Medical Second Opinion – Is It Really Helpful?

Medical Second Opinion – Is It Really Helpful?

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Long working hours, irregular diet patterns, and junk food are an excerpt from our normal routines. With mounting stress levels and overload of work, we all are no aliens to health-related challenges. That is where Medical Second Opinion will help you relieve the stress of booking an appointment with a specialist. Or help you take that decision of traveling abroad for treatment.

One day in the middle of your work, you realize that some mysterious symptoms have hit your body. It might be a strange pain, a digestive disorder, or general fatigue. You then plan to visit your doctor to find some relief. You go through several diagnostic tests and numerous trips to his clinic but in vain. The doctor remains unsuccessful in pinning down the issue.

Let us assume another scenario. Your doctor has identified the disorder and has suggested ascertaining the line of treatment. But you do not find the diagnosis and the suggested treatment convincing. Out of confusion, you feel that the issue needs to be pursued further. You start putting your grey cells to use by reading some big medical terms on Google, trying to confirm whether the doctor is right.

Yes, it is not uncommon to doubt the doctor. Patients often call their family and friends to discuss, for they might have had a similar health challenge. They end up gathering loads of information but end up being even more confused than before. This is the time when they may realize that they really need a second opinion.

What exactly is a medical second opinion?

Technological advancements have now made it possible to seek a second opinion from the comfort of your own home. You do not have to drive to a doctor or wait for your turn despite scheduling the appointment. But you can still get an unbiased opinion by a doctor with great medical expertise.

Having additional information about your diagnosis and treatment can only be helpful. A wise man once said, “The treatment starts only when you are convinced and have faith in your medicine.” This statement underlines the importance of believing that particular treatment and medicine will help. This belief can only come after you are ascertained of the fact that your doctor and his diagnosis and prescribed treatment are all correct.

Seeking a second opinion does not mean that you can only consult doctors within your own country. Now you can even seek international consultation from some of the top doctors in the world. This teleconsultation facility is offered by all leading hospitals and medical facilitators such as MediGence, which is based in India.

By choosing to opt for the second opinion, you can:

  • Understand the medical challenge you are facing better
  • Resolve a complex medical issue or a difficult treatment decision
  • Find a right doctor for yourself or your loved one in the easiest and convenient way
  • Seek valuable guidance and peace of mind by knowing that you are on right track
  • Get access to leading specialists from anywhere across the world

When to opt for second opinion?

Taking asecond opinion is a matter of choice. You don’t have to do it just because others are doing it. But you must seek second opinion in the following scenarios:

  • Doctor suggests a surgery that is grave, but you have time on your hands:With any surgery, there are possible complications involved. Before you decide to take the plunge, it is always wise to talk to another doctor about the recommended procedure. Either you will receive a less complicated alternative or at least a reassurance about first opinion.
  • You are not convinced with your diagnosis or recommended treatment: Sometimes, doctors are as vague as their patients while making a diagnosis. You need to listen to your body. If you do not feel confident about the recommended diagnosis, taking a second opinion will only help let go of the doubt.
  • Doctor advises a big-budget surgery:Sometimes, doctors suggest an exorbitant treatment procedures basis their diagnosis. Getting a second opinion can only help confirm if the recommended treatment is mandatory. This little effort may save you a fortune!
  • You feel unheard: What a patient really wants is to be listened to. Studies have shown that when patients start to talk, doctors tend to cut them off, usually after about 17 seconds. Without listening to your health history, symptoms, and concerns, a doctor may give you the wrong diagnosis or order a few tests that you may not need at all.

What may go wrong during the first consultation?

As revealed by a study conducted in 2014 by The Federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, one in every 20 Americans is> subjected to diagnostic errors. So we do understand and agree that a doctor may not always be perfect.

It is not necessary that every doctor is fully equipped with the knowledge of the latest medicines, techniques, and antibiotics. The doctor’s findings may not be very accurate. And if it does not feel right, you must seek a piece of advice from someone else.

A misdiagnosis or a delayed diagnosis may result in worsening of a patient’s condition and additional injuries or illness. In worst cases, it may get too late to perform any procedure or to save the life of the patient before the doctor arrives at a correct diagnosis.

This further highlights the importance of the right diagnosis at the right time. Even though pathological tests have helped medical diagnosis in an exemplary manner, their credibility is sometimes questioned as well.

The doctor may ask you to repeat a pathological test from a different lab. The laboratory machines, testing kits, manpower, chemicals, and a lot more things may mess up the results. If you believe that your results are definitely something that you did not expect, it could be a time for a second opinion.

Second Opinion Through Tele-consultation

Technology has surely brought the world closer and the convenience at our fingertips. Seeking diagnosis and treatment from a doctor sitting in another country was just a dream a few decades back. Now it can be done at the click of a button. Through Tele-consultation, it has become easier to connect with a certified clinic or a doctor abroad.

A growing number of medical facilitators in the world are providing the second opinion from established medical centers, clinics, and doctors within the home country and abroad.

Here is what happens when you try to get second opinion through teleconsultation:

  • You get in touch with a medical facilitator such as MediGence. Describe your symptoms, diagnosis, treatment line suggested, and current medications (if any).
  • The facilitator prepares a medical summary considering the medical information provided by you. They also share a budget estimate.
  • The team helps you select an appropriate medical expert to review your case.
  • After receiving the second opinion report from your chosen medical expert, the facilitator shares the report with you.
  • The facilitator arranges a face-to-face meeting or a Teleconsultation between the patient and the medical expert.
  • The facilitator submits the follow-up questions to the medical expert. Continued and detailed client education and support is provided throughout the second opinion process.

Who helps provide Medical Second Opinion?

Obtaining an accurate and reliable second opinion has become more accessible nowadays with the help of online medical service providers. These providers are instrumental in improving patient satisfaction and reducing redundancy in delivered health care. By taking the help of one such provider, you can turn tables for yourself. In addition, you can get rid of your health woes in no time.

MediGence is one such medical facilitator that helps seek the second opinion from some of the top medical experts around the globe. The company helps bridge geographic barriers between patients and doctors.

MediGence is available 24×7 to provide virtual diagnosis and treatment recommendation from overseas medical experts. It offers real-time video consultation, prescription, and referrals from top doctors associated with trusted hospitals and clinics.

So one must strive to make informed decisions by taking the benefits of such modern development. Taking an online second opinion can be advantageous for you in many ways.

  • Online second opinion allows for a complete understanding of a patient’s concern by the doctor as he is not in a rush to attend all the patients waiting outside his room.
  • It gives enough time to both the patient and the doctor to carefully think and fill in their respective inputs, hence avoiding any errors at a later stage.
  • It provides direct contact with high-end doctors, who are usually difficult to reach. You may get your second opinion from a doctor who usually treats a celebrity or a sportsperson.
  • The patient is reassured by the confirmation of earlier diagnosis and prescribed treatment. The patient can easily accept that he should undergo the prescribed treatment and prepare himself mentally for it.

So don’t hesitate to switch your doctor and don’t hesitate to follow through.


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Last modified on blank at Apr 03, 2023



With over 14 years of experience. Dr. Vijita Jayan is an extremely competent, skilled & revered Senior Neuro Physiotherapist. She holds an impeccable academic record and extensive experience in the field of neuro-rehabilitation. She is renowned for handling mobility-dependent cases. She is also an avid writer of several published articles & research papers. Being awarded several accolades in her career, she is considered one of the leading names In the field of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

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