Stem Cell Therapy for Knee Arthritis

Stem Cell Therapy for Knee Arthritis


Arthritis is a condition in which one or more joints enlarge and become tender. Knee arthritis is the inflammation and degradation of the cartilage of the knee joint. The slick coating on the ends of bones that serves as a cushion and helps the knee to bend and straighten smoothly is known as cartilage. Joint pain and stiffness are the most common symptoms of arthritis, which normally worsen with age. Since it is a joint pain that can sustain for a long time, therefore you definitely need long-term treatment. In this case, opting for Stem Cell therapy for knee arthritis is an ideal choice for reducing the symptoms and improving the quality of life by resolving your mobility issues. In recent years, stem cell therapy has been hailed as a miracle cure for many conditions. Osteoarthritis (OA) in the knee could also be treated with stem cell therapy.

Total knee replacement is a possibility if symptoms grow severe. In the United States exclusively, around 600,000 patients receive this procedure each year. The human body is constantly manufacturing stem cells in the bone marrow. Based on certain conditions and signals in the body, stem cells are directed to where they are needed. Stem cell therapy, on the other hand, maybe a viable alternative to surgery. With various experiments, researchers have found that the body’s inherent healing capabilities are used in stem cell therapy to assist repair and delay the degradation of bodily tissues like cartilage. Stem cell therapy for knees seeks to halt the deterioration of damaged cartilage and heal it. Inflammation and pain are reduced. Despite conflicting evidence on whether stem cell injections are effective, numerous clinics offer them as a treaatment option for arthritic knee discomfort. The FDA has not yet standardized stem cell treatment for arthritic knee pain because it is still deemed “investigational.”

Symptoms and Causes of Knee Arthritis

Knee arthritis can make regular activities like walking and climbing stairs extremely difficult. The following are some of the symptoms & causes of knee arthritis:


  • Knee pain that can be worse by specific motions and exercises, such as lengthy stretches of walking or standing.
  • Knee joint stiffness, making it difficult to bend and straighten the knee.
  • When damaged and abrasive cartilage makes smooth movement impossible, catching and locking of the knee develops.
  • When moving an injured joint, crepitus is an audible cracking, crunching, clicking, or snapping sound.
  • Weakness in the knee, which is generally the result of diminished exercise and quadriceps or hamstring muscular atrophy (wasting). Knee arthritis can limit how much a person movements, making the joint weaker and exacerbating symptoms.


  • Age
  • Heredity
  • Excess weight
  • Injury
  • Overexertion
  • Menopause
  • Autoimmune triggers
  • Developing abnormalities
  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • Vitamin D deficiency

Risk Factors for Increase in Knee Arthritis 

  • Age– Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disorder that occurs as a result of normal wear and tear. You’re more likely to have worn-down knee joint cartilage as you become older.
  • Heredity– Osteoarthritis in the knee can be caused by minor joint abnormalities or double-jointedness (laxity), as well as genetic problems.
  • A lot of weight– Over time, being overweight or obese puts additional strain on the knees.
  • Injury– Years after a severe injury or a series of injuries to the knee, osteoarthritis can develop.
  • Overuse– Osteoarthritis is more likely to occur in jobs and activities that require physically repetitive actions that put stress on the knee.
  • Gender– Osteoarthritis is more common in postmenopausal women than in males.
  • Triggers for autoimmunity– While the cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown, researchers are continuously looking into the causes of autoimmune illnesses.
  • Anomalies in development Knock knee and bowleg deformities put more stress on particular portions of the knee joint than is normal, causing cartilage to wear away.
  • Other medical issues– Osteoarthritis is more common in people who have diabetes, high cholesterol, hemochromatosis (high amounts of iron in the blood), and vitamin D insufficiency.

Importance of Stem Cell Therapy for Knee Arthritis

While ageing is a significant risk factor for osteoarthritis of the knee, it can also affect young people. It could be hereditary in some cases. Others develop osteoarthritis of the knee as a result of an injury, infection, or being overweight. We have all the answers to your concerns regarding knee osteoarthritis, including how it’s treated and what you may do to relieve discomfort at home.

As we all are aware that Stem cells have the unique ability to move to areas of injury and inflammation in the body. The ability of stem cells to coordinate the repair and regeneration of degraded tissues, as well as modify the immune system to promote improved health, has been demonstrated in studies. The benefits of stem cell therapy can include a reduction in undesirable symptoms, a slowdown of disease development, and an overall improvement in quality of life, depending on the sickness or the patient’s starting condition. Stem cell therapy, also called orthobiologic treatment when talking about treating orthopedic conditions, is a special kind of medical treatment that uses stem cells and growth factors to reduce pain. It is a minimally invasive procedure, which is quite helpful for the patient’s recovery process.

