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ERCP (Diagnostic) Surgery Cost in Reading

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  • 3 Days Outside Hospital

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1 Hospitals

Circle Reading Hospital is a multispecialty hospital located in Reading, Berkshire. The infrastructure of the hospital is such that the patient is exposed to the luxurious and friendly environment and not something that seems daunting to them. The hospital offers a wide range of diagnostic and treatment services circle Reading Hospital is a multispecialty hospital located in Reading, Berkshire. The infrastructure of the hospital is such that the patient is exposed to the luxurious and friendly environment and not something that seems daunting to them. The hospital offers a wide range of diagnostic and treatment services to its patients, allowing them to choose the services that they wish to avail themselves in a hassle-free manner. 

Keeping the quality in mind that the patient demands, the hospital has associated itself with some of the best consultants from Berkshire. The presence of some of the most experienced specialists from varied backgrounds, allows the hospital to have an environment that ensures the best possible clinical care for the patients. 

The hospital offers treatment across 15+ specialties and some of the most popular treatments are offered for hip, knee, back, foot & ankle, gastroenterology, gynecology, shoulder & elbow, and gastroenterology.

Circle Reading Hospital offers a very warm and comfortable environment to the patients, from the moment they enter the building, whether for consultation or inpatient stay. 

  • Patient-friendly inpatient rooms
  • 15+ Specialties
  • Especially known for orthopedics and spine surgery
  • Innovative technology

Facilities Provided: 

  • Inpatient rooms with TV, music, and films
  • Private bedrooms with en-suite walk-in shower room
  • Complimentary Wi-Fi
  • Free on-site parking
  • On-site cafe

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We, The London Clinic family, take pride in our reputation as a multi-disciplined healthcare facility. With skilled nurses and expert consultants, our medical teams are always focused to deliver the best individualized medical care. More than 1,000 nursing, clinical, and support staff are currently working with us to give our patients an extensive range of treatments. We use cutting-edge technologies to ensure a comprehensive range of healthcare services. Not only that, in order to make your stay with us comfortable enough, we equip our patient bedrooms with:

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  • En-suite bathroom
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  • Personal safe
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Patients from all over the world fly to us to get their procedures done by our specialist doctors, which is why we also provide our patient's concierge services. Our concierge services include:

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The London Clinic has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to hygiene and cleanliness. Our dedicated housekeeping team cleans every room every day between 8.00 am and 5.00 pm. They are also entitled to supply fresh towels every day and clean the rooms properly between patients.

We also have a day surgery unit based on the third floor at 20 Devonshire Place to make sure a hassle-free surgery as well as post-surgery care for our patients. Our cancer care unit at 22 Devonshire Place is also among our key services.

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About the ERCP (Diagnostic)

ERCP procedure or Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography is an assessment as well as a procedure meant for rectifying problems in bile and pancreatic ducts. This is considered to be a very critical and life saving procedure involving an endoscope. Examination of critical areas needs to be done and rectification has to be done immediately with planned procedural steps.

Who needs an ERCP?

An ERCP procedure is recommended in order to diagnose the status of bile ducts and the pancreas and if there are problems discovered during diagnosis then they are treated as well. The procedure is appropriate in order to do evaluation of symptoms that are suggestive of certain diseases prevalent in these organs. It is also used as a method of reconfirmation of abnormal results generated from ultrasound, CT scan or imaging tests and blood tests. If CT scan reveals abnormal mass or stones in these organs then ERCP is recommended.

The procedure can even be performed before and after a gall bladder surgery to help in the conducted operation’s performance in overall. If there are stones or tumours of both cancerous and non cancerous nature then they can be removed with the help of ERCP procedure from bile ducts and pancreas. If there have been any complications noted during gall bladder surgery then those can also be diagnosed with the help of this. Patients having any pancreatic disease or suspected disorder for them the ERCP method can suggest the requirement of surgery and the type of surgery that may be best for the treatment. In some cases pancreatic stones can be addressed and removed with the help of ERCP procedure.

Causes of ERCP

Causes of the problems are mainly because of narrowing or blockage of the bile ducts and pancreatic duct. Gall stones are formed and they get stuck to the common bile duct thus requiring surgical interventions. Gall stones are usually formed of cholesterol in maximum cases while for 20% cases it is a result of calcium and pigments like bilirubin giving rise to stones. Other causes can be imbalance of diet and irregular lifestyle giving rise to infection. Alcohol drinking and fatty food consumption results in acute and chronic pancreatitis.

