Stem Cell Therapy for Liver Disease

Stem Cell Therapy for Liver Disease


As we all know, the largest organ in our body is the liver. Our liver is necessary for digestion and the elimination of toxins from our bodies. You may begin to affect your liver as a result of incorrect lifestyle changes or risk factors. Liver disease is the result of these impairments to the liver, which can progress over time. It has the potential to harm the liver, causing scarring (cirrhosis), which can lead to liver failure, which is a life-threatening condition. However, early treatment may allow the liver to recover. According to several statistics collectively, more than 50 million people worldwide are affected by liver disorders, especially when taking the adult population into account. The prevalence of liver disease has been progressively rising over time. Liver diseases are the 12th most common cause of death in the world, according to the World Gastroenterology Organization.

Regenerative medicine is central to our approach, and stem cell therapy is one of our favorite tools. Stem cell therapy, treats conditions by targeting their root causes in order to produce long-lasting results. Mesenchymal stem cells generated from bone marrow may efficiently rescue experimental liver failure and contribute to liver regeneration, suggesting that they could be a viable alternative to organ transplantation for the treatment of liver diseases. MSCs have been investigated for the treatment of both liver and non-liver disorders. MSCs have been demonstrated to improve the MELD score in end-stage liver disease and have been beneficial in treating diseases such as acute steroid-resistant GVHD in hematopoietic stem cell transplanted patients.

Symptoms and Causes of Liver Disease


Liver disease does not necessarily manifest itself in the form of visible signs and symptoms. If you have liver disease, you may notice the following signs and symptoms:

  • Skin and eyes that appear yellowish (jaundice)
  • Abdominal pain and swelling
  • Swelling in the legs and ankles
  • Itchy skin
  • Dark urine color
  • Pale stool color
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Tendency to bruise easily


Liver disease can be passed down the generations (genetic). Viruses, alcohol usage, and obesity are just a few of the things that can harm the liver. Alcohol, NASH, and viral hepatitis are currently the most common causes worldwide. Let’s take a closer look at the factors that contribute to liver illness-

  • Infection of the liver by parasites or viruses can result in inflammation and reduced liver function. Viruses that cause liver disease can be passed from person to person through blood or sperm, contaminated food or water, or close contact with an infected person. Hepatitis viruses are the most common cause of liver infection, and they include Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C.
  • Immune System Abnormality Your liver might be affected by autoimmune diseases, in which your immune system assaults specific sections of your body. The following are some examples of autoimmune liver diseases: Autoimmune hepatitis, Primary biliary cholangitis, and Primary sclerosing cholangitis
  • Genetics A faulty gene passed down from one or both parents can cause a build-up of different substances in your liver, resulting in liver disease. The following are examples of genetic liver diseases- Hemochromatosis, Wilson’s disease, Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
  • Cancer & other tumors growth Cancer that starts in the cells of your liver is known as liver cancer. The liver can develop a variety of cancers. Hepatocellular carcinoma is the most prevalent type of liver cancer, and it starts in the major type of liver cell (hepatocyte). Other kinds of liver cancer are significantly less prevalent, such as intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and hepatoblastoma.
  • Alcohol consumption Some liver cells die each time your liver filters alcohol. The liver can regenerate new cells, but long-term alcohol abuse (drinking too much) can impair its ability to do so. Your liver could be permanently damaged as a result of this.

In Europe, alcohol is the leading cause of liver-related death, with France and Spain reporting the highest mortality rates (approximately 30 deaths per 100,000 per year). Alcohol is becoming the most common cause of chronic liver disease in almost all nations including Asian nations such as India.

