Patient from Nigeria underwent a BT Shunt Surgery in India

Patient from Nigeria underwent a BT Shunt Surgery in India
  • Patient Name : Saidu Alamin
  • From Country : Nigeria
  • Destination Country : India
  • Procedure : BT Shunt Surgery
  • Hospital : Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, Delhi

10 months old baby Saidu was experiencing difficulty in breathing and body weakness. The child’s parents took him to a hospital in Nigeria for a health examination.


10 months old baby Saidu was experiencing difficulty in breathing and body weakness. The child’s parents took him to a hospital in Nigeria for a health examination.

Upon health check-up, it was confirmed by the doctor that the child is facing a breathing issue because the breathing canal of the child was very narrow. Owing to which he could not breathe smoothly and his Oxygen level was fluctuating. As a result, not just the child’s breathing was affected but he was also becoming weaker by the day.

Mr. and Mrs. Alamin started looking for better treatment options for Baby Saidu and came across MediGence online. Team MediGence, upon receiving his query took up the case without lagging any time and proposed the best possible treatment options for Baby Saidu. The intent was to connect them with the treatment facility and expert surgeons for their child’s treatment.

Taking all the research into consideration and committed assistance by MediGence, Mr. and Mrs. Alamin chose Dr. Muthu Jyoti, Paediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi. Dr. Jyoti is one of the best surgeons for Paediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery and is reputed for his precisions and dedicated surgeries with immense care.


Mr. and Mrs. Alamin arrived in India on 2nd August 2019. On arrival, they were received by the MediGence team and were taken to the hospital straight away. The child’s initial consultations were made under the care of Dr. Muthu Jyoti. After the consultation and examinations, the doctor found out that the child is very weak and admitted the child immediately under his supervision. The child underwent an Echocardiography test. Based on the reports, Dr. Jyoti advised BT shunt surgery for the child and scheduled it for the next day.


As scheduled, Baby Saidu underwent the Blalock-Taussig Surgery on the 3rd of August. In the BT Surgery, the shunt creates a detour that allows enough blood to pass through the lungs and pick up more oxygen. This way, BT shunts helps in resolving the breathing problem.


The surgery was conducted successfully and Baby Saidu can now breathe comfortably. He is not experiencing any difficulty in breathing now like he was experiencing earlier.

After monitoring Baby Saidu’s recovery and ensuring all body functions were stable, he was discharged on 9th August.

Mr. and Mrs. Alamin are also happy with the overall patient care experience received by the doctor, hospital facility and team MediGence.

They plan to stay in Delhi until the 22nd of August and visit its places and enjoy its cuisine. Team MediGence wishes Baby Saidu a very well and a speedy recovery!


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Last modified on blank at Jan 22, 2024


Amit Bansal

Amit Bansal is a serial entrepreneur, Co-Founder, and CEO of MediGence. He has more than 17 years of strong technology experience. Having worked for some of the recognized companies in India, Australia and traveled worldwide to help businesses to grow multi-folded under his leadership and strategic guidance.


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