Costs Guide to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Treatment in Spain

Costs Guide to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Treatment in Spain

As per the records, Spain remains one of the topmost countries to receive the highest number of candidates willing to resort to artificial methods of fertilization. Among these, approximately 180,000 procedures of IVF have been performed on an annual basis already. Not only the candidates, but almost every hospital in the country has an appreciatively high number of service providers, each of whom is exceptionally trained in the procedure. The popularity is also because of the easy availability of donors and the privacy of the individual which is highly respected. For the last few decades, IVF in Spain has earned extensive popularity due to several reasons, among which, the cost-effective availability of the procedure tops the list. This is also the reason for thousands of people are flocking to Spain to avail the treatment.

Detailed Breakdown of IVF Treatment Costs in Spain

IVF Treatment in Spain Cost in Euro Cost in USD
IVF with own eggs €3600 – €6700 $4062 – $7560
IVF with donor eggs €5900 – €8500 $6657 – $9591
Embryo Monitoring €5900 – €8500 $6323 – $9110
Medical Consultation €195 – €325 $220 – $367
Sperm freezing €500 – €5499 $536 – $5895
Embryo Testing €3265 – €3881 $3500– $6600

Cost in Major City of Spain

City Starting Cost in Euro Starting Cost in USD
Madrid €6840 $7660
Barcelona €8160 $8747
Valencia €6995 $7497
Seville €6530 $7000
Zaragoza €6064 $6500
Malaga €6633 $7110

Cost Comparison with Top Renowned Countries

The cost of IVF in Spain is extremely affordable compared to the other major countries. This affordability attracts many candidates from developed nations seeking IVF treatment.

IVF Treatment Type Spain UK Itlay France Poland
IVF treatment with donor eggs €5,900 – €11,000 €6,000 – €12,000 €5,900 – €10,000 €5,000 – €9,000 €6,000 – €8,000
IVF treatment with the candidate’s own eggs €4,100 – €8,200 €5,000 – €9,000 €3,900 – €8,900 €4,300 – €7,000 €5,100 – €7,200
IVF treatment requiring donor sperm €400 – €1,500 €732 – €2,500 €350 – €1,400 €430 – €1,300 €300 – €1,200

What are the factors affecting the cost of IVF in Spain?

The cost of IVF in Spain is significantly lower and more affordable than in many other countries. This affordability attracts thousands of people from around the world to Spain each year. Unlike the high prices in countries like the USA, Spain offers affordable IVF packages, making it possible for many individuals to fulfill their dreams of having a child. However, several factors can affect the cost of IVF in Spain, including:

  • Requirement of egg donor:  If the candidate uses her own eggs for the IVF procedure, the cost is quite affordable. However, if an egg donor is required, the cost will vary accordingly.
  • The availability of egg donors: Though Spain has a record number of donors, at time of finding a suitable donor for a candidate becomes difficult. In such cases, when egg donors become scarce, the cost of donated eggs may experience a surge. The cost of available eggs may also decrease when there is an excess of donated eggs available in proportion to recipients of same.
  • Special Cases: In some cases, the mother may have some special cases that may require additional medical attention. The candidate may or may not require thorough medical guidance and personalized care, in which case, the cost may be affected to a certain extent.
  • Complications: The rates mentioned by the clinics are for general procedures. However, the candidate may or may not experience certain complications which may or may not need further medical procedures for the safety of both the mother and the child, thereby affecting the cost.
  • Number of trials required: The number of trials required before successfully conceiving and giving birth to a baby affects the cost of the treatment to a great extent. Where some candidates respond swiftly in early procedures, others may experience prolonged periods of trials.
  • Type of IVF required: The type of IVF procedure required by the candidate also affects the cost. This is because, in the case of natural cycle IVF, the candidate does not require exposure to drugs or supplements and can conceive on natural terms. However, in case of repeated treatments with chemicals or supplements, the cost shall differ.