Symptoms of ERCP

The way to know that you may be a patient requiring ERCP is:

  • Abdominal cramps
  • Fever and Nausea
  • Vomiting tendency with occasional bleeding
  • Irritation felt in the stomach
  • General fatigue experienced


How is ERCP (Diagnostic) performed?

The surgery technique makes use of a combination of luminal endoscopy compiled with fluoroscopic technique of imaging for the purpose of diagnosing and performs treatment of conditions that are associated with pancreatobiliary system. A side viewing instrument named the duodenoscope is utilized in the endoscopic portion that is made to travel through the esophagus and reach the stomach to access the duodenum’s second portion which is the part of small intestine.

In ERCP Sphincterotomy both fluoroscope and endoscope are employed and deep cannulation is done of the bile duct which is then followed by the sphincter of Oddi’s severance with electrocautery (heating).

Coming back to conventional ERCP, next the duodenal pailla is identified with the scope in the position discussed above and further inspection is carried out to find any abnormalities. The duodenal papilla is like a structural protrusion of the ampulla of Vater or the hepatopancreatic ampulla into the duodenal lumen. The ventral pancreatic duct and the common bile duct have a convergence point and that is this ampulla. So this ampulla behaves like a channel for draining pancreatic secretions and bile into the duodenum.

If contrast is injected into the pancreatic duct or if the pancreatic duct gets cannulated for quite a number of times then a temporary pancreatic duct stent placement or rectally administered NSAIDS (diclofenac or indomethacin) has to be considered. This has to be considered aiming to reduce the post-ERCP pancreatitis (PEP) risks. For PEP prophylaxis these two prevention modalities have shown some promise.  Somatostatin, gabexate, heparin, nitroglycerin, allopurinol, steroids, octreotide and many more pharmacological agents have been studied but the results found were pretty disheartening.

In the second portion or segment of the duodenum, the minor duodenal papilla is also located and it behaves like an access point for the dorsal pancreatic duct. Dorsal pancreatic duct’s evaluation with ERCP is seldom performed and the ERCP indications are further discussed below:

With the side viewing endoscope the papilla is closely examined and then selective cannulation of the ventral pancreatic duct or common bile duct is performed. Once the cannulation of the selected duct is performed then either pancreatogram of the pancreatic duct or cholngiogram of common bile duct is obtained fluoroscopically with the injection of a material that is radiopaque contrasting in nature is done into the duct. These days ERCP is considered by surgeons like a therapeutic surgery where abnormalities that are observed via a fluoroscope can be particularly addressed by the methods of specialized accessories that can be passed via the endoscope’s working channel.

This procedure is a very advanced process and as a result of this serious complications tend to occur at a higher frequency than many other endoscopic processes. As per that special training and specialized devices and equipments are employed and for appropriate indications only this procedure is employed.

Indications that have been recorded for biliary diseases are given below:

Assessment of biliary obstruction and its treatment secondary to choledocholithiasis- if ascending cholangitis, worsening pancreatitis or worsening jaundice which are persistent are present then Precholecystectomy ERCP may be indicated.

  • With intraoperative cholnagiography or common bile duct exploration without the extraction of stone, treatment of choledocholithiasis is identified during cholcystectomy.
  • Bile duct stricture assessment and subsequent treatment- bening and malignat strictures and and congenital abnormalities of the bile duct.
  • Postoperative complications
  • Postoperative biliary leaks’ treatment and assessment
  • Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction of selected patients, their assessment with treatment with little benefit in modified Milwaukee classification type III patients
  • For recurrent and acute pancreatitis for which the underlying cause is unknown in patients; their treatment followed after assessment
  • Symptomatic strictures associated with chronic pancreatitis; assessment and treatment
  • Symptomatic pancreatic duct stones; their treatment after assessment
  • Symptomatic duct stones’ assessment and treatment

Pancreatic malignancies can be diagnosed and the indications are:

  • Biopsy and brushing of the bile duct
  • Pancreatoscopy
  • Intraductal ultrasonography

There are also indications for ampullary diseases like

  • Assessment of ampullary malignancy
  • Ampullary adenomas’ assessment and treatment

If a patient has the possibilities of developing post ERCP pancreatitis, then the process of diagnosis grows apparent within some hours after the procedure. The patient shall experience severe pain in abdomen back pain and nauseated feelings may be accompanied with vomiting sensation) and some amount of fever is also common. But then the observation period does not stretch beyond an hour after the ERCP procedure and is not enough time for checking for post ERCP Pancreatitis. For evolving post ERCP pancreatitis a two hour serum or urinary amylase level (>1000IU/L) is highly predictive if the patient can be kept under observation for a longer duration of time.

