A Patient from Somalia underwent Right Lung Resection in Turkey

A Patient from Somalia underwent Right Lung Resection in Turkey
  • Patient Name : Abdi Ali Osman
  • From Country : Somalia
  • Destination Country : Turkey
  • Procedure : Right Lung Resection
  • Hospital : Medicana Camlica Hospital, Istanbul

MediGence helped me undergo this life saving critical surgery successfully and ensured that I receive the best treatment in the process.

Mr Abdi Ali Osman, 50, a Somalian national was diagnosed with a critical large tumour on his lung. The tumour was pressing his heart and was causing continuous cough which worsened every day. Mr Abdi Ali Osman wanted the best treatment option made available to him hence searched the internet.

Mr Abdi Ali Osman decided that the best treatment for him would be available abroad and decided to pursue overseas surgery options. He came across MediGence and contacted us by sending in an enquiry form.

Our case manager requested Mr Osman to share all his medical records, scans and reports to come up with the best expert options. Mr Abdi Ali Osman was provided with multiple experts and destinations all providing quality and affordable healthcare. Mr Abdi Ali Osman chose the trusted Medicana Camlica Hospital in Istanbul, Turkey under the expert oncologist Dr Cuneyt Aydemir.

Mr Abdi Ali Osman arrived in Turkey on the 15th of August and was received by the hospital staff at the airport. Mr Osman was accompanied by his two sons as his attenders. He was transferred to Medicana Camlica Hospital where he underwent a series of tests and consultations. Based on the reports and scans the doctor mapped out his treatment plan effectively and decided to perform Right Lung Resection. Since the tumour was pressing on his heart, the surgery was complicated and involved high risk. Under the expertise of Dr Aydemir, he was constantly monitored both pre and post-surgery. The staffs at the prestigious Medicana Camlica Hospital were well trained and had the expertise to handle such a complicated case.

Dr Cuneyt Aydemir successfully performed a Right Lung Resection and removed the large tumour on his lung. The continuous cough also subsided after a few days after the tumour removal thus indicating his improvement and recovery. His hospital stay lasted for 10 days after the surgery during which he was provided round the clock quality healthcare by the hospital staffs.

Mr Osman who stayed in the hospital for 10 days, after consultations and continuous monitoring were discharged from the hospital. MediGence provided with many staying options in the country and the patient chose the best according to his budget. The stay in the country helped him in ensuring his post-op checkups. Dr Aydemir provided the best care and always ensured that the patient was comfortable.


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MediGence ensured that Mr Abdi Ali Osman received the best possible treatment and didn’t limit itself to only the hospital and doctor selection. MediGence provided hospital transfer co-ordination, Airport picks up co-ordination, hospital appointments co-ordination. MediGence also organized his follow-up consultation in the hospital with the expert Oncologist.

Mr Osman stayed in the country for around 20 days enjoying the best care and culture of the country. Mr Osman is highly grateful to Medicana Camilca Hospital and to MediGence for helping him undergo this life saving critical surgery successfully and ensuring that he received the best treatment in the process.

Team MediGence wishes a very healthy and happy future to Mr Abdi Ali Osman.

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Founded in 1999, Medicana Camlica is a specialty hospital of the Medicana Group which is well known for its world-class healthcare services in Turkey.This 150 bedded hospital performs 8000 angiography procedures and 1500 by-pass procedures per year. Also the hospital operates 24 hrs in 9 branches which include - Internal Disease, Cardiology, Gynaecology, General ... Read More




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  • ISO 9001
  • Joint Commission International, or JCI

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DOCTORS in 12 Specialties


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Connect Online with the Cancer Specialist for Lung Cancer Treatment from the comfort of your home

Emel Ceylan Gunay

Radiation Oncologist

Istanbul, Turkey

Book @ USD 250

Ogun Ersen

Surgical Oncologist

Izmir, Turkey

Book @ USD 75

Meltem Topalgokceli Selam

Medical Oncologist

Istanbul, Turkey

Book @ USD 230

Last modified on blank at Feb 22, 2022


Amit Bansal

Amit Bansal is a serial entrepreneur, Co-Founder, and CEO of MediGence. He has more than 17 years of strong technology experience. Having worked for some of the recognized companies in India, Australia and traveled worldwide to help businesses to grow multi-folded under his leadership and strategic guidance.


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