Types of Treatment for IVF available in Spain

Types of In Vitro Fertilization

IVF is the abbreviated form of In vitro Fertilization, which has been one of the most popular methods for artificial fertilization blessing couples for decades. The procedure is ideal for couples who are unable to conceive naturally, due to some in-born disorder or acquired anomaly. The procedure involves the fusion of gametes (ovum from females and sperm from males), outside the human body, in the laboratory in a culture media. After fusion, the fertilized zygote is transferred in the womb of the mother for further growth, and delivery of a healthy baby post the gestation period. However, there are various types of IVF in Spain, which is implemented on the candidates as per the requirement. Thus, the various types of IVF procedures available in Spain based on exposure to drugs are:

Natural Cycle IVF

The natural cycle, as the name suggests involves artificial fertilization without the use of any artificial drugs. This implies that the woman is capable of producing healthy gametes or eggs which can be used for artificial fertilization with sperms. Natural cycle IVF does not involve the use of any artificial supplements chemicals or drugs for gamete production and relies on the natural cycle of the mother. This procedure is favorable among women, who are capable of producing healthy ovum but are still unable to conceive due to lack of proper fertilization. In this case, the doctors should take the released ovum from the fallopian tubes of the mother and fuse it in the artificial culture media, along with the sperm obtained from the father.

The procedure, however, has lesser chances of success than that of the other types of IVF as it solely depends on the natural releasing of the gametes and thus, may be time-consuming given the fact, that only a single ova are released every month.

However, as an added and necessary advantage, the candidate does not experience any kind of side effects during this time, as no drug or supplement is provided.

The couple should also note, that natural cycle IVF in Spain or any part of the world, minimizes the chances of having twins or triplets.

Mild Stimulation IVF

Mild stimulation IVF involves the uses of certain drugs, chemicals, or stimulants that assists in vitro fertilization within a constricted time period. This procedure is mostly adopted by couples who do not want to wait for a prolonged period of trial. Hence, this procedure uses certain drugs like aromatase inhibitors or clomiphene citrate which causes the ovary to produce multiple or more than one number of ova. The procedure is mostly a stimulated type of natural cycle IVF where the drugs may or may not be used by gonadotropin hormones to enhance the chances of gamete production in the mother so that more trials can be performed within a shorter period. The period of ova production is reduced to approximately two weeks in contrast to a month, besides which, the number of ova produced in each time is also increased.

For this procedure, the doctors may also imply Follicle follicle-stimulating hormones or FSH, as well as GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) antagonist in the late follicular phase, if required. The procedure of mild stimulation IVF is cheaper than other stimulated treatments as the time taken is comparatively less thereby reducing the requirement of more procedures and added expenditure. Apart from this, mild stimulation IVF also reduces the chances of multiple pregnancies, which in most cases, has increased the chances of complications.

IVF Maturation

In vitro maturation is adopted by women who struggle with infertility due to faulty maturation of the oocytes. Unlike men, the oocytes in women are formed prior to birth. However, maturation does not occur until puberty, henceforth, one ovum is released from an alternate ovary every month. In contrast to this, some women are unable to produce mature ovum, which becomes the primary cause of infertility or trouble related to pregnancy. In such cases, the in vitro fertilization techniques need to be preceded by maturation of oocytes artificially. In this process, the oocytes are taken out of the ovary and artificially made to mature in a culture media by providing the necessary conditions. Upon maturation, the matured ovum is made to fertilize with sperm in an artificial in vitro culture media resulting in fertilization.

In vitro maturation has earned a high success rate, due to the possibility of retrieving and using some of the immature eggs from the ovary and causing it to mature before IVF. This directly increases the chance of fertilization and also has a higher rate of success within very few trials.

Egg Donation in Spain

One of the prime reasons behind the popularity of IVF in Spain is because of the well-regulated laws implemented by the government. Reproduction laws in Spain have been legalized ever since 1988 and henceforth been obeyed by the hospitals (both Government and private), medical professionals as well as candidates seeking assistance. Issues related to infertility and troubled pregnancies have forever been dealt with thorough attention and medical diligence. Likewise, egg donation in Spain has emerged as one of the most well-organized procedures followed in the entire world thereby earning the country the topmost position and thus, has forever embraced medical tourists from all across the world. One of the biggest reasons is that the country values the privacy of not only the donors but also the receivers. The Identity of both the donor, the receiver as well as the children is protected by strict laws which directly cater to the sentiments of other parties.

Another well-appreciated reason for the popularity of IVF in Spain is the easy availability of egg donors. Spain records the highest number of donors which also explains the easy availability of both eggs and sperm. Besides, it is also counted among the countries that believe in compensating the donors. Thus, irrespective of the unethical cons every donor irrespective of gender is highly paid. In Spain, egg donors are compensated on an average of €800 to €1000 or more, which also explains the willing donation of so many healthy fertile individuals.

