World Obesity Day 2019

World Obesity Day 2019

Obesity – A Man-Made Problem

Obesity is a collective problem of the mass around the globe. The concept should not be, however, confused with overweight. Obesity is defined as the body mass index (BMI) higher than 30 kg/m2, in which the BMI is a measurement that is procured by dividing a person’s weight by the square of that individual’s height. This World Obesity Day we would like to share and raise awareness regarding the growing issues with Obesity and Over Eating.

Undisciplined modern lifestyle is the prime reason for obesity, apart from other reasons like lack of exercising and overeating. This medical condition is right now a modern epidemic and grave concern among both adults and children, inflicting negative effects on mortality and morbidity across the world. Obesity contributes towards many illnesses, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, some cancers, mental illnesses, and arthritis.

A study says that more babies are facing higher health risks due to obese parents. The number of children and adults suffering from obesity is on an alarming rise, and if this is to continue then 2.7 billion approx. adults will suffer from obesity by 2025. If left untreated, obesity is likely to shoot medical bill costs to US$1.2 trillion by the year 2025.

To combat the problem and raise significant awareness across the population worldwide, the World Obesity Federation established October 11th as the World Obesity Day to create understanding and knowledge among people on the challenge of obesity. Since 2015, this day is commemorated with dedicated events, activities, campaigns, etc., to prevent, reduce and treat obesity. In the year 2016, World Health Organization, WHO Europe launched a new action plan to fight non-communicable diseases.

WHO is working in collaboration with the University of Sydney (Australia) to calculate the economic impact of obesity and overweight, and what the quickly changing socio-economic conditions have on nutrition. Given the fact that obesity is a predominant environmental and social disease, WHO is developing strategies to make healthy choices for all.


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Obesity Should Not Be Mixed With Overweight

Today on World Obesity Day, we would like to differentiate the thin wall difference between the concept of obesity and overweight. The reason of overweight is the result of body muscle, fat, bone and body water. Whereas, obesity means having excess body fat that might have a negative effect on your health. Generally, women suffer greatly from obesity while men suffer mostly from overweight. The medical condition is directly related to diet-related non-communicable diseases like cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension, a certain form of cancer, diabetes mellitus. Weight loss for women and men can help contribute towards resisting obesity and this is possible with useful dietary, lifestyle and successful medical interventions.

“Fighting Childhood Obesity” is not just a Slogan

This year’s World’s Obesity Day celebrates ‘’ending childhood obesity.’’ According to WHO, childhood obesity statistics/facts suggest that 40 million children under the age of five are overweight, while 30 million from the lot belong from the developed nations. Most of childhood obesity cases are widely noticed in urban areas. Childhood obesity leads to the following complications:

  • High blood pressure
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Higher cholesterol resulting into many ailments
  • Respiratory problems

It should be noted that childhood obesity has a larger impact on mental health than physical abilities. These are the few causes of obesity among children:

  • Abnormal lifestyle choice with limited or no physical activities
  • Choosing unhealthy dietary options
  • Genetics
  • Using food as a replacement for a psychological inadequacy
  • Medical syndromes like hypothyroidism and Prader-Willi syndrome
  • Unhealthy sleep patterns

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World Obesity Day Facts and Figures

Out of a world population of 7.5 billion on World Obesity Day, 107 million children are obese. A slew of South Pacific nations, non-Pacific nation like Kuwait, Middle East countries, Asian and African countries, etc, have the highest number of obese people. This year, the Commission initiated by WHO has taken the sincere task of ending childhood obesity with proper guidance to caregivers on sleep time, active play for children between 2 and 5 years, disciplined lifestyle for children and profound physical activities for the little ones.

The Commission’s productive task involves preparing a report on specific approaches and combinations for effective ways of tackling childhood obesity in various contexts across the globe, and finally presenting the report to WHO for due actions. The organization, nonetheless, is working with the government to implement a range of measures to fight obesity and give children the beautiful life they deserve. For any further queries on obesity and related issues, reach out to our health counselor for the needful advice.

Tips on Avoiding the Obesity Conundrum

This year, the major focus of World Obesity Day is on childhood obesity prevention. These are the workable ways to learn how to prevent obesity in children:

  • Having a healthy diet with snacks and meals, and physical activities.
  • Increasing breastfeeding in early childhood that reduces appetite in children and prompt eating only as much as required.
  • Reducing the use of ice creams, aerated drinks, and junk food.
  • Include lots of lentils, fruits, vegetables, lean meat and nuts in the diet.
  • Also, include cooked fish, protein and egg that are non-fried.
  • Preparing healthy meals without using trans fats, sodium, red meats or sugar.
  • Keep to the exact servings for children, which would be 2 to 3 servings of fruits for children, 2 servings of dairy and meat, 2 to 3 servings of vegetables, 6 to 11 servings of grain.
  • Maintaining food timings. This greatly affects the metabolic rates of children.
  • Avoid sedentary lifestyle and engage obese children in more activities.

The major treatment option for obesity prevention in children is love, care and adequate time and attention. Alternatively, surgeries like Laparoscopic Gastric Band surgery, Bariatric surgery, Gastric Bypass, and other weight loss exercises and surgical procedures help reduce fat in the body.


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MediGence: We care about your health

The popular saying goes, ‘’Childhood obesity is best tackled at home through improved parental involvement, increased physical exercise, better diet and restraint from eating.’’ Today, we should pledge to fight obesity in children and tackle the problem with sincere awareness. Dedicated to this cause, MediGence painstakingly finds the best treatment procedures at renowned hospitals across the world after extensive research.

Reach us at, where we offer a glimpse of the best hospitals within our network located across and almost in every country. Take a simple step, and log into our website, where you enter your treatment option (say Laparoscopic surgery for obesity) and your desirable country based on your budget and requirement. We boast of our team of experts who guides you thoroughly once you have made your choice of country and treatment. Our best medical care team assists you with suitable language experts, letter for visa, discuss your medical case with at least 3 other Doctors, personalize your medical plan, and help you with accommodation and local phones in foreign countries, etc.

Last modified on blank at Oct 08, 2019


Amit Bansal

Amit Bansal is a serial entrepreneur, Co-Founder, and CEO of MediGence. He has more than 17 years of strong technology experience. Having worked for some of the recognized companies in India, Australia and traveled worldwide to help businesses to grow multi-folded under his leadership and strategic guidance.


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