Types of Knee Arthritis Conditions Treated by Stem Cell Therapy

Knee Osteoarthritis-

Knee osteoarthritis is a disorder in which cartilage in the knee breaks down or degenerates. To give you a better explanation of what we are talking about, Degeneration of the knee’s articular cartilage- the flexible, slippery layer that ordinarily protects bones from joint friction and impact, defines knee osteoarthritis. Changes to the bone beneath the cartilage are also a part of the illness, which can damage adjacent soft tissues. Knee pain is the most commonly reported symptom of knee osteoarthritis. The pain will be described differently depending on the person’s condition and situation. Trauma or another disorder, such as pseudogout, are more likely to produce sudden knee discomfort. Knee osteoarthritis can be dormant (meaning a person is unaware they have it) for a long time before becoming symptomatic after a stressful incident or excessive physical activity.

Opting a stem cell therapy for Knee osteoarthritis is a better choice, in place of availing any kind of surgery.

Rheumatoid Arthritis- 

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune illness in which the body’s immune system attacks its own tissues, particularly the delicate tissue that surrounds joints. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can affect practically any joint in the body. The wrists, knuckles, balls of the foot, and/or knees are frequently the first to display signs and symptoms. The synovial membrane that covers the knee joint swells in rheumatoid arthritis, causing knee pain and stiffness. Rheumatoid arthritis can produce fever and exhaustion in addition to severe joint swelling and stiffness. RA, especially if left undiagnosed or undertreated, can cause to long-term joint abnormalities. Getting diagnosed, beginning a stem cell treatment plan, and making changes are the best ways to limit joint damage.

Psoriatic Arthritis-

Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is an inflammatory arthritis that affects patients who suffer from psoriasis. Many joints, including the knees, can be affected by PsA. Psoriasis is characterised by elevated, thick, scaly plaques of red or pink skin. It might take the form of little, flat bumps or huge, thick plaques. The skin on the elbows, knees, and scalp are the most typically affected areas, but it can arise anywhere on the body. Different people experience psoriatic arthritis in different ways. You may suffer a dull, manageable discomfort or a throbbing agony that worsens over time. Because psoriatic arthritis causes stiffness and swelling in your knees, it can be difficult to walk. Stem cell treatment goals for PsA are to control disease progression and relieve symptoms and pain.


Gout is a common and complicated kind of arthritis that can strike anyone at any time. Gout is a painful kind of inflammatory arthritis that most commonly affects the big toe, although it can also affect any joint, including one or both knees. It develops when your body’s uric acid levels are too high. This acid generates sharp crystals that cause discomfort, swelling, and soreness in the skin. Gout attacks can strike without warning, waking you up in the middle of the night with the impression that your big toe is on fire. Even the weight of the bedsheet on the affected joint may appear uncomfortable because it is inflammed, swollen, and sensitive. When gout attacks the knee, ordinary activities like walking or standing can become painful or uncomfortable. Remember that gout is a chronic ailment, which means it lasts a long period and necessitates constant treatment. Dietary adjustments and drugs can help, but you’ll still be at risk of experiencing a flare-up. Keep in mind that finding the optimal combination of dietary modifications and medicine that works for you may take some time. While there is no cure for gout, stem cell treatment for knee gout is one of several long-lasting regenrative treatments that can help avoid flare-ups and control severe symptoms.

Pseudogout: Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition (CPPD)

Pseudogout (sometimes known as “false gout”) is a type of arthritis caused by calcium pyrophosphate crystal deposition. Knees and wrists are typically affected. Calcium crystals form around the densest region of the second cervical vertebra, causing this condition. Crowned dens syndrome is the name for this ailment. Both men and women are affected by CPPD. It affects adults over the age of 60 and becomes more common as they get older. It’s unusual to see CPPD in youngsters. Its recurrence should prompt a doctor to investigate metabolic and genetic diseases.

Reactive Arthritis

Reactive arthritis is joint pain and swelling triggered by an infection in another part of the body- most often the intestines, genitals or urinary tract. This condition usually targets the knees, ankles and feet. Inflammation also can affect the eyes, skin and the tube that carries urine out of the body (urethra). The outlook for people with reactive arthritis is positive. Most make a full recovery with stem cell therapy for knee reactive arthritis. However, recovery time can range from a few months to almost a year in some cases.