Embryo Donation

Embryo Donation is one of the most appreciated procedures on ethical terms. This is because embryo donation is solely performed on grounds of altruism and solitary. Unlike other procedures of egg donation or sperm donation, embryo donors do not receive any kind of monetary compensation. To understand the procedure, embryo donation means donating an embryo that has resulted from the in vitro fertilization of gametes but has not attained any definite destination.
The donated embryos in this procedure are a result of in vitro fertilization from the donated eggs and sperm, which are not accepted by recipients who have already received and successfully conceived. This is done by the consent of the donors, but, the donors are not monetarily compensated and hence, this is done completely on humanitarian grounds, with complete willingness.

As per the laws of embryo donation in Spain, the identity of both the donor and the recipient are kept hidden and protected with strict privacy laws, to not cause any kind of disruption in either family. This is also one of the biggest reasons for adopting to embryo donation as well as resorting to embryo adoption in Spain as the sentiments of individuals and families involved are thoroughly respected and protected with utmost privacy.

IVF Laws in Spain

Spanish fertility laws are the biggest reason for Spain to become one of the most talked about fertility tourism hubs in the entire world. Laws for IVF in Spain are not only well regulated but also followed by the clock, for decades till date. The rules and regulations imposed by the Spanish judiciary have been scrutinized and improvised for the benefit of both the donor and the recipient. The rules are also regulated keeping in mind the sentiments of the parties involved. Hence, individuals above the age of 18, irrespective of their marital status, age, sexual orientation, caste,e or creed can adopt the fertility procedures legally. This has turned out to be the most sought-after blessing for homosexual couples who dream of having a family of their own.

To begin with, IVF in Spain is not a one-step process and involves a lot of personal attention and care to make the candidates comfortable to the umpteenth step. Prior to this, every candidate is thoroughly guided through a step-by-step procedure and is enlightened about the procedure intricately.

IVF laws in Spain for women are not bound to strict marital stringency and are bent to accommodate the sentiments of every woman without any orthodox views. Thus, women, married or unmarried can adapt to the fertility measures and have a child of their own if they are financially independent. Besides, the rules are equally applicable to lesbian couples who are financially capable of raising a child or children.

As per the laws of IVF in Spain, the clinics undertaking the fertility procedures should be duly registered legally, in order to accept candidates. Government or private, all the clinics in Spain are thus, registered and are thoroughly authorized for the same.

No additional monetary donation or bribery for receiving or donating gametes or availing fertility procedures is legally acceptable and is thus, subject to fine and is thereby nowhere practiced in the country. In any case, if approached for the same, the candidates should refrain from indulging and solely stick to the traditional procedures available through authorized paperwork from the clinics.

For availing IVF in Spain, the upper age limit is not fixed. Having said that, the clinics (government or private) mostly accept candidates up to the age of 50 years, for the various in vitro fertilization techniques. However, the best results obtained have been recorded between the ages of 18 years to 35 years, where candidates have shown complete success within a very short time span and fewer trials. With age, the fertility hormones in women start to diminish which creates additional fertility troubles, and thus, more trials may or may not be required to achieve the desired result.

As per the IVF laws in Spain, a maximum of six children are allowed to be conceived from the same donor, and this should not be exceeded. Besides, it has also been stated that embryo transfer per candidate should not exceed more than three, that is utmost three embryo transfers shall be permitted.

IVF Hospistal in Spain

Ruber International Hospital is a state-of-the-art hospital in Madrid, Spain, that has been designed to cater to the needs of international patients and their relatives. It is a multispecialty hospital with advanced medical technology available for the treatment of different disorders and ailments.

The hospital offers comprehensive and personalized care to patients during their stay. In house translators are available to make their stay comfortable and ensure seamless communication.<... Read More




DOCTORS in 13 Specialties


Facilities & Amenities

Centro Medico Teknon


Teknon Medical Center is one of the leading hospitals in the private healthcare sector in Europe. It is located in a privileged area in the heart of Barcelona. Its climate is considered to be extremely conducive to the recovery of the patients.

The hospitals boasts of super-specialization in oncology, cardiovascular surgery, and neurosurgery. It offers a personalized international patient services program to provide the best care to the patients and support to their relatives.

<... Read More




DOCTORS in 13 Specialties


Facilities & Amenities

Quironsalud Barcelona Hospital is built at a very convenient location in Barcelona. The hospital is fully equipped with facilities that are modern and comfortable, guaranteeing the highest level of well-being to the patients and their attendants. The hospital is known to use a personalized approach in providing care to the patients through state-of-the-art medical services and the latest technology.