>>Other potential causes

  • Fat accumulation in the liver (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease)
  • Certain prescription or over-the-counter medications
  • Certain herbal compound

Types of Liver Conditions Treated by Stem Cell Therapy

Some of the common types of liver conditions treatable by stem cell therapy are-

1. Hepatitis infections– Sometimes the issue is an infection that causes your liver to become inflamed. The most prevalent cause is viral hepatitis, which includes:

  • Hepatitis A: It is a highly contagious liver infection caused by the hepatitis A virus. The majority of people contract it by eating or drinking something contaminated with feces. There’s a chance you don’t have any symptoms. It normally goes away on its own after 6 months with no long-term consequences.
  • Hepatitis B: You contract it from another person, for example, through unprotected intercourse or drug use using shared needles. It increases your risk of liver cancer and other problems if it lasts more than 6 months.
  • Hepatitis C: It is caused by contaminated blood entering your body. It’s possible to contract it if you use drugs with shared needles or if you have HIV. If you work in health care, it’s possible that you’ll get it through an infected needle that you mistakenly poke yourself with. Symptoms may not appear for several years. Hepatitis C is a concern for baby boomers for unknown reasons, and they should be screened for it.

2. Fatty Liver– Steatosis (fatty liver disease) is a frequent disorder caused by a buildup of fat in the liver. There is a modest amount of fat in a healthy liver. When fat accounts for 5% to 10% of your liver’s weight, it becomes an issue. Excessive calorie consumption causes fat to accumulate in the liver. Too much fat accumulates when the liver does not process and break down fats as it should. People with certain comorbid illnesses, such as obesity, diabetes, or high triglycerides, are more likely to develop fatty liver.

3. Liver Cirrhosis– Cirrhosis is a late stage of liver scarring (fibrosis) induced by a variety of diseases and disorders, including hepatitis and chronic alcoholism. When your liver is wounded, whether from disease, too much alcohol, or something else, it tries to heal itself. Cirrhosis is linked to various complications such as ascites (abdominal fluid build-up), hepatic encephalopathy, the risk of variceal hemorrhage, and other infections. Cirrhosis causes scar tissue to grow, which makes it harder for the liver to function (decompensated cirrhosis). Cirrhosis in its advanced stages can be fatal. Cirrhosis causes liver damage that cannot be reversed. Further damage can be reduced and, in rare cases, reversed if liver cirrhosis is discovered early and the cause is addressed. The global prevalence of cirrhosis from autopsy studies ranges from 4.5% to 9.5% of the general population. The prevalence of cirrhosis is likely to be underestimated as almost a third of the patients remain asymptomatic.

4. Cancers & Tumors

  • Liver Cancer: Women are more likely than men to develop liver cancer, and African-Americans are more likely than whites to develop it. Hepatocellular carcinoma is what your doctor could label it. If you have hepatitis or drink excessively, it’s more likely to develop.
  • Bile duct cancer affects the tubes that transport bile, a digestive fluid, from your liver to your small intestine. This type of cancer primarily affects persons over the age of 50, however, it is quite uncommon.
  • A tumor that isn’t cancerous is called a liver cell adenoma. It’s rare, but women who take birth control pills for a long time are more likely to develop it than other people. There’s a potential the tumor will become cancerous in the future.

5. Wilson disease– Wilson’s disease is a genetic condition in which the body accumulates too much copper. The brain and liver are usually involved in the symptoms.  If you receive only one abnormal gene, you won’t become ill yourself, but you’re a carrier and can pass the gene to your children. Vomiting, weakness, fluid build-up in the abdomen, swelling of the legs, yellowish skin, and itching are all indications of a swollen liver. WD is thought to impact about one out of every 30,000 people worldwide, with a higher prevalence recorded in Asia, such as India.

6. Hyperoxaluria– It hits when your urine has too much of a chemical called oxalate. In this condition, your liver makes too little oxalate due to a genetic mutation. This can cause kidney stones and kidney failure. If your kidneys do fail, that can give you oxalosis, where the oxalate collects in other organs and causes more trouble.

7. Hemochromatosis– Hemochromatosis is a condition in which the body accumulates excessive amounts of iron. Hemochromatosis can lead to iron overload, an accumulation of iron in your body that can harm your liver, heart, pancreas, endocrine glands, and joints if left untreated. A mutation in a gene that affects the amount of iron your body absorbs from the diet causes hereditary hemochromatosis. These mutations are passed down from one generation to the next.