Eligibility of Stem Cell Therapy for Knee Arthritis

  • There are no professional medical recommendations that specify who is eligible for stem cell therapy for arthritis and who is not. For the time being, patients and clinicians must decide who receives stem cell therapy.
  • There is some evidence that stem cell therapy can help persons with severe arthritis. The majority of data suggests that younger people with minor osteoarthritis or cartilage degradation benefit the most.
  • Certain criteria are used by some clinicians when prescribing stem cell therapy. They only prescribe it to people who are healthy and have only minor cartilage injury, for example. On a case-by-case basis, other doctors provide recommendations.

Stem Cell Treatment Protocol used by GAIA (in association with CEMAB) for Knee Arthritis

GAIA works as a logistics partner with CEMAB, which is a biggest & first biotechnology laboratory where stem cell are processed. Knee osteoarthritis, cartilage degeneration, and other acute disorders such as a torn ACL, MCL, or meniscus are among the most common conditions treated with stem cell injections. In the latter, stem cell therapy may speed up the healing process, while in the former, it can actually rebuild tissue due to degenerative disorders. Various treatment protocols are used to perform a stem cell treatment for a specific condition. GAIA uses MSCs transplant protocol during stem cell therapy for knee arthritis problem. Their two-day approach focuses on stem cell intrathecal transplantation: a minimum of 120 million MSCs (Mesenchymal Stem Cells) produced from cord tissue are injected directly into the problem location. The operation takes about 45 minutes to complete, is minimally invasive, and requires very little recovery time. Patients usually return to their homes two days after their scheduled session.

This protocol aims to reduce the overall levels of chronic low-grade inflammation in the body. The effects are expected to last for a very long time.

Advantages of Stem Cell Therapy for Knee Arthritis

Stem cells are uniquely and intrinsically able to migrate to sites of damage and inflammation in the body. Studies have shown that stem cells are able to orchestrate the repair and regeneration of deteriorated tissues, as well as modulate the immune system, to promote better health.

Depending on the ailment or the patient’s initial condition, the benefits of stem cell therapy can include a reduction in harmful symptoms, the slowing of the progression of the disease, and an overall increase in quality of life.

Stem cell therapy uses the body’s own healing mechanisms to help repair and slow the deterioration of body tissues, such as cartilage.

Stem cell therapy for knees aims to:

  • slow and repair damaged cartilage
  • decrease inflammation and reduce pain
  • Reduced dependency on pain medications
  • possibly delay or prevent the need for knee replacement surgery
  • Increased chances of improved mobility

In simple terms, treatment involves:

  • taking a small amount of blood, usually from the arm
  • concentrating the stem cells together
  • injecting the stem cells back into the knee

In a nutshell, stem cell treatment is quite beneficial for ‍patients with knee Arthritis problems. 

Scientist, researchers & doctors aren’t sure if or how stem cell therapy can help patients rebuild lost cartilage or bone density, which is thought to be at the root of many knee problems. We do know, however, that patients with knee discomfort may benefit from treatment. Orthobiologic treatment relieves pain and stiffness caused by knee injuries or osteoarthritis in many people. In some people, it may potentially be a viable option to knee replacement surgery.

The advantages of Stem Cell Therapy with GAIA are- 

Fortunately, stem cells can aid in the treatment of OA in a variety of ways. MSCs, which are recognized for orchestrating the body’s natural repair, have been employed to successfully rebuild deteriorated cartilage within joints. This procedure can help you avoid painful and invasive joint replacement surgeries while also shortening your recovery period.

MSCs also have anti-inflammatory characteristics and naturally move to areas of the body where there is inflammation. MSCs reduce inflammation by suppressing the immune response. Mesenchymal stem cell treatment can also help with OA pain in this way. MSC treatment was connected to pain relief and cartilage protection in early-phase clinical trials.

How To Apply For Stem Cell Treatment for Knee Arthritis? 

Applying for stem cell therapy is very convenient and hassle-free for you through MediGence-

Step1– Send us an inquiry with relevant details of your condition

Step2– Our team of experts will validate your case

Step3– A dedicated patient care manager will be assigned to your case

Step4– Once validated, you can also avail a tele-consultation with our stem cell specialist

>>Frequently Asked Questions

Stem cells’ biological action has the potential to alleviate tissue damage in the knee. They can, in some ways, help in the repair and regeneration of damaged tissue in the knees. However, whether or not it can help cure knee arthritis permanently is dependent on a number of things. One of these factors is the stage and progression of the disorder.

Fortunately, stem cells can help with OA in a number of ways.MSCs also have anti-inflammatory properties, and naturally migrate to sites of inflammation in the body. There, MSCs suppress the immune response to bring down inflammation. In this way, mesenchymal stem cell therapy can also alleviate pain in OA. In fact, in early-phase clinical trials, administration of MSCs was linked to pain reduction and cartilage protection.This approach can save you time and money by avoiding painful and invasive joint replacement surgery.

