Patient from Ghana underwent Cornea Transplantation in India

Patient from Ghana underwent Cornea Transplantation in India
  • Patient Name : Gladys Appiah
  • From Country : Ghana
  • Destination Country : India
  • Procedure : Cornea Transplant
  • Hospital : Aakash Healthcare, Delhi

Introduction Hailing from a small village in Ghana, Gladys Appiah, a woman of 34 years of age, has been suffering from eye problems for


Hailing from a small village in Ghana, Gladys Appiah, a woman of 34 years of age, has been suffering from eye problems for a long time. Gladys was caught by measles in her early childhood and not only did she suffer from it but also measles caused her to suffer from partial blindness. The situation worsened, and she lost vision in one of her eyes in 2008. Her right eye was disabled, and she was unable to see anything from it. However, her left eye was fine, and she could see properly through one eye.  Philip, who was Gladys’ elder brother, was very fond of his sister and wanted to alleviate her from her misery at any cost. Philip decided to contact MediGence about six months before the operation to discuss the medical issue. Philip even consulted the local doctors who identified the medical condition as cornea damage. It was diagnosed that it was due to the damage in cornea Gladys was suffering from visual impairment, and the only way to solve this problem was by cornea transplantation surgery. Following the diagnosis, Philip consulted MediGence to seek information about the transplantation of cornea in India. At first, the inquiry was made through the website, and then he found that Aakash Healthcare at Delhi NCR was one of the best hospitals for the treatment of cornea damage. Dr. Prashant Chaudhary was the doctor who was in charge of that particular treatment.

Philip decided to accompany his sister along and fly off to India for her medical treatment under Dr. Prasanth Chaudhary.


Cornea transplantation surgery is one of the most difficult and expensive surgeries. Cornea, which is used for transplantation, is imported in India from neighboring countries. Only a handful number of foreigners can get the surgery done in India. MediGence suggested Philips several hospitals and eye clinics for the surgery. However, he finally decided to give Aakash Healthcare the charge for his sister.

Philip was supposed to accompany his sister to India on 1st June. However, to his great misfortune, his visa got canceled at the last moment due to some complicacies. They felt helpless, but the team of MediGence was constantly in touch with them and provided them with all the necessary bits of help. They took care of all their concerns and queries. Finally, it was Gladys’ sister who stepped up to do the task of bringing Gladys to India for her treatment. They reached India on 24th June 2019. The operation was scheduled on the next day, so Gladys was taken to Aakash Healthcare and was admitted. MediGence also helped Rita by booking a room near the hospital from where she could visit her sister whenever she needed to. Although the change in travel date perplexed the travelers initially team, MediGence stepped up and successfully did all the airport transfers, got them accommodation and changed the appointment dates within a very small notice duration.

Surgical Procedure

Before the operation, Dr. Prashant Chaudhary did some routine lab checkups and found that the general health of the patient is all fine, and the surgery can be performed. As instructed by him earlier, Gladys had stopped taking medicines like aspirin. On the previous day of operation, antibiotic drops were given in Gladys’ eyes to prevent any infection. On the day of surgery, Gladys’ felt nervous, but Rita gave her assurance. Gladys was given local anesthesia, and the doctor very efficiently did the surgery. It took around 45 minutes for the operation.


Gladys was made to wear an eye patch for four days. This patch helps the cornea to heal in its own time. The eye region hurt and felt sore for some days but eventually, she recovered and flew back to Ghana on 5th July with her sister Rita as a very happy lady who got back her long lost eyesight. It was indeed a moment of happiness and gratitude for both Gladys and our team.

Some of The Top Hospitals for Cornea Transplantation in India

  • National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH)
  • National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL)

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Last modified on blank at May 13, 2022


Amit Bansal

Amit Bansal is a serial entrepreneur, Co-Founder, and CEO of MediGence. He has more than 17 years of strong technology experience. Having worked for some of the recognized companies in India, Australia and traveled worldwide to help businesses to grow multi-folded under his leadership and strategic guidance.


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