A Patient from Fiji underwent Thoracotomy Surgery in India

A Patient from Fiji underwent Thoracotomy Surgery in India
  • Patient Name : Umesh Prakash
  • From Country : Fiji
  • Destination Country : India
  • Procedure : Thoracotomy Surgery
  • Hospital : Jaypee Hospital, Noida

Mr. Umesh Prakash, aged 45 years from Fiji, complained of difficulty in breathing and breathlessness for over two years.


Mr. Umesh Prakash, aged 45 years from Fiji, complained of difficulty in breathing and breathlessness for over two years.

Mr. Prakash, who is a heavy-wage worker in Fiji, faced difficulty in breathing and shortness of breath even by doing simple activities like walking or taking stairs. This issue had started causing a serious challenge for him in carrying out his day-to-day life as well as impacting his work life adversely.

Upon health check-up, he was diagnosed with Pneumonia for which he underwent the investigation tests as suggested by doctors in Fiji, and was diagnosed with Thoracic Emphysema showing puss and infection in his lungs, which was further amplifying his issue of breathlessness. Following the treatment as advised by his doctor in Fiji, Mr. Umesh had two lung surgeries in Fiji to resolve the lung issue. However, even after two surgeries, he didn’t get much relief and the same issue of breathlessness started again.

Mr. Asneel, the brother-in-law of Mr. Prakash, recognized this issue and the challenges faced by Mr. Prakash which is why he started looking for better treatment options for Mr. Prakash and came across MediGence as referred by a distant relative. Team MediGence, upon receiving his query took up the case without lagging any time and proposed the best possible treatment options for Mr. Prakash in India. The intent was to connect him with expert surgeons and treatment for his brother-in-law’s treatment.

Taking all the research into consideration and committed assistance by MediGence, they chose Dr. Manoj Luthra, Director of Cardiac Surgery at Jaypee Hospital, Noida. Dr. Luthra is one of the best surgeons for cardiac and Thoracic Surgery and is reputed for his precision and dedicated surgeries with immense care.


Mr. Prakash and Mr. Asneel landed in India on the 25th of July for the treatment. They were received and safely accommodated to their hotel by the MediGence team. Dr. Suruchi from the MediGence team took them to the hospital for their first consultation with Dr. Luthra.

After a thorough check-up of Mr. Prakash, Dr. Luthra advised Mr. Prakash to be admitted to the hospital the same day and confirmed the date of surgery for Mr. Prakash i.e. 27th of July.


As scheduled, Mr. Prakash underwent the Thoracotomy Surgery on the 27th of July. In the surgery, the space of the right lung laterally was increased by approximately 2cm. Space was maintained between the lungs and the ribs so that the lungs could reach the rib smoothly as he breathed in.

Other than the expansion of lungs, the puss cells and pleura that were accumulated along the line of the lungs was also drained out.


The surgery was conducted successfully and Mr. Prakash is now back to his normal life doing his daily chores. He doesn’t complain of shortness of breath while taking long walks which he was experiencing earlier.

Mr. Prakash and Mr. Asneel were also happy with the overall patient care experience as received by team MediGence.

After monitoring Mr. Prakash’s recovery and ensuring all body functions were stable, he was discharged on 4th August. Dr. Luthra has suggested he to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle, moderate exercise, and regular walks.

Mr. Prakash and Mr. Asneel plan to stay in India for the remaining month of August and enjoy its weather, places, and cuisine. Team MediGence wishes Ms. Umesh Prakash a very well and a speedy recovery!

Last modified on blank at Jun 19, 2024


Amit Bansal

Amit Bansal is a serial entrepreneur, Co-Founder, and CEO of MediGence. He has more than 17 years of strong technology experience. Having worked for some of the recognized companies in India, Australia and traveled worldwide to help businesses to grow multi-folded under his leadership and strategic guidance.


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