Importance of Stem Cell Therapy for Liver Disease

  • Liver transplantation is the sole treatment option for those with severe and end-stage liver failure. Unfortunately, only around 10% of individuals who require a liver transplant will obtain one, and many people die while waiting for a match. For patients who do not have access to a liver transplant, stem cell research may give an alternate and unique therapy.
  • Nowadays, Stem cell treatment is transforming the lives of Liver disease sufferers. Although it is new in the healthcare sector, it is still proven to be an effective treatment for most conditions.
  • Globally, liver disease is a threat to human health, resulting in nearly 2 million fatalities per year. The existing therapy options for injured or diseased livers, however, have substantial disadvantages. Patients with advanced liver disease may require whole-organ transplants, but suitable organs are scarce and the surgery might be prohibitively expensive. Worse, the immunosuppressive medicines that the patient must begin taking following the transplant might diminish the quality of life dramatically. Fortunately, mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapy is gaining traction as a promising new treatment option for liver disease patients.
  • Despite the liver’s strong regenerating capacity, liver failure arises as a result of significant hepatocyte loss. In addition to liver failure, stem cell transplantation therapy for acute, chronic, and inherited liver illnesses can induce regeneration or at least provide adequate function until a liver transplant can be performed. By boosting the rate of hepatocyte mitosis and stem cell development into hepatocytes or cholangiocytes, the liver can regenerate itself. The main cell lineage for liver regeneration is stem cells.
  • In a nutshell, researchers have concluded that bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells can effectively rescue experimental liver failure, contribute to liver regeneration, and offer a potential alternative therapy to organ transplantation for the treatment of liver diseases after conducting numerous experiments (which are still ongoing). MSCs have been demonstrated to improve the MELD score in end-stage liver disease and have been beneficial in treating diseases such as acute steroid-resistant GVHD in hematopoietic stem cell transplanted patients. The use of autologous MSCs as a treatment option has no serious side effects.

Eligibility of Stem Cell Therapy for Liver Disease

Certain candidates have a better prognosis with stem cell therapy for liver diseases-

Youngsters: Younger patients are more likely to have alcoholic liver damage. Young patients with repeated ascitic tap may benefit from stem cell therapy. This is particularly beneficial in early-stage patients because stem cells can prevent the progression of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis to fibrosis and cirrhosis in the liver. Young patients have a great immune system as compared to the old ones.

Old-age Patients: When it comes to liver diseases, older individuals are at a greater risk of mortality. Patients with advanced liver disease may benefit from stem cell therapy. Because of its immunomodulatory effects, the medication slows disease progression and relieves pain.

Other factors that make a candidate eligible for the treatment of liver diseases by stem cell therapy- 

  • When the cost of liver transplantation is not feasible for the candidate
  • When the patient is unable to find a donor and it could take months to arrange the liver, and the patient might not have much time left
  • When the candidate is on the high risk of graft rejection after the transplant
  • When the patient is Old and at high risk of death with liver transplantation

Stem Cell Treatment Protocol used by GAIA (in association with CEMAB) for Liver Diseases 

GAIA works as a logistics partner with CEMAB, which is the biggest & first biotechnology laboratory where stem cells are processed. The goal of their treatment is to lower the body’s overall levels of chronic low-grade inflammation. The consequences are expected to linger for a long period. Stem cells have the unique ability to move to areas of injury and inflammation in the body. The ability of stem cells to coordinate the repair and regeneration of degraded tissues, as well as modify the immune system to promote improved health, has been demonstrated in studies.

The benefits of stem cell therapy can include a reduction in undesirable symptoms, a slowdown of disease development, and an overall improvement in quality of life, depending on the sickness or the patient’s starting condition.

  • The two-day protocol focuses on an intervening stem cell transplant: a minimum of 120 million MSCs (Mesenchymal Stem Cells) produced from cord tissue are administered intravenously.
  • The method takes about 45 minutes to complete, is minimally invasive, and requires very little recovery time.
  • Patients usually return to their homes two days after their scheduled session.

