Can You Eat Normally After Weight Loss Surgery?

Can You Eat Normally After Weight Loss Surgery?

Introduction to Can You Eat Normally After Weight Loss Surgery?

Bariatric surgery can result in immense weight loss over a period of time. However, it is important for patients to remain watchful with respect to what they eat and how much they eat after the surgery.

Patients are more likely to regain weight once they start to eat uncontrollably after weight loss surgery. In addition, it may trigger many complications and in some cases may lead to malnutrition.

Apart from eating the right foods, it is important for such patients to follow the right eating techniques. These include the following:

  • Proper preparation of food
  • Optimum and controlled portion size
  • Slow and thorough chewing
  • Complete avoidance of fluids before, during, and after meals

Additionally, patients must know how to identify problems associated with eating. For example, they must stop eating when they experience a feeling of fullness.

When to seek medical help?

The patient should seek medical help when they experience any of the following:

  • Feeling of fullness
  • Gas and bloating
  • Cramping
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Discomfort in the chest

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Foods which should be avoided after Bariatric Surgery

Food Product Examples Consequence
Concentrated sweets Sugar, juice, pastries, cookies, cake, ice cream, candy, chocolate bars, honey, maple syrup, jam, etc. Dumping syndrome, Reactive hypoglycemia, weight gain.
Greasy /High-fat foods Fatty meats, skin-on poultry, bacon, sausage, added fats, (i.e. butter, excess oil), heavy cream sauces, fried foods, etc. Dumping syndrome, weight gain.
Carbonated beverages Soda, mineralized water, sparkling water, beer, etc. Increase size on the gastric pouch
Caffeine Coffee, tea, chocolate, energy drinks, etc. Diuretic, fluid loss.
Alcohol Beer, wine, spirits, etc. Irritation to the digestive system, weight gain.
Soft ‘doughy’ grain products Untoasted bread, pasta, rice, etc. Dysphagia (‘stuck’ feeling when swallowing).
Fibrous foods Nuts, popcorn, celery, artichoke, etc. Better to delay consumption until tolerance improves.
Caffeine Coffee, tea, chocolate, energy drinks, etc. Diuretic, fluid loss.

Video Credit: HowCast

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Bariatric Surgeon, Gastroente...

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Vivek Bindal

Bariatric Surgeon, General La...

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Last modified on blank at Apr 11, 2022



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