Patient from Nigeria Underwent Health Check-Up in Dubai

Patient from Nigeria Underwent Health Check-Up in Dubai
  • Patient Name : Adebowale Musa
  • From Country : Nigeria
  • Destination Country : UAE
  • Procedure : Health Check-up
  • Hospital : Saudi German Hospital

I am very satisfied with the Saudi German Hospital and their Health Check-up Program. It is from the bottom of my heart that I thank MediGence which has helped me from the very beginning and in every way possible. MediGence has really come through for me and made sure that my experience was incredible

Mr. Adebowale Musa is an outgoing and pleasant 37 years old whose purpose in making the long journey from Nigeria to Dubai with his brother was to make sure that he is in good health. For this express purpose he chose to come to Saudi German Hospital which is an oasis of good healthcare for all. His choice of coming to Dubai is not just because it is one of the best travel and stay destinations in the world but is a healthcare hub for all the right and good reasons.

Mr. Musa arrived in the country and to Saudi German Hospital on 07th Jan 2021 and was attended to at once by dedicated yet professional healthcare professionals. Saudi German Hospital became the best host for the patient and his brother as they felt comfortable, at home, and at peace at this exceptional healthcare institution. It was not just the facilities but the warmth of the people manning the healthcare and the patient transfer, an international patient center whose focus remains patient care and satisfaction to the fullest extent.

The excellent quality of doctors at Saudi German Hospital makes it a foremost healthcare organization. The doctors and the other allied healthcare personnel at the Saudi German Hospital have had tonnes of international exposure. This is in addition to their humane and caregiving approach to healthcare delivery.

Pre-Treatment & Process

The patient wanted to undergo a complete health check-up and this was achieved quite well during his time at the Saudi German Hospital under the supervision of excellent doctors and allied healthcare professionals. The health check-up which he underwent satisfactorily was because of the adept and skilled healthcare staff which constitute this premier healthcare institution. This kind of process is advisable once you are above the age of 35 at least once a year or as your doctor advises you.

Complete health check-up means a full body checkup which includes a plethora of tests important among them being cardiac risk markers, a complete hemogram, testing for diabetes, iron deficiency, lipid tests, liver health-related tests, kidney and thyroid tests. Let us have a look at the specificities of these tests below.

Haemogram :

  • Hemoglobin
  • Packed Cell Volume
  • RBC Count
  • Total WBC
  • Differential Count
  • Platelet Count
  • MCV
  • MCH
  • MCHC
  • ESR
  • Peripheral Smear (if CBC findings are abnormal)

Blood Sugar :

  • Fasting Blood Sugar
  • PP Blood Sugar (for diabetics only)
  • HbA1C

Renal Profile :

  • Urea
  • Creatinine
  • Uric Acid

Lipid Profile :

  • Total Cholesterol
  • HDL Cholesterol
  • LDL Cholesterol
  • Triglycerides
  • HDL Ratio

Liver Profile :

  • Total Protein
  • Albumin
  • Globulin
  • SGPT
  • SGOT
  • Alkaline Phosphatase
  • GGTP
  • Serum Bilirubin

General Tests :

  • Urine Routine Analysis
  • Stool Test (Optional)
  • ECG (Resting)
  • X-Ray Chest (PA view)
  • Ultrasonogram of the Abdomen (Screening)
  • Pap Smear (for Women)
  • TMT
  • ECHO
  • Pulmonary Function Test (Spirometry)
  • Mammogram (for Women with Optional Ultrasound Breast)

Additional Blood Tests :

  • Serum Calcium
  • Serum Phosphorus
  • Serum Electrolytes
  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
  • HbsAg
  • PSA (for Men)

Post Treatment

There are a number of consultations involved during the process and these are

  • Clinical Examination
  • Medical Summary
  • Physician Consult
  • Surgical Examination (Men)
  • Gynecologist Consult (Women)
  • ENT Consult
  • Dental Consult
  • Eye/Ophthalmology Consult
  • Diet Counselling

The patient also stayed for 3 weeks post health check-up as an observation period in Dubai which the patient and his brother enjoyed to the fullest. They felt relaxed and relieved at the same time. MediGence became a true savior for the patient all through from making sure the post-treatment consultations were completed, making sure that the patient stayed comfortably in the best stay option available. MediGence was the perfect enabler for several aspects of the treatment, travel, transfer, and more be it Hospital Transfer Coordination, Airport Pick-up Coordination, Hospital Appointment Coordination.

Last modified on blank at Feb 22, 2022

Reviewed By :- Vijita Jayan

Dr. Mrinalini Kachroo

Dr. Mrinalini Kachroo is a Patient Advisory Executive at MediGence. A dentist by education,she excels in communicating with patients and providing them with the best possible healthcare available all around the world. Her experience as a dental professional provides an advantage to the patients by providing an colloquial medical assistance.

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