Another kind of procedure closely related to ERCP is the employment of miniature endoscopes that can be inserted via the operating channel of the duodenoscope. These can be directly inserted into the pancreatic or the bile duct. The interior side of the duct can be visualized and accordingly biopsies can be taken. There remain other possibilities for therapeutic interventions.

If in the common bile duct the bile duct stones are seen then the opening of the papilla will be made wider with the help of electrocautery or heating and then the stones are removed. For removal of stones sometimes a basket may be employed. If the narrowing of the bile duct is seen in the X-ray images then a small wire mesh or plastic tube which is a stent can be inserted to facilitate the bypassing of the blockage and allow the bile to move to the duodenum. Very mild pain after ERCP stent placement is felt.

ERCP Complications

ERCP complication chances are vastly reduced when performed by expert surgeons but still there persists some amount of complications like:

  • Pancreatitis or inflammation of the pancreas is the commonly occurring complication found in 3 to 5% of the patients undergoing the surgery. Usually it is mild causing nausea and pain in the abdomen region which can be treated during the stay in hospital. It is very rare that pancreatitis grows severe during ERCP.
  • A cut into the ampulla becomes necessary by the endoscopist and as soon as that happen some amount of bleeding can occur at the site of the cut ampulla. However it is minimal and stops in sometime all by itself or it can be controlled during the surgery.
  • A tear or hole in the intestine can happen accidentally due to the insertion of the scope or any other instrument. This happens rarely but when it occurs it is a serious condition requiring immediate surgical intervention.
  • Infection or cholangitis is also very rare in the bile ducts but if it occurs among patients with preexisting conditions then treatment has to be started where antibiotics need to be administered and drainage of excess fluids need to be carried out.

If by accident food or fluid is inhaled in the lungs then that can be a complication but it rarely occurs in patients who do not drink and eat several hours prior before the ERCP test.

Recovery from ERCP (Diagnostic)

Aftercare and recovery

 As the sedative medications start wearing off the patient will be observed for further complications. The medicines administered causes drowsiness and there are difficulties observed in concentration so a patient will be advised to stay away from work.

The discomfort as most patients have expressed is a feeling of bloating which is a result of the introduction of air in the system during the time of examination but this problems can be quickly fixed.  Some patients experience a throat sore which is very mild usually.

Most patient are in a condition to drink clear liquid after the test and in some scenario blood tests have to be conducted right after the ERCP procedure. If biopsy samples have been taken then they are required to be sent to the lab for further analysis right after the procedure.

Some amount of fatigue is very common during the recovery period and for abnormal temperatures observed one should immediately inform the clinical team to check for the conditions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the factors affecting the cost of ERCP (Diagnostic) in Reading?

ERCP (Diagnostic) package cost in Reading has different inclusions and exclusions. There are many hospital who cover the cost of pre-surgical investigations of the patient in the treatment package. Typically, the package cost of ERCP (Diagnostic) in Reading includes the expenses related to the surgeon's fee, anesthesia, hospital, meals, nursing and ICU stay. There are many things that may increase the cost of ERCP (Diagnostic) in Reading, including prolonged hospital stay and complications after the procedure.

Which are some of the best hospitals in Reading for ERCP (Diagnostic)

Many hospitals in Reading perform ERCP (Diagnostic). Some of the most renowned hospitals for ERCP (Diagnostic) in Reading include the following:

How many days does it take to recover post ERCP (Diagnostic) in Reading

While the speed of recovery may vary from patient to patient, they are still required to stay for about 3 days after discharge. During this time, the patient undergoes medical tests and consultations. this is to ensure that the treatment was successful and the patient us safe to return.

Which are some of the other popular destinations for ERCP (Diagnostic)

One of the topmost destinations for ERCP (Diagnostic) is Reading. It has a variety of accredited hospital, affordable cost of treatment and some of the best medical fraternity. However, some of the other popular destinations for ERCP (Diagnostic) include the following:

How much are the other expenses in Reading apart from the cost of ERCP (Diagnostic)

There are certain expenses additional to the ERCP (Diagnostic) cost that the patient may have to pay for. These charges may vary from 55 USD per person.

How many hospitals offer ERCP (Diagnostic) in Reading?

There are around 1 Hospitals hospitals in Reading that offer ERCP (Diagnostic) to international patients. These hospitals have the required infrastructure and a decided ERCP (Diagnostic) unit where renal failure patients can be treated. These hospitals comply with all the rules and regulations as dictated by the regulatory bodies and medical association in Reading