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Abdi Ali Osman : Lung Cancer Treatment In Turkey
Abdi Ali Osman


Lung Cancer Treatment
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Horst Kruessmann - Post Surgery in India
Horst Kruessmann


Horst Kruessmann from Germany Underwent Renal Transplant Surgery in India
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Ms. Bobylev Lyudmila Underwent Robotic Double Knee Replacement Surgery
Ms. Bobylev Lyudmila


Ms. Bobylev Lyudmila Underwent Robotic Double Knee Replacement Surgery in India
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Frequently Asked Questions

MediGence is a pioneer in making global healthcare accessible and affordable by using technology. You can explore numerous treatment options, which are performed by the board-certified & globally renowned specialists in 25+ countries.We've assisted patients from over 80+ countries and we take pride to serve our patients with a seal of trust.

We are committed to providing our patients with the best recommendations for treatment overseas based on their health conditions and preferences. MediGence has a global network of over 8000+ board-certified and top-rated doctors from 25+ countries. We make sure that your medical journey is easy, affordable, & hassle-free. Our patient concierge services can help you with a variety of unmatched benefits, including visa assistance, logistics arrangements, accommodations, room upgrades, airport transfers, billing and negotiations and turn-key case management.

No, we do not charge anything over and above the treatment cost. With MediGence, there will not be any hidden or additional costs as we provide transparency in our entire treatment plan. With MediGence, hospital prices never increased.

Based on your diagnosis, symptoms, and medical records, our team will review them and get back to you with suitable recommendations. We will then help you walk through the options to help you choose one of them that is most suitable.

Saving & improving lives is our passion. We've always worked for excellence and increased our service offerings to better serve our patients' healthcare needs and improve their quality of life. To date, we have assisted 100,000+ patients from 80+ countries.

The field of medical treatment abroad is constantly growing and there are many options available to the people seeking quality care. Medical tourism has emerged as an enormous field and enables people to receive advanced treatments at a competitive cost they would pay in their home countries.

What are the benefits of Medical Tourism?

Following are the several reasons why medical tourism is gaining popularity:

  • Cost Savings: The majority of people opt for medical tourism due to the affordable medical treatment and the difference between procedures performed abroad and locally. High healthcare expenses in developed countries can make necessary treatments seem out of reach. Medical tourism destinations, on the other hand, can deliver the same level of treatment for 50-80% less because of lower overseas surgery packages, government subsidies, and favorable currency exchange rates.
  • Advanced Medical Facilities: Modern technology and trained medical professionals are no longer only available in developed countries. Many medical tourism locations have modern healthcare infrastructure with the latest medical technology and skilled doctors, surgeons, and nurses trained at renowned institutions globally.
  • Reduced Waiting periods: In some countries, patients experience extended wait times for important procedures due to overcrowded healthcare systems. Medical tourism provides a solution by allowing people to quicken up their treatment and receive care quickly.
  • Specialized Procedures: Certain treatments may not be offered in your own country but Medical tourism centers frequently specialize in certain treatments, inviting patients seeking advanced methods or exclusive expertise that can't be found elsewhere.

Top Medical Tourism Destinations:

The medical tourism sector is very vast globally, with multiple nations competing for the top location. Following are some of the most highly demanded locations:

  • Thailand:Thailand is a leading destination in medical tourism, offering a combination of affordability, advanced medical facilities, and a friendly tourist environment. It meets a wide spectrum of medical demands, from world-class orthopedic centers to well-known dental facilities.
  • India:India is growing rapidly as a medical tourism industry, with highly qualified medical experts, accredited hospitals, and affordable prices. From cardiac surgery to knee replacements, India offers a wide spectrum of treatments at significantly lower costs thanoverseas medical treatment.
  • Singapore: It is recognized for its outstanding healthcare system and organized infrastructure, It attracts patients seeking advanced medical treatment. You'll discover modern technology, internationally qualified doctors, and a strong emphasis on patient comfort and safety.
  • Turkey: Turkey quickly became an international hub fortravel for medical treatment, attracting patients from all over the world. The country is known for its unique blend of traditional and modern healthcare methods, which provide a wide range of medical services, from technologically advanced treatments to alternative treatments, at a much lower cost than other countries. Turkey's strategic location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia enables people from both continents to quickly get great overseas medical treatment.
  • UAE: The United Arab Emirates (UAE), which consists of seven emirates, including Abu Dhabi and Dubai, has become a global hub formedical treatment abroad. The UAE attracts medical tourists from all over the world because of its modern healthcare facilities, advanced medical equipment, and strong dedication to excellence.

