MediGence Receives Key Temos Certification for Upholding International Quality Standards for Medical Travel

MediGence Receives Key Temos Certification for Upholding International Quality Standards for Medical Travel

The global medical tourism platform MediGence proudly announces the addition of the accreditation of “Quality in International Medical Travel Coordination” from the global leader Temos International. MediGence becomes the first medical travel coordinator in India to achieve Temos certification for its unmatched services to international patients. The company now proudly stands out from the crowd and truly demonstrates excellence by achieving highly acclaimed Temos certification for seamless efforts and dedication towards the commendable progress of medical tourism across the world.
The accreditation is a well-deserved confirmation of MediGence’s excellent patient services. The company is proud to achieve Temos accreditation to validate its mission.

With the newly achieved Temos quality accreditation, MediGence will continue its journey on showcasing quality at all stages to all its international patients with some extra touches.

What makes MediGence unique in the medical tourism industry?

Founded in 2016, MediGence has been serving patients seeking medical services from the first contact and including follow-ups with highly affordable budgets and world-class standards. The company also has strong presence in other segments like Telemedicine, Special Health Packages, Review Community and App for collaboration. Recognized as a leading technology-led global platform, MediGence focuses on finding and leveraging word-class overseas medical treatment options for a unique patient care experience. The mission of the company is to empower people to take the informed healthcare decision. The highly motivated team at MediGence has worked very hard to identify and fulfill all the critical requirements of its international patients and design the best packages for them.

MediGence services continue with regular follow-up with the patients using the latest technology along with their sincere human relations. Enlarging its huge patient base mainly through ”mouth to mouth” PR, the company effectively proves that excellent service is the key to success in medical tourism.

Medigence has a full-fledged team which manages all the required arrangements for the international patients, starting from accommodation and visa to transportation and consultation, based on the requirements of the individual. The company has a prompt response system that addresses all global enquiries without any delay, offering top priority to their international patients and ensuring convenience to their customers.

Having acquired the prestigious TEMOS certification for excellence in international patient care, MediGence becomes the first medical tourism company in India to receive Temos accreditation for Quality in International Medical Travel Coordination. The notable accreditation has validated the company’s high standards, their commitment, and their quality. The important accreditation will definitely help them to become a quality and an excellent leader in the international medical care sector.

Process followed for receiving Temos certification

The certification of results was undertaken by Temos International Healthcare Accreditation, after a very lengthy procedure to validate the MediGence’s complete process. There was no standard process specially designed and developed for MediGence. The process is already in place for the organization like MediGence and it is for us to implement it. as per the strict European Union guidelines on all criteria to ensure objective and qualitative statistical reporting and international standards for data validation.

To achieve the certification, MediGence submitted detailed responses for an audit against a multi-point checklist. For ensuring that the patient’s privacy and data security is ensured, the company shared proof points for further review by Temos experts. MediGence’s certification means that the company’s data security protocols were at least 200 points above the standard baseline.

What made MediGence eligible for the certification?

MediGence recognizes that the confidentiality of the patient’s information is its top priority. Strict protocols are followed to protect personal information, both written as well as computer generated. All the legal aspects of confidentiality are strongly maintained, so that the patient can undergo a hassle-free treatment.

MediGence makes it mandatory for the associated hospitals to uphold the patient’s trust. Strict policies regarding the access to all confidential information are properly maintained. MediGence’s team is imparted with notions on the high standards of patient’s confidentiality.

The company keeps all the medical reports, statistical data, and necessary records that it receives from its patients under a strict non disclosure agreement, which is upheld by the associated hospitals. MediGence also has an intrusion protection control system for technical data, to avoid any malicious hacking and unauthorized access. In addition to this, MediGence allows its patients to upload their healthcare records on HIPPA and GDPR compliant servers.

What does the certification mean for international patients?

International accreditation is considered as a stamp of approval to provide the patients with security about the quality of healthcare offered by foreign medical service providers. Reputation matters significantly in the medical tourism industry, and international accreditation helps build confidence in the quality of services. MediGence is fully committed to meeting the international standards set by the world leader Temos. The certification is definitely going to help the company to improve its process further and exceed the expectations of international patients.

MediGence has to mandatorily submit the Internet and external auditor report every 6 months to TEMOS for reviews to ensure MediGence is following all compliances.

About Temos certification

Temos certification is given to medical service providers that have effective international quality management systems in place, with major focus on medical tourists. The sole purpose of Temos standards is to neutrally evaluate the quality of medical services, identify the true potential for improvement and optimize the medical quality of services in the interested organization with a special attention to ensure a continuum of care for patients. Medical service providers must comply with the strict Temos quality criteria for the treatment of international patients.
MediGence always strives to assure that the patients are very actively engaged and that the company is proactive in managing the cultural sensitivities as well as communication at all touch points along the medical travel care continuum. MediGence is always a step ahead to meet the best of international standards and ensure the utmost convenience for the patients and their families.


Amit Bansal

Amit Bansal is a serial entrepreneur, Co-Founder, and CEO of MediGence. He has more than 17 years of strong technology experience. Having worked for some of the recognized companies in India, Australia and traveled worldwide to help businesses to grow multi-folded under his leadership and strategic guidance.


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