Patient from Ethiopia Underwent PET Scan at Turkey

Patient from Ethiopia Underwent PET Scan at Turkey
  • Patient Name : Mrs Sendu Tereffe
  • From Country : Ethiopia
  • Destination Country : Turkey
  • Procedure : PET Scan
  • Hospital : Istinye University LIV Hospital

MediGence provided me with the best options. They helped me right from choosing the best doctors, destination, arranging the appointments and airport transfer. I am thankful to Team MediGence.

Mrs Sendu Tereffe was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. The stage 4 cancer had advanced, and she underwent treatment in her home country, Ethiopia. Mrs Sendu Tereffe wanted to know her prognosis and the efficacy of her treatment. She decided to have a consultation with a reputed oncologist and oncology follow up. She wanted the best resources made available to her and hence searched the internet.

Mrs Sendu Tereffe soon realized that the resources and infrastructure in her country were very limited and decided to pursue international options. She came across MediGence and contacted us by filling out an inquiry form.

Our case manager contacted Mrs Tereffe immediately and requested to share her medical records, scans and reports to come up with the best doctors and destination options for her. Mrs Sendu Tereffe was provided with multiple options across the globe with top oncologists. Mrs Tereffe decided to pursue her treatment with the expert oncologist Dr Tahsin Ozatli at the reputed Istinye University LIV Hospital in Turkey.

Mrs Sendu Tereffe arrived at Turkey on 3rd November 2020. She was greeted at the airport by the staffs of Istinye University LIV Hospital. She was accompanied by her son. She was transferred to Istinye University LIV Hospital where she was counselled for the tests and treatment. She underwent a PET scan to determine the efficacy of her chemo treatment she underwent in her home country. After the PET scan and a few tests, the doctor was able to understand her diagnosis and treatment regimen. The results of the scan and tests helped Dr Tahsin Ozatli to map out an effective treatment plan for Mrs Sendu Tereffe.

Based on the PET Scans, the doctor- identified better ways to treat cancer. The patient spent only a day in the Hospital. Even during her short stay, she received the best care from the hospital staffs.

The hospital was well equipped to handle Mrs Tereffe’s needs and care. The patient stayed in the country for a total of 7 days to ensure proper follow-up protocols. MediGence provided with many staying options in the country and the patient Mrs Tereffe chose the best according to her budget. The stay in the country ensured that Mrs Tereffe not only kept up with the appointments but also gave her a chance to immerse in the culture and hospitality of the country.

MediGence ensured that Mrs Sendu Tereffe received the best possible care during her stay in the country and hospital. MediGence didn’t limit itself to the hospital appointments alone and co-ordinated hospital transfer, Airport pick-up, hospital appointments. MediGence also organized her follow-up consultation in the hospital with the expert Oncologist.

Mrs Sendu Tereffe states that she is thankful to the doctors at Istinye University LIV Hospital in Turkey for their continuous care and expertise. She is grateful for the extensive counselling and consultations she received from the expert doctors based on the results of her PET scan.

Mrs Sendu Tereffe also thanked MediGence for providing her with the best options. For helping her from the very beginning right from choosing the best doctors, destination, arranging the appointments and airport transfer.

Team MediGence wishes Mrs Sendu Tereffe a very healthy and happy future!

Last modified on blank at Feb 22, 2022


Amit Bansal

Amit Bansal is a serial entrepreneur, Co-Founder, and CEO of MediGence. He has more than 17 years of strong technology experience. Having worked for some of the recognized companies in India, Australia and traveled worldwide to help businesses to grow multi-folded under his leadership and strategic guidance.


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