Advantages of Stem Cell Therapy for Liver Diseases

Although the liver has some regeneration potential, it is still possible to harm it beyond its ability to heal. It tries to repair itself by generating scar tissue when it is frequently or continuously damaged (for example, through extended alcohol consumption). The liver’s ability to repair is significantly hampered when scar tissue becomes prevalent. Cirrhosis, or significant scarring of the liver, is usually permanent, and the patient requires a liver transplant.

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are naturally “home” to damaged parts of the body, where they drive healing processes: they can minimize tissue damage and induce repair and regeneration in individuals with liver disease. Stem cell transplantation has been found to be useful for disorders such as liver cirrhosis, liver failure, and liver malignancies in several clinical trials. A systematic assessment of 24 distinct clinical studies published in 2020 indicated that stem cell therapy was superior to traditional treatments in terms of restoring liver function and enhancing patient survival. MSC therapy by GAIA, in particular, is seen to be a safe and promising treatment option for a variety of liver diseases.

Now you’re probably wondering how stem cell therapy can help with a liver transplant in a variety of ways. Therefore, we have underlined some of the advantages for your concern- 

  • Stabilizing the progression of liver fibrosis and cirrhosis, potentially eliminating the need for a liver transplant
  • Due to their ability to regenerate, stem cells can enable patients with short survival time to extend the time until they discover a healthy matched liver donor
  • Graft rejection is less likely with stem cells
  • The patient becomes susceptible to various infections in the body as a result of his or her continued immunosuppression. Stem cells boost immunity and help people avoid getting sick

How To Apply For Stem Cell Treatment for Liver Disease? Applying for stem cell therapy is very convenient and hassle-free for you through MediGence

  • Step1– Send us an inquiry with relevant details of your condition
  • Step2– Our team of experts will validate your case
  • Step3– A dedicated patient care manager will be assigned to your case
  • Step4– Once validated, you can also avail a teleconsultation with our stem cell specialist

Frequently Asked Questions

The biological action of stem cells has the capability to reduce tissue damage in the liver. In a way, they can also help with the repair and regeneration of the damaged tissue in the liver. However, whether or not it can help permanently cure liver disease depends on a lot of factors. The stage and severity of the disease are one of such reasons.

There are different mechanisms by which stem cell therapy can work for the treatment. The mechanism varies as per the diagnosis or the reason for liver dysfunction. Accordingly, the specialist chooses the type of stem cells that will work to improve the clinical status of the patient. Typically, stem cells work either by enhancing the immune function (for conditions such as hepatitis-induced liver dysfunction) or by regulating the immune response (for conditions such as autoimmune liver disease or alcoholic liver cirrhosis).

MediGence is a health-tech organization that specializes in improving quality healthcare accessibility using its innovative set of tools and technology. With a global network of internationally certified and recognized healthcare providers, we strive hard to simplify the complexity of availing the expert second opinion (named thinkTWICE), online virtual consultation (Telemedicine), Treatment overseas (multiple options), Treatment with complimentary additional benefits & discounts (Prebundled packages), and Post-operative care (comprehensive patient care with post-op packages). Many other services are still in progress.

Following HIPAA and GDPR compliances, MediGence became one of the first companies certified by TEMOS for upholding international quality standards. 

MediGence has always placed a premium on gaining and maintaining the trust of its patients and the physicians with whom it works. We’ve always strived for excellence and expanded our service offerings to our patients in order to increase healthcare accessibility and quality of life for them. We’ve formed a number of useful and reputable partnerships with world-class hospitals and doctors all over the world. We, like the others, have brought GAIA from Colombia (a world-renowned stem cell advanced laboratory in association with CEMAB) on board, as we recognize the importance of stem cells in the future. Stem cells are often regarded as the medicine of the future.

