Prostate Cancer Treatment Costs: A Global Overview

Prostate Cancer Treatment Costs: A Global Overview

The prostate is a walnut-sized gland in the male reproductive system that produced seminal fluid. Prostate cancer is characterized by an uncontrolled growth of cells in the prostate that turn cancerous. There are several treatment modalities that are available for patients who are diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer (PCa) is the second most prevalent disease in males to receive a diagnosis; worldwide, it is expected to result in 375,000 deaths and 1.4 million diagnoses in 2020. It is the third most common cause of mortality for males in America and Europe due to cancer and the most common cancer diagnosis for men. However, the death rate associated with prostate cancer is continuously declining. This is primarily because of the advances in the prostate cancer treatment.

Nonetheless, there are millions of men around the world who are currently living with prostate cancer. It is important for men to undergo prostate cancer screening at least once a year after they turn 40 as it helps reduce the cost of treatment later, reduces the chances of dying because of it, and also, makes the treatment and management less complicated.

Late diagnosis of prostate cancer may prove fatal in some cases. Additionally, such cases require tedious medical and surgical management and the duration of treatment is typically longer than a patient who diagnosed with it at an early stage. All these reasons increase the total cost of prostate cancer treatment.

The Average Cost of Prostate Cancer Treatment: Top Countries

Like any other cancer, prostate cancer treatment is delivered with the help of different modalities. Thus, the total treatment package cost differs from one patient to the other. The selection of treatment modalities that are best expected to work in the case of patients further depends on certain factors, including the following:

  • Age of the patient
  • The weight of the patient
  • Type of prostate cancer
  • The extent of cancer (Stage and grade)
  • The overall health of the patient
  • Previous medical history

A surgery is most often recommended for prostate cancer patients. However, again, the selection of treatment mode depends on the patient’s health and the extent of cancer. The following table highlights the average cost of prostate cancer surgery options in some of the top medical tourism destinations in the world:

Procedure Radical Prostatectomy (Laser) Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP)
India $6500 $9000
Thailand $14920 $23000
Singapore $8000 $17000
UAE $6000 $29800
Turkey $5000 $16620
US $10000 $30000

There are several other types of prostate cancer surgeries apart from prostatectomy and TURP. Two of the other types of surgeries include CyberKnife treatment (da Vinci), high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), cryosurgery, and orchiectomy. However, these two forms of surgeries are less common and largely depend on the preference of the surgeon and the condition of the patient.

The exact prostate cancer surgery cost depends on several factors. The following are some of the factors that dictate the overall prostate cancer surgery cost:

  • The type of incision and its location
  • The type of technology used (laser, laparoscopic, or robotic)
  • Type of procedure (open or minimally invasive)

Other Treatment Options For Prostate Cancer

There are several other prostate cancer treatment options that are available for the patients. Chemotherapy is one of the other popular treatment modality that may be used after surgery for patients with the cancer of the prostate.

The following table highlights the average cost of chemotherapy for prostate in some of the top medical tourism destinations in the world:

Countries Cost of Chemotherapy (USD)
India 600-1100
Thailand 553-3360
Singapore 300-1700
UAE 910-2867
Turkey 446-2060
US 1000-12000

Apart from chemotherapy, some of the other treatment methods include the following:

  • Brachytherapy
  • Hormone therapy
  • External beam radiotherapy

Thus, the total cost of prostate cancer treatment varies greatly from one individual to another, depending on the individual medical case.

Factors Affecting Prostate Cancer Treatment Cost

Apart from the type of surgery or treatment and the choice of technology, the following are some of the factors that affect the overall prostate cancer treatment cost:

Pre-surgery Costs Surgery Cost Post-surgery Costs
  • Surgery team fees
  • Anesthesia charges
  • OT charges
  • Other consumables and medicines
  • Blood transfusion, if needed
  • ICU charges
  • Use of technology
  • Cost of urinary catheter
  • Medications for pain relief
  • Other special consumables
  • Hospital bed charges
  • Any additional service availed
  • Any other consultation
  • Complications management
  • Unanticipated care
  • Follow-up cost
  • PSA tests
  • Screening for cancer recurrence

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Cervical Cancer Treatment: Symptoms, Classification, Diagnosis & Recovery

Chemotherapy: Symptoms, Classification, Diagnosis & Recovery

Colorectal Cancer ( Colon Cancer ) Treatment: Symptoms, Classification,

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Some of the Top Prostate Cancer Specialists Globally for Video Consultation

Emel Ceylan Gunay

Radiation Oncologist

Istanbul, Turkey

Book @ USD 250

Amit Bhargava

Medical Oncologist

Delhi, India

Book @ USD 28

Naveen Sanchety

Surgical Oncologist

Faridabad, India

Book @ USD 40

There are Some of the World’s Best Cancer Specialists for Prostate Cancer Treatment

Emel Ceylan Gunay

Cancer Specialist - Radiation Oncologist

Liv Hospital Ulus , Istanbul,Turkey

17 Years of experience

Qualification and Experience

Dr Emel Gunay is a distinguished nuclear medicine specialist at the Liv Hospital Ulus, Istanbul, Turkey. She specialises in Nuclear Oncology, Radionuclide Therapies and Routine Nuclear Medicine Applications. She obtained her medical education from the Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine. She also obtained her degree in nuclear medicine from the Hacettepe University... View bio

Amit Bhargava

Cancer Specialist - Medical Oncologist

Fortis Flt. Lt. Rajan Dhall Hospital , Delhi,India

16 Years of experience

Overview of Doctor Profile

A surgeon par excellence, Dr. Amit Bhargava qualifies as among the most sought after Oncologist in the New Delhi, India. A doctor with outstanding credentials, the doctor is known to guarantee efficiency and safety when performing different kinds of procedures as he keeps abreast of latest developments in his specialty. The specialist holds a very degree of experience with over 16 years of experience. Some o... View bio

Naveen Sanchety

Cancer Specialist - Surgical Oncologist

Asian Institute of Medical Sciences , Faridabad,India

10 of experience

Qualification and Experience of Dr. Naveen Sanchety

Dr. Naveen Sanchety has more than 10 years of experience in the field of surgical oncology. A respected figure in his field, Dr. Sanchety is well-known for delivering evidence-based care to his patients. He provides comprehensive cancer care and employs a patient-centric approach to obtain the best results for his cancer patients. Over the years, he has gained proficiency in performi... View bio


Last modified on blank at May 22, 2024



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