Mrs. Ringcook Devi Underwent Mastectomy Surgery in BLK – MAX Hospital, Delhi, India

Mrs. Ringcook Devi Underwent Mastectomy Surgery in BLK – MAX Hospital, Delhi, India
  • Patient Name : Mrs. Ringcook Devi
  • From Country : Mauritius
  • Destination Country : India
  • Procedure : Mastectomy Surgery
  • Hospital : BLK - MAX Hospital, Delhi

Breast cancer was diagnosed in a resident of Mauritius,  Mrs. Ringcook Devi, 36. Her sister, was greatly worried about his mother’s health.

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Although it can happen to both men and women, breast cancer is more common in women. Breast cells are the source of breast cancer. One of the most typical cancers in women is breast cancer. Breast cancer symptoms include a lump in the breast, changes in the breast’s size and form, nipple skin flaking, and redness on the breast skin. Breast cancer diagnosis not only destroyed the patient’s life but also the lives of close family members. Continue reading to learn about the worries of  Ringcook Devi’s sister, a breast cancer sufferer, and how Team MediGence has advised and assisted her in locating the best breast cancer therapy in India.

She also made a direct call to the MediGence helpline and asked a variety of queries about the prognosis and treatment options for breast cancer for her sister, who had just received a diagnosis. The health of his mother was a major concern for her sister, but in addition to thoroughly addressing all of her inquiries, the team at MediGence offered her valuable guidance. She was given choices of some of the best hospitals in India that have a high success record for treating breast cancer by Team MediGence. She chose BLK – MAX Hospital in Gurgaon after receiving comprehensive information about all of her options. She opted for Dr. Surender Kr. Dabas (Surgical Oncologist) and Dr. Chandragouda Dodagoudar (Medical Oncologist) for her sister’s treatment.

One of the most sought-after medical professionals in New Delhi, India, is Dr. Surender Kumar Dabas, a specialist in surgical oncology. He has been around for more than 15 years.

As a medical oncologist, Dr. Chandragouda Dodagoudar has more than 21 years of expertise. He is renowned for providing thorough care that is patient-centered. He gives unmatched cancer care and is an expert in his profession. For a wide range of solid tumors, including lung, breast, head and neck, gastrointestinal cancer, and sarcoma, Dr. Chandragouda can provide treatments like targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and chemotherapy.

Pre-Treatment and Surgical Procedures

On 13 April 2022, the patient and her sister landed in India. Dr. Surender Kr. Dabas and  Dr. Chandragouda Dodagoudar’s consultation with them was set up by MediGence. After carefully reviewing Ringcook Devi’s data, she was suggested to get a PET scan and an echo. A biopsy was advised after these test results were eliminated in order to determine the precise stage of breast cancer. One course of neoadjuvant chemotherapy was administered to the patient by inserting the chemo port in order to save time and shrink the tumor until the biopsy report arrived.

For the removal of breast cancer, there are two primary surgical procedures:

  • Surgery to remove the malignancy and some surrounding healthy tissue is known as breast-conserving surgery. It is only necessary to remove the cancerous portion of the breast. The location and size of the tumor, as well as other criteria, determine how much breast tissue must be removed.
  • In a mastectomy, the entire breast—along with all of the breast tissue and maybe other adjacent tissues—is removed during surgery. Mastectomies can be performed in a variety of ways. A double mastectomy may also involve the removal of both breasts in some women.

Post Treatment

The patient and her sister eventually left for Mauritius after 3 days in the hospital and a total of 50  days in the country, but they maintained contact with the MediGence medical staff.  They received good news from the biopsy results. Based on the results of the biopsy, Dr. Surender Kr. Dabas and Dr. Chandragouda Dodagoudar determined that surgery may now be done without additional treatment at this time. They both went back to Mauritius after the drain was removed, where the tumor-removing surgery was carried out. The procedure was effective. They will return to India to begin the chemotherapy sessions after some time. Team MediGence keeps in touch with Mrs. Ringcook Devi and sends her best wishes for a quick recovery from her illness.


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Reviewed By :- Dr. Vijita Jayan

Amit Bansal

Amit Bansal is a serial entrepreneur, Co-Founder, and CEO of MediGence. He has more than 17 years of strong technology experience. Having worked for some of the recognized companies in India, Australia and traveled worldwide to help businesses to grow multi-folded under his leadership and strategic guidance.


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