MediGence has partnered with GAIA, Columbia’s largest stem cell laboratory and a leader in advanced stem cell treatment. There are a plethora of reasons why MediGence is so well-known among foreign patients-

  • Patients from all over the world who come to see us or connect with us have complete faith in our ability to handle their entire medical journey. We have been the most popular healthcare providers among patients from Turkey, India, Russia, Spain, Singapore, Lithuania, the United Arab Emirates, the United States, the United Kingdom, and a variety of other nations.
  • Telemedicine, thinkTwice, Prebundled & Prenegotiated Packages for receiving treatment abroad with additional benefits, our network of 4000+ doctors in 20+ countries, our dedicated case managers at your medical destination, our exploring platform for multiple treatment overseas, our logistics arrangement, and much more are just a few of the products and services that we offer; in order to serve you better.
  • MediGence formed this partnership with GAIA to broaden its service offerings and to help suffering people all over the world avoid invasive surgical treatments.
  • We use stem cell therapy to treat autoimmune and inflammatory disorders like Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Arthritis, Lupus, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Diabetes, Psoriasis, Graves’ Disease, and many more – and the results are often astounding!
  • We have a network of specialists from Central and South America who have used STEM CELL treatments to assist thousands of patients regain their health. They have a perfect safety record, and the effects are often astounding, thanks to these cutting-edge treatments that aren’t available anywhere else.
  • We work with pioneers of stem cell science who have bought this cutting edge technology in the world and that too at affordable rates.
  • We have already created beneficial positive interactions with hospitals and doctors, so there is no compromise on treatment quality owing to reduced rates.
  • Before beginning stem cell treatment, MediGence recommends that you speak with an expert by phoneconsultation or online consulation, which can provide you with more information about your disease and treatment eligibility, options, durability, and other aspects.

Most adult stem cell therapy is considered safe since it is a non-invasive procedure and the stem cells are taken from the patient, lowering the possibility of an adverse reaction. Temporary swelling and discomfort are the most prevalent side effects. The treatment of knees with stem cells is noninvasive, and studies show that adverse effects are minor. There are no such complications of the procedure. Some people may feel transient pain and swelling after the operation. However, the vast majority of persons who receive stem cell injections experience no negative side effects.

Stem cells from your own body are used in the treatment. In principle, this reduces the likelihood of serious adverse effects significantly. However, many methods of harvesting and processing stem cells exist, which may influence the claimed success rates.

Before receiving any treatment, it’s best to: learn as much as you can about the procedure and how it works and ask your doctor for advice

It is determined by the number of sessions that have been advised to you. In the case of a single session, you should plan on staying for roughly 5 days. GAIA may occasionally allow you to leave after your single session in two days. After a 15-day break from the first session, the second session is normally undertaken. As a result, depending on the diagnosis and severity of the ailment, the length of stay may vary from person to person. MediGence offers follow-up appointments as well. After receiving stem cell treatment, most patients do not require any follow-up consultations because they can pursue rehabilitation therapy in their own country. Nonetheless, 1-2 follow-up consultations after your sessions will be included in your treatment procedure, depending on your needs.

Yes, you are welcome to speak with one of our stem cell experts before deciding to travel.

You can make a phone appointment with one of our expert “Stem Cell Treatment” professionals, who will go over your medical history and treatment choices with you. Based on your medical data, he or she will determine your treatment eligibility and answer any questions you may have. If you simply follow the booking instructions, your call will be arranged.

How can MediGence assist in the overall process?

MediGence assists you with a pool of services & doctors. For your stem cell treatment process, MediGence takes the entire responsibility of your Booking to Recovery. MediGence-

  • Provides a walkthrough the entire treatment process & benefits you will recieve
  • Shows you the cost of stem cell therapy for every condition with transparency
    Connect you with the ‘Stem cell specialists’ for a brief consultation about your eligibility & treatment
  • Booking your appointment for an online consultation with your doctor before you travel
  • Booking your treatment with GAIA
  • Make your arrangements when you are ready to fly for treatment
  • Follow-up consultations are included in your treatment process

Last modified on blank at Aug 17, 2023

Reviewed By :- Urvi Agrawal


With over 14 years of experience. Dr. Vijita Jayan is an extremely competent, skilled & revered Senior Neuro Physiotherapist. She holds an impeccable academic record and extensive experience in the field of neuro-rehabilitation. She is renowned for handling mobility-dependent cases. She is also an avid writer of several published articles & research papers. Being awarded several accolades in her career, she is considered one of the leading names In the field of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

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