Comprehensive Guide to Motor Neuron Disease Treatment in India

Comprehensive Guide to Motor Neuron Disease Treatment in India

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What is Motor Neuron Disease?

Motor neuron disease(MND) is defined as a neurological disorder in which the motor neurons degenerate. When we go for a walk or talk to someone, our motor neurons orchestrate these movements. Just like our other body parts, these neurons can also become damaged. Since motor neurons control muscle activity, this condition can significantly affect the quality of life of a person.

Motor neuron disease is a progressive condition in which the motor neurons gradually weaken with time. The disease is incurable and most people have to live with it for their entire lives.
You must have heard of Stephen Hawking. He was a  brilliant physicist who suffered from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis(ALS), one of the most common types of motor neuron disease. Unlike many, Stephen Hawking surpassed the average life expectancy of people with this condition.

Neurologists believe that the correct combination of motor neuron disease treatments can help improve the quality of life of patients suffering from this condition. In case you have been diagnosed with motor neuron disease, you should consult a neurologist who can advise you about suitable motor neuron disease treatment options.

One might ask, what are motor neurons?  Motor neurons are a type of nerve cells responsible for sending signals to the muscles. These signals control crucial muscle functions such as walking, swallowing, gripping, breathing, and speaking. Over time, patients with MND may find it increasingly difficult to perform these activities. They may even become impossible to do.

There are two types of motor neurons:

  • Upper motor neurons: These motor neurons originate in your brain and send signals or messages to your spinal cord.
  • Lower motor neurons: These types of motor neurons reside in the spinal cord and brain stem. There, they receive signals sent by your brain. These neurons act as mediators relaying messages from your brain stem and the spinal cord to your muscles. Thus, the muscles eventually receive the signals telling them which functions to perform.

In a motor neuron disease, either the upper or the lower motor neurons can be affected. Sometimes even both. When the lower motor neurons continue to die, the muscles no longer receive signals from them. Eventually, the muscles shrink in size and become weak. Your neurologist may refer to this condition as “wasting” or “atrophy”. This can cause your muscles to twitch spontaneously. You can feel these twitches below the skin’s surface. If your upper motor neurons are affected, they will not be able to send signals to your lower motor neurons. In such cases, you may feel stiffness in your muscles and can experience overactive reflexes. Thus, MND can cause your voluntary movements to become extremely difficult and slow.

Treatment Options for Motor Neuron Disease in India?

There are no standardized or routine options available for motor neuron disease treatment in India. However, supportive therapies can relieve symptoms and help patients in sustaining their lifestyles. Patients with motor neuron disease are often looked after by a team of specialists from various disciplines. These include your neurologist, respiratory therapist, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, and social worker. Some of the approaches used for motor neuron disease treatment in India are

1. Physiotherapy

Motor Neuron Disease Treatment in India - Physiotherapy

A physiotherapist can help you improve your posture, slow muscle atrophy or weakness, and solve issues with joint immobility. Physiotherapy entails exercises that can enhance your movement. Certain points should be kept in mind for physiotherapy:

  • The exercise regime must not be exhausting and should be well-suited to your needs
  • Physiotherapy should involve breathing exercises that can help improve your lung capacity
  • Exercises focused on flexibility, balance, and core stability should be performed.
  • Applying heat can be beneficial for you in relieving muscle pain
  • Patients with no respiratory problems and initial symptoms can do moderate-intensity exercises. These can improve exercise tolerance and fitness. But, people should be still aware of the risks of exertion.
  • In case there is an increase in fatigue, respiratory problems, or weakness, the exercises should be adjusted accordingly as extreme exercises can damage weakened muscles.
  • Physiotherapy can help in retaining joint flexibility
  • As the disease progresses, passive exercises can be practiced to decrease the risks associated with fixed deformities.

Physiotherapy can improve your quality of life. It also fosters independence and increases energy levels. Physiotherapy can also reduce the risk of muscle spasms, pain, and chest infections. You should get in touch with a physiotherapist who can design the best possible exercise plan for you. Physiotherapy can prove to be one of the most beneficial motor neuron disease treatments. You can look up different physiotherapists who provide supportive therapies for motor neuron disease treatment in India. Several hospitals have physiotherapists on board. Thus, based on your requirements you can choose the best hospital for MND treatment in India.

2. Occupational Therapy

Motor Neuron Disease Treatment in India - Occupational therapy

Occupational therapists work with people from all age groups to remove barriers that may be obstructing them from performing their daily or desired activities. They offer guidance and support to patients suffering from motor neuron disease. Occupational therapists provide support to MND patients in the form of equipment and home modifications as per the needs of their clients. They:

  • Offer techniques that help MND patients to perform their daily activities such as preparing their meals and dressing
  • Make recommendations about modifying the home environment for supporting the MND patient as the disease progresses like installing wet rooms
  • Ensure that a wheelchair is provided to the patients to maximize their independence

3. Speech and Language Therapy

Motor Neuron Disease Treatment in India - Speech and language therapy

As motor neuron disease progresses, it can significantly impact the speech, swallowing, and communication abilities of MND patients. In such scenarios, a speech and language therapist can play the following important roles:

  • Improve communication: SLTs help MND patients switch to Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) methods like message banking. AAC uses signing, writing, gestures, pictures, computers, and tablets to support communication. MND patients can use these systems via eye-gaze technology or switches.

  • Improve swallowing: MND patients suffer from difficulty in swallowing called dysphagia. SLTs help to minimize the risks associated with drinking, swallowing, and eating. They collaborate with dieticians to advise patients on when placing the feeding tube would be most appropriate.

4. Medications

Motor Neuron Disease Treatment in India - Medications

Though there is no standard treatment for MNDs, FDA has approved a medicine called  Riluzole for ALS treatment. Clinical studies have shown that patients who took this medication lived 10% longer than patients who had not taken the drug.

You should consult with your neurologist before taking this medication.

Riluzole cannot reverse damage to motor neurons. Thus, it cannot cure MND. Still, it can prolong survival. Its exact mechanism is not yet known. However, Riluzole suppresses glutamate that in excess amounts is toxic to cells. Through its anti-glutamate function, it could prevent damage to motor neurons and prolong survival in some MND patients. But, its role needs to be further explored.

5. Stem Cell Therapy

Motor Neuron Disease Treatment in India - Stem Cell Therapy

This is one of the most highly researched regenerative treatment methods for motor neuron disease in India.  Some key points regarding stem cell therapy in India are:

  • As the motor neurons degenerate in MND, stem cells are used to support or replace your damaged neurons. Stem cells can develop into support cells and motor neurons.
  • Most stem cell therapeutic approaches involve transferring bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells to the spinal cord. These cells then migrate to the region with motor neuron disease. In most cases, these cells are used for healing damaged neurons.
  • Few studies in India have shown promise when tested on mice. But, it is still an experimental method that needs to be further tested in clinical trials before it can be used as a standard medical treatment. Nevertheless, given the pace at which stem cell therapy is being researched in India, it could act as a significant motor neuron disease treatment in India in the future.

6. Gene Therapy

Gene Therapy

This is another upcoming motor neuron disease treatment in India. Gene therapy is being used to destroy the motor neurons or slow their progression. It is currently being tested in mouse models of ALS. Clinical trials are underway to assess its efficacy in humans.

In addition to these treatments for motor neuron disease, you can also consult a dietician. Since motor neuron disease can affect your ability to swallow food, this can affect your health. To ensure that you are receiving all the necessary nutrients, a dietician could design a diet plan inclusive of liquid food and powders to enhance your nutrient uptake.

Cost of Treatment of Motor Neuron Disease in India

Procedures Cost in USD
Physiotherapy Per Session $45 – $60
Occupational Therapy Per Session $30 – $40
Speech and Language Therapy Per Session $35 – $45
Medication Based on the Doctor’s Recommendation
Stem Cell Therapy $7078 – $39532
Gene Therapy Per Dose $2 Million

Cost of Motor Neuron Disease Treatment in Renowned City of India

City Starting Cost in USD
Delhi $5236
Mumbai $5707
Hyderabad $4241
Chennai $4697
Bangalore $5707
Kochi $5236

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Factor Affecting the Cost of Motor Neuron Disease Treatment in India

The cost of MND treatment in India can be influenced by the following factors:

  • The type of hospital- government or private
  • The type of city- treatments in big cities are more expensive
  • Reputation and accreditation of the hospital
  • Whether you are paying by yourself or through insurance
  • What is the therapeutic approach or technology being used?
  • Patient’s health
  • The type of hospital room selected by the patient
  • Qualification and experience of the specialist

Based on these factors, the cost of motor neuron disease treatment methods in India varies

How is Motor Neuron Disease Diagnosed?

In the early stages, it can be difficult to diagnose the condition because of its similarities with other muscular disorders. There are no standardized tests for the diagnosis of MNDs. But, in case of presenting symptoms, your doctor will conduct a physical assessment. This is followed by a neurological exam for assessing your sensory skills, motor skills, behavioral changes,  coordination, mental health, and balance.

If your doctor finds something unusual, he will conduct some important tests to differentiate motor neuron disease from other conditions:



This procedure checks if your motor neurons are functioning properly or not. In this method, the physician will insert an electrode into the muscle to record electrical activity. Since motor neurons are responsible for transmitting electrical signals to the muscles, problems with the motor neurons will cause abnormal electrical activity in the muscles. These abnormal signals will be translated into numerical values, sounds, and graphs that your doctor uses to evaluate the health of your motor neurons and muscles. The entire process takes an hour or more.

Nerve Conduction Studies

Nerve conduction studies

Performed by a neurophysiologist, this test is often conducted along with an EMG. This procedure tests the peripheral nerves which are composed of sensory nerves and lower motor neurons. Small electrodes are placed on the skin which stimulate the nerves that control a particular muscle. The electrical signal generated by the stimulated nerve is recorded and analyzed to determine if the recorded electrical activity is consistent with an MND diagnosis or if some other condition such as peripheral neuropathy is causing abnormal behavior.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)

This method employs magnetic fields to obtain images of organs, tissues, spinal cord tumors, and bones. Though an MRI cannot detect a motor neuron disease, it can help to distinguish MND from other disorders that mimic its symptoms. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy can assess your upper motor neurons by measuring the chemicals in your brain.

Blood Tests

Blood Tests

It can be used to measure creatine kinase which catalyzes energy-producing chemical reactions in the muscles. An increased level of creatine kinase in your blood indicates muscle breakdown as a result of muscle diseases like muscular dystrophy. This helps to differentiate muscular disorders from motor neuron diseases.

Nerve or Muscle Biopsy

Nerve or Muscle Biopsy

It is an invasive procedure in which a small section of the nerve or muscle is removed and observed under a microscope. This is performed after giving local anesthesia. A biopsy can help to confirm nerve regeneration or disease. But, many experts do not recommend this test for detecting MNDs as it is an invasive method.

In case you have been diagnosed with a motor neuron disease, the next step would be to choose the best neurologist and hospital for motor neuron disease treatment in India. Some of them may even specialize in providing ALS treatment.  You can browse through to look for hospitals providing motor neuron disease treatment in India.

Symptoms of MND

Symptoms of Motor Neuron Disease

The symptoms of motor neuron disease can vary among individuals. Not everyone is affected by the disease in the same manner. The symptoms of MND start to change as the condition progresses. But, this order may not be the same for you or any other patient. Depending on the stage of the disease, the symptoms can be outlined as follows:

1. Early-stage:  In the early stage of the disease, the symptoms are less severe and develop slowly. These include:

  • Muscle twitching
  • Cramps
  • Difficulties in swallowing because of weakness in the throat muscles and tongue
  • Weakness in the legs can cause stumbling

2. Advanced stage: In the advanced stage of the condition, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • Difficulties in breathing as muscle weakness can reduce lung capacity
  • Loss of fine motor skills such as the inability to perform activities like buttoning, writing, etc.
  • The body may appear hollow due to thinning of muscles
  • Drooling as a result of weak oral muscles
  • Inability to control emotions. You may experience uncontrollable bouts of anger, sadness, laughter, etc.
  • Slurring of speech occurs as the disease reaches the bulbar region and the neck. Speech difficulties can increase and speech may even be completely lost
  • Muscle weakness in the feet can cause foot drop. This can make the feet floppy and difficult to use
  • Neck drop happens as the neck extensors become weak. This can make it difficult for you to hold your neck up
  • Swallowing becomes difficult. Initially, you may not be able to drink fluids. But, later on, you may start facing problems in consuming solids as well.
  • Muscle exhaustion can also cause fatigue, reduced food intake, and weight loss

3. End-Stage: In this stage, you may face shortness of breath, body paralysis, and difficulties in performing your daily activities. MND does not cause any significant behavioral or cognitive changes. But, some people may develop frontotemporal dementia.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of MND, it is best to get them checked out by your doctor. Getting the proper motor neuron disease treatment at the right time can help sustain your quality of life. You can look at motor neuron disease treatments in India or any other region of your choice.

Causes of Motor Neuron Disease

The exact reasons behind the occurrence of motor neuron disease have not been pinpointed yet. Most MND cases are sporadic. This means that most MND patients do not have a family history of the condition. Some cases can be familial where a related family member has MND or other conditions related to it like frontotemporal dementia.

Though the exact cause of motor neuron disease is yet to be known, research indicates that the combination of several interconnected factors may cause the disease. Some of these factors are given below:

  • Changing levels of glutamate: Nerve cells in our body communicate with each other through  “chemical messengers” called neurotransmitters. Studies have shown that in motor neuron disease, the motor neurons become highly sensitive to glutamate which is one of the neurotransmitters. This leads to its increased uptake which can be toxic for the neurons and lead to their degeneration.
  •  Aggregation of protein: The accumulation of clumps of protein, also known as “aggregates” inside the neurons can damage them. These aggregates can interfere with the functioning of the neurons. Their presence indicates that the neurons are under great stress. One such marker is TDP-43 which is commonly found in ALS. This protein is responsible for the accurate processing of genetic information in the cell through RNA.
  • Glial cells: These cells are supportive in function. They surround the motor neurons and provide them with the required nourishment. They also relay information between nerve cells. Problems with glial cells can also interfere with the working of motor neurons as they are no longer receiving the desired nutrients and support.

Types of Motor Neuron Disease

Motor neuron diseases are categorized based on whether they are inherited or not. Their classification also depends on if the condition affects lower motor neurons, upper motor neurons, or both. Some of the common types of motor neuron diseases are

  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis(ALS): In ALS, both your lower and upper motor neurons deteriorate. In the beginning, you may experience symptoms like weakness in your limbs and muscle twitching. With time, you lose control of your muscles. This affects your ability to chew, breathe and swallow. The disorder occurs in more than two-thirds of people afflicted with motor neuron diseases. ALS is often sporadic, meaning it doesn’t run in families and can happen to anyone. It starts between 40 to 60 years of age. The survival rate is 3-5 years from the initial diagnosis. But, many people may live for more than ten years.
  • Primary Lateral Sclerosis(PLS): A rare condition, PLS advances slowly. It occurs when the upper motor neurons are damaged. It is found among people in the age bracket of 40-60 years. Unlike ALS, in most cases, PLS is not fatal. People with PLS observe that their muscles weaken and become stiffer with time. It also causes poor coordination, slurred speech, and loss of tongue control.
  • Progressive Bulbar Palsy(PBP): The lower motor neurons in the brain stem deteriorate in PBP. At first, patients only experience muscle weakness that affects their speech. But, the condition can also affect your ability to chew or swallow. Patients may also find it difficult to control their emotions. They are also at a higher risk for choking and pneumonia. The disorder often advances to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS).
  • Progressive Muscular Atrophy(PMA): This disease is less common than ALS.   Usually, it damages the lower motor neurons in the spinal cord. Since these neurons control movement, the muscles begin to lose their function over time. They atrophy or become weak. You may experience weakness in your hands or legs which can spread to other body parts. The condition affects people who are above 50 years of age and is more common in men.
  • Hirayama disease: Hirayama disease is a benign motor neuron disease that causes weakness of the hands and forearms. This condition is also called non-progressive juvenile spinal muscular atrophy. Most of the patients with this condition belong to Asian countries like Japan and India. Though this disease is considered to be non-progressive, it can significantly disable certain groups of individuals.
  • Kennedy’s disease: This is a rare, progressive, and genetic motor neuron disease.
    It affects both the bulbar and spinal neurons. Thus, causing atrophy and weakness of limb, bulbar and facial muscles. The disease is also characterized by hormonal and sensory perturbations. The condition rarely occurs in women.

The identification of the type of motor neuron disease will help your neurologist to design the most suitable motor neuron disease treatment plan for you.

What is the Survival rate after Motor Neuron Disease Treatment in India?

In general, people who have been diagnosed with motor neuron diseases have a life expectancy of 3-5 years from the time of their diagnosis. However, many people can live longer if provided with the right combination of motor neuron disease treatments in India. Almost 10 percent of patients with ALS have been able to survive for more than 10 years. Many people in India are affected by Hirayama disease which is a rare form of MND common in Asian countries. By taking the help of neurologists who specialize in providing Hirayama treatment in India, one can extend survival.

Why Choose India for Motor Neuron Disease Treatment?

Why Choose India for Motor Neuron Disease Treatment

India has state-of-the-art equipment and medical facilities for providing exceptional care to its MND patients. It has some of the best-trained neurologists with international exposure. Many of them are also involved in doing exceptional research to further motor neuron disease treatments in India.

Some of the reasons why India has become a preferred destination amongst International patients for motor neuron disease treatment are:

  • Receiving a medical visa is a straightforward process
  • Around-the-clock, 24*7 medical assistance
  • The medical staff is fluent in English. Interpretation services are also available if the patient is not fluent in English
  • Quick medical service without waiting lists
  • Internationally accredited hospitals with well-trained medical staff
  • The booking process for consultation and treatment is very easy
  • The medical staff is responsive and admission to the hospital is much easier

You will be happy to know that all these services are available at a very affordable price in India.

How Can MediGence Assist You?

MediGence can help you discover the ideal Motor Neuron Disease Treatment in India by connecting you with the best doctors and hospitals in the country.  It has a network of about 8000 doctors in more than 25 countries worldwide. Throughout your MND treatment, MediGence will assist you in making the best healthcare decision. The entire process is hassle-free and transparent. MediGence offers the following:

  • Connects you with internationally recognized hospitals and well-trained doctors
  • Provides affordable medical packages with many add-on benefits
  • Arranges medical travel
  • Assists in you obtaining a second opinion from certified specialists
  • Guides you in choosing the right hospital and doctor for your MND treatment

Top Hospitals for Motor Neuron Disease Treatment in India

Top Hospitals for Motor Neuron Disease Treatment in India


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Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi

Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi

Indraprastha Apollo Hospital treats approximately 200,000 people annually and is equipped with over 700 hospital beds.  It has several accreditations to its name such as ISO, NABL, and JCI. The department of neurosciences at Apollo Hospital is well-equipped to provide treatments for various neurological conditions like neurodegenerative disorders, headaches, coma, multiple sclerosis, stroke, Parkinson’s, etc.

Artemis Health Institute, Gurgaon, India

Artemis Health Institute, Gurgaon

Artemis Health Institute – This is the first hospital in Gurgaon to receive NABH and JCI accreditations. It has an excellent infrastructure with around 400 hospital beds and 14 specialties. Its physiotherapy and rehabilitation center provides musculoskeletal, neurological, and spinal rehabilitation to its patients.


Neurogen Brain & Spine Institute, Mumbai, India

Neurogen Brain & Spine Institute, Mumbai, India

The Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute specializes in providing neurodegenerative rehabilitative treatments. With its highly trained medical staff, the hospital has successfully treated over 650 patients from more than 65 countries.

Having received accreditation from ISO, it has state-of-the-art operation theaters and a multidisciplinary team catering to patients’ needs.

Fortis Hiranandani Hospital

Fortis Hiranandani Hospital

Fortis Hiranandani is the first hospital to receive NABH accreditation in Navi Mumbai. The multi-specialty hospital has more than 149 beds and consists of highly trained and qualified medical staff for its patients. The center for neuroscience has well-trained doctors and surgeons to treat patients with conditions like stroke, Parkinson’s, epilepsy, sleep disorders, and paralytic conditions.


Fortis Hospital, Bangalore

Fortis Hospital, Bangalore

One of the most advanced hospitals in the world, Fortis Hospital in Bangalore has around 12 specialties with about 250 hospital beds. Fortis hospital has also received accreditations from ISO, NABH, and NABL for setting quality standards in the healthcare industry. The neuroscience department consists of doctors with expertise in treating motor neuron diseases and movement disorders. They are also experienced in electrophysiology, nerve conduction studies, and EMG.

Apollo Hospitals, Bannerghatta, Bangalore

Apollo Hospitals, Bannerghatta, Bangalore

A 250-bedded and JCI-certified hospital, Apollo Bannerghatta has more than 100 consultants with over 70% of them trained at reputed medical institutes across the world. The neuroscience department at the hospital has a multidisciplinary team of experts to solve complex healthcare issues like Parkinson’s with methods like deep brain stimulation. The team comprises neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuro-oncologists, and neuroradiologists.


Apollo Hospital, Kolkata

Apollo Hospitals, Kolkata

A JCI, and NABL accreditated multispecialty facility, Apollo Hospital have set benchmarks for delivering quality care to patients. Its neuroscience department is one of the most advanced in the region. It consists of a highly qualified team of neurosurgeons, neurologists, and psychiatrists. The neuroscience team is supported by rehabilitation specialists, lifestyle counselors, and neuroradiologists.


Global Health City, Chennai

Global Health City, ChennaiGlobal Health City, Chennai

A multi-specialty hospital, Global Health City has received accreditations like NABH, NABB, and NABL. It is one of the most advanced hospitals in its area offering top-class facilities to its patients. The neuroscience department has state-of-the-art diagnostic laboratories and performs over 1000 neurosurgical procedures annually. The department has a team of well-trained neurosurgeons and neurologists who can treat complex conditions like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, and stroke.

Sri Ramachandra Medical Center

Sri Ramachandra Medical Center

Sri Ramachandra Medical Center is the first hospital associated with a university to receive JCI, NABB, AABB, and NABL accreditations in India. With 200 ICUs and 800 beds, the hospital strives to provide quality care for various ailments, and medical emergencies. The neuroscience departments uphold high standards of care while delivering quality patient care. It caters to people with complicated medical conditions with advanced methods like deep brain stimulation.


Star Hospital, Hyderabad

Star Hospital, Hyderabad

Star Hospital has received NABL and NABH accreditation owing to its delivery of high-quality care to patients. The hospital is well-known for offering cost-effective and patient-centered care. Its medical team consists of dedicated medical professionals who work around the clock and deliver excellent healthcare services to patients. The neuroscience department offers surgical treatments for various neurological conditions like epilepsy.

Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad

Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad

Apollo Hospital in Hyderabad offer world-class medical facilities to its patients. With JCI and NABL accreditation, the hospital delivers quality healthcare to its patients. This multispecialty hospital has an excellent neurology and neurosurgery department for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of neurological patients. The department also provides rehabilitation for patients with motor neuron disease.

Top Doctors for Motor Neuron Disease Treatment in India

Consult with the best Doctors for Motor Neuron Disease Treatment in India


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1. Dr. Muneshwar Manohar Suryawanshi

Designation: Neurologist at Clear Medi Hospital, New Delhi, India
Experience: 10 years


Muneshwar Manohar Suryawanshi - Best Neurologist in New Delhi, India

Qualifications: MBBS, MD

  • Dr. Muneshwar Suryawanshi is an expert in treating neurodegenerative disorders that affect the brain and spinal cord.
  • Dr.Muneshwar specializes in providing treatments for neurodegenerative disorders, meningitis, brain cancer, and encephalitis.
  • Dr. Muneshwar also provides neuro rehabilitation, neuro medicine, and critical care

2. Dr. Vijita Jayan

Designation: Rehabilitation Specialist
Experience: 15 years


Vijita Jayan - Best Rehabilitation Specialist in New Delhi, India

Qualifications: B.P.T M.P.T (Neuro Physiotherapy)

  • She completed her bachelor’s and master’s in physiotherapy from  Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, India, in 2009.
  • She has expertise in managing mobility-dependent patients and crafting the most suitable protocols for their recovery.
  • Dr. Vijita Jayan has received prestigious awards for her contributions and is also an esteemed member of the Indian Association of Physiotherapists.


3. Dr. Advait Kulkarni

Designation: Neurologist at Columbia Asia Hospital
Experience: 15 years


Advait Kulkarni - Best Neurologist in New Bangalore, India

Qualifications: MBBS DM – Neurology

  • He completed his MBBS from Government Medical College in Aurangabad and MS in Neurology from  NIMHANS.
  • He has more than 4 years of experience in clinical research and teaching experience.
  • He is experienced in treating patients suffering from Parkinson’s, dementia, headaches, and complex strokes.

4. Dr. Shreedhar AS

Designation: Pediatric neurologist at Manipal Hospital, Bangalore
Experience: 15 years


Shreedhar AS - Best Pediatric Neurologist in New Bangalore, India

Qualifications: MD, DM, and MBSS

  • He specializes in treating neurological diseases in children including developmental disorders.
  • Dr. Shreedhar has received qualifications like MBBS, MD, and DM from reputed hospitals in the country.
  • He has several research publications to his name.


5. Dr. Hemangi Sane

Designation: Neurologist at Neurogen Brain and spine institute, Mumbai
Experience: 20 years


Hemangi Sane - Best Neurologist in Mumbai, India

Qualifications: MBBS, MD

  • She specializes in performing stereotactic procedures.
  • She has received qualifications like MBBS and MD.
  • Dr. Hemangi Sane has expertise and skills in treating a plethora of neurological conditions like epilepsy, brain stroke, brain cancer, meningitis, and brachial plexus injuries.

5. Dr. Jigar Parekh

Designation: Neurologist at Sterling Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai
Experience: 05 years


Jigar Parekh - Best Neurologist in Mumbai, India

Qualifications: MBBS, MD

  • He has vast experience and expertise in managing conditions like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, migraine, neuromyelitis,  and movement disorders.
  • Dr. Parekh has qualifications like MBBS, MD(general medicine), and DM in Neurology.
  • He has successfully managed around 1000 stroke cases. His research interests include CNS demyelinating disorders and multiple sclerosis.


7. Dr. Jaydip Ray Chaudhuri

Designation: Consultant neuro physician, Yashoda Hospital, Hyderabad
Experience: 20 years


Jaydip Ray Chaudhuri - Best Neurologist in Hyderabad, India

Qualifications: MBBS

  • He provides treatments for neurological ailments like movement disorders, stroke, migraine, vertigo, and Parkinson’s disease.
  • Dr. Chaudhuri has qualifications like MBBS, MD, DM(NIMHANS), and MRCP in Neurology from the UK.
  • He is a member of many prestigious professional organizations like the Indian Academy of Neurology.

8. Dr. B G Ratnam

Designation: Neurosurgeon, Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad
Experience: 24 years


 B G Ratnam - Best Neurosurgeon in Hyderabad, India

Qualifications: MBBS, MCh (Neurosurgery)

  • He has completed his medical education and training at prestigious institutes in India and abroad. Dr. Ratnam holds qualifications like MBBS and M.Ch ( Neurosurgery).
  • He offers treatments like carotid body tumor embolization and brain arteriovenous fistula embolization.
  • His research work has been published in many national and international journals.


9. Dr. P Philo Hazeena

Designation: Neurologist at Sri Ramachandra Medical Center, Chennai
Experience: 2 years


 P Philo Hazeena - Best Neurologist in Chennai, India

Qualifications: MBBS, DM, MD

  • She is a well-regarded neurologist with expertise in treating conditions like epilepsy, stroke, and meningitis.
  • She has qualifications like MBBS, MD, and DM.
  • Dr. Hazeena has published her research papers in prestigious journals. She has also received awards for her contributions.

10. Dr. Arulselvan VL

Designation: Neurologist, Apollo Hospital, Chennai
Experience: 19 years


 Arulselvan VL - Best Neurologist in Chennai, India

Qualifications: MBBS, MS,DNB, DM

  • He specializes in providing treatments for epilepsy and stroke.
  • His qualifications include MBBS, MS, DNB, and DM.
  • He is a reputed member of various prestigious bodies such as the Indian Academy of Neurology, the European Academy of Neurology, and the American Academy of Neurology.


11. Dr. B.K. Singhania

Designation: Neurosurgeon at Apollo Hospital, Kolkata
Experience: 28 years


 B.K. Singhania - Best Neurosurgeon in Kolkata, India

Qualifications: MBBS, MCh

  • He is a highly experienced neurosurgeon with qualifications like MBBS, MS
    (general surgery), M.Ch (Neurosurgery), and Fellowship in Spine Surgery.
  • Dr. Singhania has expertise in treating various conditions such as meningitis, epilepsy, brachial plexus, and brain cancer.
  • He is a member of prestigious associations like ACNS, Neurotrauma, and NSI.

12. Dr. Aditya Choudhary

Designation: Neurologist at Apollo Hospital, Kolkata
Experience: 10 years


 Aditya Choudhary - Best Neurologist in Kolkata, India

Qualifications: MBBS, MD, DM

  • His qualifications include MBBS, MD in medicine, DM in Neurology, and MRCP.
  • He has a special interest in stroke management and has even initiated stroke management programs.
  • His expertise includes stroke, epilepsy, and movement disorders.

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FAQ’s about Motor Neuron Disease

Motor neuron disease doesn’t have any cure. But, certain treatment methods can improve the quality of life.

Though there is no definitive cure or treatment for MND, patients can still benefit from physiotherapy, occupational therapy, diet plans, some medicines, and speech & language therapy.

Yes, motor neuron disease has three stages- early stage, middle and advanced stage. The symptoms of the condition vary depending on the stage of the disease.

MND patients on average live for 3-5 years from their diagnosis. But, many live for more years because of supportive therapies.

The treatments for motor neuron disease focus on relieving the symptoms associated with the condition. After availing the treatment, you may find it easier to manage your symptoms. You will also feel more independent.

Motor neuron disease occurs in people who are in their 70s and 60s though it can affect people in any age group. The exact cause of the disease is not yet known.

A dedicated case manager will be assigned to look after your case and will stay in touch with you constantly to resolve your queries and provide assistance whenever required.

Yes, you will be provided with different stay options from which you can choose the most suitable one as per your budget and requirement.

Yes. You can browse through our website to check the profile of your primary doctor before treatment. The profile includes information about his/her education, experience, and awards.

Last modified on blank at Feb 06, 2024

Reviewed By :- Vijita Jayan

Urvi Agrawal

Urvi is an avid reader who is passionate about writing. Having worked in hospital settings like AIIMS, She has experience working as a healthcare writer and has written about many healthcare and medical topics. Besides her role as a content specialist, she likes to spend her time cooking, dancing, and painting. She believes that positive thinking is crucial for being happy.

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