Some major values that we follow are

  • Our focus is safety, efficacy, and patient-­centric care when providing access to superior stem cell therapy.
  • We utilize only board-certified surgeons, physicians, and accredited clinicians to provide care for patients.
  • A clinical team with expertise in practicing stem cell therapy for various conditions at GAIA & CEMAB
  • Methods of administering stem cells that steer them to certain conditions
  • Skilled Patient Advocates/Advisors who are trained to provide truthful, realistic expectations resulting from stem cell therapy. We do not make outlandish promises of cures or inaccurate claims related to improvement rates

We have numerous reasons why choose us for your medical accessibility partner

  • Patients coming or connecting with us from across the globe have full faith in us and that we have an incredible potential to manage their entire medical journey. We have been the leading healthcare facilitators among patients, especially from Turkey, India, Russia, Spain, Singapore, Lithuania, UAE, the United States, the United Kingdom, and many other countries.
  • We have launched several products & services such as Telemedicine, thinkTwice, Prebundled & Prenegotiated Packages for availing treatment abroad with additional benefits, our network of 4000+ doctors in 20+ countries, our dedicated case managers at your medical destination,  our exploring platform for multiple treatments overseas, our logistics arrangement, and much more; for the betterment of your healthcare accessibility.
  • MediGence initiated this collaboration to expand the service offerings and to benefit suffering patients around the world to avoid any large invasive surgical procedures.
  • We are serving stem cell therapy to successfully treat autoimmune or inflammatory diseases like Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Arthritis, Lupus, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Diabetes, Psoriasis, Graves’ Disease, and many others – often with breathtaking results!
  • We have a network of several doctors from Central and South America. who has helped thousands of patients restore their health with STEM CELL therapies? They have demonstrated an impeccable safety profile, and the results have often been breathtaking, utilizing these advanced treatments that are not available in the world.
  • We work with pioneers of stem cell science who have bought this cutting-edge technology in the world and that too at affordable rates.
  • Stem cell therapy saved the lives of many big celebrities and their loved ones
  • There is no compromise on the treatment quality due to reduced prices, as we have already established beneficial mutual collaborations with the hospitals & doctors.
  • Before undertaking the stem cell treatment, MediGence always prefers you to consult with the specialists via phone consultation or teleconsultation, which can help you with more clarity regarding your condition and treatment eligibility, possibilities, durability, & other factors.

Since stem cell therapy is an injectable process of treatment and it has many other benefits of safety associated such as-

  • Outpatient treatment
  • No hospitalization required
  • No delayed recovery

Although stem cells have no adverse effects, therefore everyone, regardless of age, gender, or severity, can benefit from stem cell therapy. Nonetheless, it is a risk-free process.

It depends on the number of sessions recommended to you. On average, you need to stay for about 5 days in case of a single session. Sometimes, GAIA allows you to leave 2 days after your single session. The second session is usually performed after a gap of 15 days from the first session. The duration of stay may, therefore, vary from person to person depending on the diagnosis and severity of the condition. Follow-up consultations are also available via MediGence. Usually, patients do not require any follow-up consultation as they can pursue rehabilitation therapy in their home country after getting stem cell treatment. Still, as per your requirement, 1-2 follow-up consultations after your sessions will be included in your treatment process.

Absolutely, it is possible to consult with one of our Stem cell specialists before you decide to travel.

You can avail phone consultation with one of our experienced ‘Stem Cell Treatment specialists, who will assess your medical history and will take you through treatment options & possibilities. He/She will define your eligibility for the treatment based on the review of your reports and will answer your required queries. You just need to follow the steps of booking and your call will be scheduled.

MediGence assists you with a pool of services & doctors. For your stem cell treatment process, MediGence takes the entire responsibility of your Booking to Recovery. MediGence-

  • Provides a walkthrough of the entire treatment process & benefits you will receive
  • Shows you the cost of stem cell therapy for every condition with transparency
    Connect you with the ‘Stem cell specialists for a brief consultation about your eligibility & treatment
  • Booking your appointment for an online consultation with your doctor before you travel
  • Booking your treatment with GAIA
  • Make your arrangements when you are ready to fly for treatment
  • Follow-up consultations are included in your treatment process
Reviewed By :- Urvi Agrawal


With over 14 years of experience. Dr. Vijita Jayan is an extremely competent, skilled & revered Senior Neuro Physiotherapist. She holds an impeccable academic record and extensive experience in the field of neuro-rehabilitation. She is renowned for handling mobility-dependent cases. She is also an avid writer of several published articles & research papers. Being awarded several accolades in her career, she is considered one of the leading names In the field of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

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