 Apart from all major specialties, the hospital also provides extensive care ser... Read More




DOCTORS in 13 Specialties


Facilities & Amenities

The IVF hospitals in Spain are scattered all over the country and have been successfully serving the candidates (both national and international) for decades. The clinics are easily accessible by people (native citizens as well as medical tourists), due to their location. Most of the clinics are situated in major cities which makes it easier for the tourists to avail treatments without the hassle of travelling. The IVF clinics in Spain are legally established and are decorated with due authorization which makes it completely safe for the candidates to avail treatment facilities verified by thorough paperwork.

All the clinics are furnished with cutting-edge technology as well as modern and advanced devices which have been thriving with accuracy and have thereby been successful in providing improved results. Besides, every clinic is enriched with the excellence of topmost medical professionals, gynecologists, surgeons and medical support staff which have highly catered to the extreme success rates. The medical professionals are well-trained to deal with medical situations in case of emergency and severe complications and as the record states, have emerged victorious with flying colors. The health of both the mother and the conceived child is given due importance and thus, thoroughly monitored throughout the procedure from beginning to end. Thus, the IVF clinics in Spain which have attained due popularity are:

Top fertility specialists in Spain

Ramon Aurell

Fertility Specialist - Reproductive Endocrinologist

Centro Medico Teknon , Barcelona,Spain

22 Years of experience

Qualification and Experience

Dr Ramon Aurell is a reputed Fertility Specialist in Spain. Dr Aurell has an experience of 22 years as a fertility specialist. Dr Aurell’s areas of interest include assisted reproduction, IVF- ICSI, assisted hatching, Artificial insemination with donor material (IAD).  Dr Aurell graduated from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He underwent specialized... View bio

Antonio Gosalvez

Fertility Specialist - Reproductive Endocrinologist

University Hospital Quironsalud Madrid , Madrid,Spain

25 Years of experience

Qualification and Experience

Dr. Antonio Gosalvez is a fertility specialist working at the Quironsalud Madrid University Hospital, Madrid, Spain. He has over 25 years of experience in his field of medicine. He currently leads a multidisciplinary team of gynaecologists, embryologists, coordinators, and consultation assistants. His care is characterized by a multidisciplinary and personalized approach to each case, a ... View bio

Best fertility specialists in other destinations for video consultation

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Delhi, India

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Shilpa Ghosh

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One of the main reasons for the success and variety of assisted reproductive facilities in Spain is the presence of experienced fertility specialist doctors. These professionals are highly qualified and have developed expertise through decades of practice and experience, enabling them to handle a wide range of situations effectively.

IVF Success Rate in Spain

One of the main reasons for choosing IVF in Spain is its high success rate. According to the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF), Spain has a higher success rate for IVF compared to other countries, with over 80% success in assisted reproduction via in vitro fertilization. This high rate is due to advanced technology, which allows for greater accuracy and precise diagnosis in infertility treatments.

Advantages of undergoing IVF in Spain

The reason behind such a high number of medical tourists seeking for IVF in Spain is not because of the affordable packages only. There are several more advantages attached to availing assisted reproductive procedures available in Spain. Some of the noted advantages among them are:

  • The availability of egg donors: Spain has recorded some of the highest numbers of egg donors available across the world. This means, there is an easy availability of eggs, and thus higher chances of success. Besides, such high availability of donated eggs makes it easier for doctors to find a suitable match for conceiving.
  • Availability of embryo for transfers: In case of an absent male partner or infertile male partner, women or couples may opt for embryo transfers. The country has astounded the world with the easy availability of embryos for IVF transfers. Such embryos are obtained from prior donations where the embryo is not used anymore. This happens in case the couple is able to conceive and the rest of the trials are not required anymore thereby giving the chance to the doctors to preserve the embryos for future use.
  • IVF laws in Spain: The laws of IVF in Spain do not involve many restrictions and are thus, favored by women at large. This is because in Spain, women irrespective of sexual orientation, marital status cast or Creed can legally adopt to assisted reproduction, a financially independent.

Comprehensive discounted packages for In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) 

In Vitro Fertilization

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In Vitro Fertilization

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In Vitro Fertilization

  • Airport Transfers
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Last modified on blank at Jun 03, 2024


Amit Bansal

Amit Bansal is a serial entrepreneur, Co-Founder, and CEO of MediGence. He has more than 17 years of strong technology experience. Having worked for some of the recognized companies in India, Australia and traveled worldwide to help businesses to grow multi-folded under his leadership and strategic guidance.


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