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Nasal Polyp Surgery Cost in Budapest

The average cost of Nasal Polyp Surgery in Budapest approximately starts from USD 1800

Treatment and Cost


Total Days
In Country
  • 1 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • 9 Days Outside Hospital

Treatment cost

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1 Hospitals

Dr. Rose Private Hospital located in Budapest, Hungary is accredited by JCI. Also listed below are some of the most prominent infrastructural details:

  • Latest equipments and a daily focus on increasing the areas of specialisation
  • The hospital upgraded their patient care services with obstetrics and professional healthcare services in 2010.
  • It was in 2013 that Modern occupational healthcare services became operational.
  • Plethora of services available that cater to corporate houses
  • Group health insurance packages available

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About the Nasal Polyp Surgery

Nasal polyps are fleshy swellings or polypoidal, benign/non-cancerous masses that develop in the lining of the nose and paranasal sinuses. They usually occur in both nostrils, though unilateral polyps rarely occur. Polyp formation in the nasal cavity is due to chronic allergic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, and, less commonly due to underlying disease such as cystic fibrosis.

Patients with large polyps present with nasal obstruction (breathing difficulty), persistent nasal discharge (rhinorrhea), sinus infection, and loss of the sense of smell (anosmia) for a prolonged duration.

How is Nasal Polyp Surgery performed?

Surgical removal of nasal polyps


It is usually done to remove polyps that are closer to the nasal opening.

Anesthesia: Local

Procedure: Initially the local anesthetic is applied to the surgical site which helps to numb the area. To carry out the surgical process, forceps or a microdebrider is used. The polyps are removed from posterior to anterior direction. Vasoconstriction is applied topically following the polyp removal, which helps to minimize bleeding along with placement of an absorbable dressing.

2) Endoscopic Sinus Surgery:

Polyps which are large and obstructive and which are not effectively managed with medications such as steroids are removed by this endoscopic sinus surgical method. This procedure helps to improve airflow through the nasal passage as well as improves sinus drainage and sense of smell and taste.

Anesthesia: General
Length of stay in hospital: 1 day, overnight stay not required

Procedure: An optical tube with a video camera at one end (endoscope) is passed into the nostrils by the surgeon. This allows them to see inside of nose and sinuses. Once the location of nasal polyps has been identified, then specialized instruments such as micro-debrider (a tiny motorized revolving shaver) are passed through the nostrils to grasp and remove the polyps in an effective and safe manner.

Sometimes, a laser device is used instead of micro-debrider along with the endoscope. The nasal passages are irrigated with warm water solution prior to the use of laser energy, to facilitate vasoconstriction. The laser device passes laser energy at various power settings, initially at low power setting followed by higher up to a level where it successfully eliminates the polyps.

Sinus surgery cost varies from hospital to hospital and country to country.

Recovery from Nasal Polyp Surgery

Post-operative care

Long-term steroidal nasal spray therapy is recommended post-surgery, to delay the recurrence of the polyps quickly.

Common problems associated with endoscopic sinus surgery include:

  • Crusting inside the nose
  • Persistent bleeding from the nose
  • Risk of Infection at the site of the surgery
  • Recurrence of the polyps
  • Patients who have undergone endoscopic sinus surgery will experience an improvement in their symptoms.
  • Recurrence of the polyps is common usually within a few years.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Nasal Polyp Surgery cost in Budapest?

In Budapest, the average starting cost for Nasal Polyp Surgery is $1800. Nasal Polyp Surgery in Budapest is available across many hospitals in different states.

What are the factors affecting the cost of Nasal Polyp Surgery in Budapest?

Nasal Polyp Surgery cost in Budapest varies from one hospital to the other. The cost quoted by some of the best hospitals for Nasal Polyp Surgery in Budapest generally covers the pre-surgery investigations of the patient. The comprehensive Nasal Polyp Surgery package cost includes the cost of investigations, surgery, medicines and consumables. Stay outside the package duration, port-operative complications and diagnosis of a new condition may further increase the Nasal Polyp Surgery cost in Budapest.

Which are some of the best hospitals in Budapest for Nasal Polyp Surgery

There are several best hospitals for Nasal Polyp Surgery in Budapest. Some of the most renowned hospitals for Nasal Polyp Surgery in Budapest include the following:

How many days does it take to recover post Nasal Polyp Surgery in Budapest

The recovery of the patient many vary, depending on several factors. However, on an average, patient is supposed to stay for about 9 days in the country after discharge. This is important to ensure that the surgery was successful. During this time, control and follow-up tests take place to check for medical fitness.

How much are the other expenses in Budapest apart from the cost of Nasal Polyp Surgery

Apart from the Nasal Polyp Surgery cost, the patient may have to pay for additional daily expenses such as for guest house after discharge and meals. These are the charges for daily meals and accommodation outside the hospital. The per day cost in this case may range from 65 USD.

How many days does one have to spend in the hospital for Nasal Polyp Surgery in Budapest?

The patient has to spend about 1 Days in the hospital after Nasal Polyp Surgery for proper recovery and to get clearance for discharge. This time frame is important for the patient to recover properly and feel comfortable after the surgery. With the help of several tests, it is determined that the patient is doing fine after the surgery and is okay to be discharged.

How many hospitals offer Nasal Polyp Surgery in Budapest?

There are around 1 Hospitals hospitals in Budapest that offer Nasal Polyp Surgery to international patients. These hospitals have the required expertise as well as infrastructure available to handly patients who need Nasal Polyp Surgery. Apart from good services, the hospitals are known to follow all standard and legal guidelines as dictated by the local medical affairs body or organization.

Who are the best doctors for Nasal Polyp Surgery in Budapest?

Some of the most sought after doctors for Nasal Polyp Surgery in Budapest are: