Samuels John Underwent Rhino Revision in ID Hospital, South Korea

Samuels John Underwent Rhino Revision in ID Hospital, South Korea
  • Patient Name : Samuels John
  • From Country : Netherland
  • Destination Country : South Korea
  • Procedure : Rhino Revision Surgery
  • Hospital : ID Hospital

I am very pleased with the surgeon who performed the procedure and the results. I want to thank the medical staff at IDHospital in South Korea for providing such outstanding care. I’m pleased with the services provided by MediGence as well, and I want to thank them for their timely response when I asked for priority appointments and airport pickup. I should compliment MediGence for their professionalism and help with my medical care.

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Mr. Samuels John, 35, from the Netherlands, wanted to undergo Rhino Revision surgery as he was not satisfied with the results. Mr. Samuels John sought advice from a local physician. The doctor recommended revision surgery after reviewing the medical tests. Mr. Samuels found the surgery in South Korea to be prohibitively expensive and was looking for a less expensive alternative as well as better healthcare facilities. He was willing to travel outside the Netherlands to undergo liver transplant surgery.

Mr. Samuels sought out a medical tourism firm that could recommend the ideal location for him to get the best specialist and facility for his Rhino revision surgery at a reasonable cost. He came across MediGence while searching the internet. The MediGence health plan was considered by Mr. Samuels to be both economical and comprehensive. He asked for an inquiry on their website, and a MediGence employee contacted him shortly after asking for some additional information. After providing the required details, MediGence contacted him to learn more about his condition.

With five stories, two basement floors, and thirty wards, the hospital facility is at the hospital level. It is the largest facial bone surgery hospital. Many beauty facilities in Asia have been opened by Dermatology Clinics, Plastic Surgery Clinic, Full-Fledged Rhinoplasty Centers, ID Dental Clinic Aesthetic Branch, and for quick return of patients to normal activities following facial bone surgery. It has operating rooms lodging and meal options

Pre-Treatment and Surgical Procedure

Mr. Samuels traveled to South Korea on 10 Dec 2021. The hospital chosen by the patient manager assigned and arranged for the visa invitation. The patient quickly applied for and received his visa.

According to his budget limitation, Mr. Samuels John chose a hotel that MediGence suggested. It was a short distance from the hospital. The MediGence Team received him  The patient and his family had access to the best hotel amenities according to the assigned care manager. MediGence escorted the patient, to the hospital for an initial assessment.

The doctor concluded that Mr. Samuels would undergo Revision Rhinoplasty after analyzing the test results. He spent 7 to 10 days in South Korea and 3 days in the hospital following the doctor’s instructions. He recovered without difficulty. A rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that modifies the nose’s shape. Rhinoplasty may be performed to alter the nose’s appearance, enhance breathing, or both. Bone makes up the nose’s top part of the structure. Cartilage makes up the lowest portion. Bone, cartilage, skin, or all three might be changed during rhinoplasty.

Post Treatment

After being released, Mr. Samuels John shifted to the hotel and continued his follow-up care there. He ultimately left South Korea after spending 10 days there and traveled back to the Netherlands. He is very grateful to MediGence for helping to organize everything from the planning stage to their eventual return home. He expressed their appreciation to MediGence for offering all the support necessary to make his treatment successful. The patient is really satisfied with the doctor and the way the treatment turned out. The superb treatment from the physicians and nurses at IDHospital has delighted him.


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Reviewed By :- Urvi Agrawal


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