The government has made significant investments in healthcare infrastructure, and overseas surgery packagesmaking it a priority area. Furthermore, the UAE's strategic location at a global crossroads, along with a strong aviation network and visa-friendly policies, makes it easy for patients to travel for medical procedures.

Finding the Best Hospitals for Your requirement:

Navigating among the many medical tourism options can be a bit difficult to do.That's where we come in. Our dedicated platform connects you with the best hospitals around the world, assuring you to get overseas surgery packagesat an affordable cost.

Following are the guidelines on how we can assist you on your medical tourism journey:

  • Expert Consultation: Our expert healthcare professionals are familiar with a variety of medical tourism destinations and medical services. Our proprietary telemedicine platform allows patients to book private consultation with some of the best doctors worldwide on a click of a button.
  • Hospital Accreditation and Reputation: We mainly focus on partnering with accredited hospitals that ensure high international quality standards are met. Moreover, We also assess a hospital's reputation, patient feedback, and success rates to ensure you only receive top-notch care from the well established hospital.
  • Transparent Pricing: We provide transparent pricing for surgeries, hospital stays, and related medical costs. Before embarking on your medical tourism journey, you will understand what is to be expected.
  • Customized treatment packages: We offer personalized treatment packages for each patient, including preoperative consultations, the best hospitals, medications, post-operative care, and travel arrangements. This provides an effortless expertise. Our treatment packages help to save upto 30% on the total healthcare spend.

Additional Advantages of Medical Tourism

Apart from the above benefits, Medical tourism offers multiple other advantages as follows:

  • Reduced Stress: By avoiding prolonged wait times and deciding on a complex healthcare system in your native country, medical tourism may substantially reduce the stress of getting affordable medical treatment abroad.
  • Faster Recovery: Manymedical tourism overseas destinationsprovide outstanding post-operative treatment and rehabilitation services. This can help with a quicker recovery process in a relaxing and stress-free environment.
  • Cultural Participation: Medical tourism abroad can also provide an opportunity to combine important medical care and cultural experiences. While recovering, you can explore a new place's sights, sounds, and flavors.

Key Factors to Consider Before You Travel:

While medical tourism has many advantages, it is crucial to carefully consider certain concerns before traveling for medical treatment.

  • Medical Visa Procedures: You may find visa requirements for your preferred medical tourism destinations well in advance. Make sure you have the proper papers to enter the country for medical treatment.
  • Quality of Care: Do not focus just on the cost of treatment. Rather, you should prioritize choosing the best medical tourism hospitals with a track record of success in your specific treatment field. Check the hospital's amenities, certifications, and patient feedback.
  • Communication and Language Barriers: If English is not commonly spoken in your chosen destination, you may have challenges while communicating. We can assist in overcoming this gap by providing you with the availability of translators and maintaining clear communication between you and your healthcare professionals.
  • Clarity on the available options: It is important to navigate through all the available options and pick the best based on factors such as:
  • Hospital & Doctor based on overall review and rating
  • Doctor’s ability and experience to perform the procedure based on your diagnosis
  • Avail second opinion before you decide on the line of treatment
  • Total cost of traveling overseas for the medical treatment.
  • Explore options in Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities as this would make substantial difference in the overall costing
  • Ask questions before you decide

MediGence: Your Trustworthy Partner in Medical Tourism

Navigating the best medical tourism location can be complicated. We understand the challenges and are committed to making your trip as effortless and effective as possible. Here is what makes us unique:

  • Dedicated Patient Care Coordinators: Our team of professional care coordinators will be there for you at every step from the initial consultation to the post-treatment follow-up. We offer personalized support and respond to any problems you may have.
  • Multilingual assistance: We provide a multilingual help desk to promote seamless communication and overcome any language barriers you may experience.
  • Financial Guidelines: We can also help you navigate the financial parts of your medical tourism experience, such as insurance coverage and payment options.
  • Travel and Accommodation: Do you want to make your medical journey an unforgettable experience? MediGence can help you with arranging travel logistics, airport transportation, and relaxing accommodations that meet your demands and budget.

Explore Top Hospitals By Speciality

Begin Your Journey in Medical Tourism

Medical tourism has the potential to boost healthcare access by providing high-quality care at affordable medical treatment abroad. You can determine whether it is the best option for you by understanding its advantages, disadvantages, and considerations.

Explore Top Hospitals By Major Medical Procedure and their cost

Are you ready to move forward?

Reach out to MediGence now for a complimentary consultation. Our team of experts will assess your particular requirements, recommend the best medical tourism destinations and best hospitals for medical tourism,and customize a personalized treatment plan that meets your financial means. Let us guide you through the world of medical tourism and help you achieve your health goals.

Explore Top Doctors by Speciality