery (Pinnaplasty) performed?

Pinnaplasty surgery takes about one to one and a half hours. It can be carried out under general anaesthesia. But in some cases, local anaesthesia is also given so that the patient remains pain-free even when he or she wakes up. The doctor will advise which anaesthetic is the most appropriate in your case.

It is must to get rid of any form of hair interference during pinnaplasty, so elastic bands or latex bands can be used to manage hair. This allows the surgical field to remain free from hair.

During pinnaplasty procedure, the surgeon makes incisions behind the ear and the cartilage may be re-shaped, folded or some part of it may be removed. After that, cartilage is pinned down with stitches to hold the ear in its new position. Finally, a dressing is placed to keep the ear comfortable.

After the ear plastic surgery, the patient is taken to the recovery site where he or she is looked after until the effect of anaesthesia gets over. Once the patient is awake again, nursing staff checks the dressing and monitors the pulse and blood pressure at regular intervals.

Recovery from Ear Surgery (Pinnaplasty)

Usually, it takes only a month for full recovery, but it is recommended that patients who have had an ear pinning surgery should avoid playing sports for another month after that. The surgeon typically removes the stitches within 5 to 10 days of the surgery. After a week or two, patients are able to return back to their daily routine.

After pinnaplasty, your ears may feel sore and tender or numb, but it lasts for only a few days. However, you may experience a slight tingling sensation for a few weeks. It is common to have a small scar behind each ear and slight bruising around the ear. Otherwise, ear pinning surgery is a completely safe procedure.

If you have severe pain or if you experience any unexpected symptoms, you should contact the clinic where the pinnaplasty was carried out. The surgeon who treated you is the best person to deal with any complications after pinnaplasty.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Ear Surgery (Pinnaplasty) cost in Jelenia Gora?

The average cost of Ear Surgery (Pinnaplasty) in Jelenia Gora starts from $2160. In Jelenia Gora, Ear Surgery (Pinnaplasty) is conducted across many multispecialty hospitals.

What are the factors affecting the cost of Ear Surgery (Pinnaplasty) in Jelenia Gora?

Ear Surgery (Pinnaplasty) package cost in Jelenia Gora has different inclusions and exclusions. The Ear Surgery (Pinnaplasty) package cost usually includes all the expenses related to pre and post surgery expenses of the patient. The Ear Surgery (Pinnaplasty) package in Jelenia Gora includes the fees of the surgeon, hospitalization and anesthesia as well. Stay outside the package duration, port-operative complications and diagnosis of a new condition may further increase the Ear Surgery (Pinnaplasty) cost in Jelenia Gora.

Which are some of the best hospitals in Jelenia Gora for Ear Surgery (Pinnaplasty)

Ear Surgery (Pinnaplasty) in Jelenia Gora is offered by multiple hospitals across the country. For quick reference, the following are some of the leading hospitals for Ear Surgery (Pinnaplasty) in Jelenia Gora:

How many days does it take to recover post Ear Surgery (Pinnaplasty) in Jelenia Gora

After discharge from the hospital, the patient has to stay for another 13 days in the country for complete recovery. During this time, the patient undergoes medical tests and consultations. this is to ensure that the treatment was successful and the patient us safe to return.

How much are the other expenses in Jelenia Gora apart from the cost of Ear Surgery (Pinnaplasty)

Apart from the Ear Surgery (Pinnaplasty) cost, the patient may have to pay for additional daily expenses such as for guest house after discharge and meals. These are the chanrges for daily meals and hotel stay outside the hospital. The extra charges may vary from 55 USD.

How many days does one have to spend in the hospital for Ear Surgery (Pinnaplasty) in Jelenia Gora?

The average duration of stay at the hospital after Ear Surgery (Pinnaplasty) is about 1 Days for proper care and monitoring. The doctors team review the patient's recovery during this time with the help of blood tests and imaging scans. Once they feel that everything is on track, the patient is discharged.

How many hospitals offer Ear Surgery (Pinnaplasty) in Jelenia Gora?

There are more than 1 Hospitals that offer Ear Surgery (Pinnaplasty) in Jelenia Gora. These hospitals have the required infrastructure and a decided Ear Surgery (Pinnaplasty) unit where renal failure patients can be treated. Such hospitals follow all legal protocols and guidelines as specified by the local medical affairs body when it comes to the treatment of international patients.

Who are the best doctors for Ear Surgery (Pinnaplasty) in Jelenia Gora?

Some of the most sought after doctors for Ear Surgery (Pinnaplasty) in Jelenia Gora are: