Stem Cell Therapy for Autism

Stem Cell Therapy for Autism


Autism, often known as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is a group of disorders marked by difficulties with social skills, repetitive activities, speech, and nonverbal communication.

Autism spectrum disorder is acknowledged to have various risk factors and developmental trajectories, earning it the term “heterogeneous” disorder by neurologists. The WHO reported in one of its Autism-related reports that it is estimated that worldwide about one in 160 children has an ASD.

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report of 2021:

  • Approximately 1 in 44 children are diagnosed with ASD in the U.S. alone
  • ASD is more than 4 times more common among boys than among girls
  • ASD is reported to occur in all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups
  • Minority groups tend to be diagnosed later and less often
  • Research indicates that genetics are involved in the vast majority of cases
  • Parents who have a child with ASD have a 2% – 18% chance of having a second child who is also affected

With the above-mentioned information, we wish to state that Autism is a severe burden on the world, especially in Western countries. Though there is no medical detection for autism, the judgment is based on observation of symptoms, growth & and development.

To elaborate the condition in a better way,  ASD might be a minor problem or a severe condition that necessitates full-time care in a facility. Communication is difficult for people with autism. They have a hard time comprehending what other people are thinking and feeling. This makes it difficult for individuals to communicate, whether through words, gestures, facial expressions, or touch. Learning difficulties may be an issue for people with autism. Their abilities may develop in a random manner. For example, someone may struggle with communication yet excel at art, music, mathematics, or memory. As a result, individuals may perform particularly well on analytical or problem-solving tests.  Autism Spectrum Disability (ASD) is a type of developmental disorder. It is now the umbrella term for all four forms of autism that previously existed. ASD, Asperger’s syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, and pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise defined are the former forms. There’s no cure for autism. But early treatment can make a big difference in managing the symptoms & development for a child with autism. In this scenario of Autism’s treatment research & development, Stem cell emerged as a groundbreaking treatment strategy for Autism. Stem cells are cells that have the ability to differentiate into a variety of various types of cells in the body. They function as a body’s mending system. Adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells are the two basic types of stem cells.

Stem cell treatment, also known as regenerative medicine, uses stem cells or their derivatives to promote the repair response of sick, dysfunctional, or wounded tissue. It’s the next step in organ transplantation, and it relies on cells rather than donor organs, which are in limited supply. Doctors, scientists and researchers have supported stem cell therapy for autism by claiming that it can reduce characteristics of autism. They say it can improve behaviour, anxiety, social skills, communication, speech and ability to focus.

Symptoms and Causes of Autism


  • Inability to make eye contact
  • A limited range of interests or a strong desire to learn more about a specific topic
  • Repeating something, such as repeating words or phrases, rocking back and forth, or flipping a lever, over and over.
  • High sensitivity to sounds, sensations, scents, or sights that most people consider normal
  • Not looking at or listening to anyone else.
  • Not looking at things when another person points at them
  • Reluctance to be held or cuddled
  • Speech, gestures, facial expressions, or voice tone are difficult to interpret or use (Stimming)
  • Using a sing-song, flat, or robotic tone of voice
  • Having difficulty adjusting to changes in routine
  • Seizures are a possibility for some children with autism. It’s possible that they won’t begin until adolescence.

Explaining the signs in a better way- 

  • Social communication difficulties include gestures, eye contact, facial expressions, and spoken language (approximately a third of people with autism are nonverbal). Expressions and tones of speech that aren’t intended to be taken literally
  • Additional signs include: Recognizing others’ feelings and intents, Recognizing one’s own emotions, Expressing emotions, and Recognizing one’s own emotions. In search of emotional support from others, When you’re in a social environment and you’re feeling overwhelmed, Conversational etiquette and determining personal space (appropriate distance between people)
  • Repetitive physical movements, for example, are restricted and repetitive behaviours (e.g. rocking, flapping, spinning, running back and forth), Motions with objects that are repeated (e.g. spinning wheels, shaking sticks, flipping levers), When you’re staring at lights or spinning objects, it’s easy to lose track of time. Ritualistic patterns of behaviour (e.g. lining up objects, repeatedly touching objects in a set order), Narrow or excessive interests in specific areas, as well as a need for consistency/aversion to change (e.g. same daily schedule, meal menu, clothes, route to school)


ASD’s exact cause is uncertain. According to the most recent study, there is no single cause.

Some hypothesised risk factors for ASD or Autism appear to be more common than predicted among people with particular medical conditions, such as-

  • having an immediate family member who’s autistic
  • certain genetic mutations
  • fragile X syndrome and other genetic disorders
  • being born to older parents
  • low birth weight
  • metabolic imbalances
  • exposure to heavy metals and environmental toxins
  • a maternal history of viral infections
  • fetal exposure to the medications valproic acid or thalidomide (Thalomid)

According to research undertaken by numerous institutes and organizations, both heredity and environment might influence whether a person gets ASD. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has no known specific cause, however, it is widely assumed that it is caused by abnormalities in brain structure or function. Children with autism have different brain shapes and structures than neurotypical children, according to brain scans. Researchers are studying a range of possibilities, including links between heredity, genetics, and medical conditions, to determine the actual aetiology of autism. There appears to be a pattern of autism or associated problems in many families, adding to the evidence that the illness has a hereditary foundation. While no single gene has been discovered as the cause of autism, researchers are looking for abnormal regions of the genetic code that autistic children may have inherited. Other researchers or investigators are looking into the potential that a cluster of unstable genes may interfere with brain development, resulting in autism, under particular circumstances. Many other researchers are looking into issues that arise during pregnancy or delivery, as well as environmental factors such as virus infections, metabolic abnormalities, and chemical exposure.

Types of Autism Conditions Treated by Stem Cell Therapy

Asperger’s Syndrome-

Asperger’s Syndrome is a developmental disease that is a kind of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Young persons with Asperger’s Syndrome have a hard difficulty socially connecting with others, and their behavior and thought patterns can be inflexible and repetitive. Autistic symptoms are frequently milder in those with Asperger syndrome. They may have social difficulties, as well as unique habits and hobbies. They do not, however, usually have issues with language or intellectual disabilities. The disease is classified as a “high-functioning” version of ASD by doctors. This indicates that the symptoms are milder than those associated with other types of autism spectrum disorders.

Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD)

CDD, also known as Heller’s syndrome and disintegrative psychosis, is an uncommon condition marked by late-onset developmental delays or severe and abrupt reversals in language, social function, and motor abilities. This was the most severe and uncommon segment of the spectrum. It defines youngsters who grow normally until they lose numerous social, verbal, and cognitive skills, usually between the ages of two and four. These youngsters frequently had a seizure problem as well.

Kanner’s Syndrome

Classic Autistic Disorder is another name for this type of autism, and its symptoms include difficulties speaking and understanding others, little or no eye contact, and hypersensitivity to stimuli (smell, light, noise, taste, or touch). Kanner’s Syndrome patients have a strong demand for routine and are typically uninterested in their surroundings. These children focus on themselves and have no desire to interact with others.

Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS)

PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified) is a set of disorders marked by delays in the development of social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, imaginative activity, and a small number of repeated hobbies and activities. When a kid does not fully match the criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Asperger’s Syndrome, Rett Syndrome, or Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, but exhibits several of the symptoms, a PDD-NOS diagnosis is made. PDD-NOS, or “atypical autism,” is a term used to describe this condition. Atypical autism is a term used to describe people who meet some but not all of the criteria for autistic disorder or Asperger syndrome. These patients typically have fewer and milder symptoms than persons who have autism. Only social and communication problems may be caused by the symptoms.

Importance of Stem Cell Therapy for Autism

Autism is a set of conditions that cause complex and life-threatening developmental problems that can obstruct appropriate brain development. The syndrome is frequently detected in early childhood, and parents are usually diagnosed before their child reaches the age of three. We now know that there are numerous subtypes of autism, the majority of which are influenced by a mix of genetic and environmental variables. Autism is a spectrum illness, which means that each person with autism has their own blend of strengths and challenges. Autism symptoms commonly occur between the ages of two and three. Some developmental impairments can show up much earlier, and it’s not uncommon to be diagnosed as early as 18 months. People with autism who receive early intervention have better outcomes later in life, according to research.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for autism, but there are ways to manage it. Early detection and treatment go a long way toward guaranteeing a better quality of life for the youngster. Autism is more frequent than we realise, according to statistics, and the number of children with autism appears to be rising by the day. In fact, the number of youngsters diagnosed with autism has risen by 17% in the last few years. In the United States alone, this disorder affects 2 million people.  Some supportive therapies and other factors can help some autistic persons feel better or relieve some symptoms. Behavioral treatment, play therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech therapy are all used in various techniques.

Stem cell treatment is a relatively new addition to the list of viable therapies for autism. Specifically, the Stem Cells help the child brains with new blood vessel formation and cell to cell signalling and re-programming. In the case of autism, stem cell therapy has had a remarkable success rate. Clinical improvements have been seen in 91% of people with autism. Aggressive behaviour and hyperactivity have decreased, while eye contact & attention span, and communication & social skills have improved.

Eligibility of Stem Cell Therapy for Autism

The assessment of a potential candidate for stem cell therapy is a complicated but crucial part of the pretransplant process. Although there is no official defined consensus to govern this approach, stem cell clinics adhere to institutional standard operating procedures and parameters when approving a patient’s candidacy. Disease-related (e.g., proper indication, disease condition, past therapies), patient-related (e.g., age, functional level, frailty, comorbidities), psychosocial, and economic considerations all play a role in the decision to use stem cells. Only if your child has social communication challenges, as well as restricted, repetitive, and/or sensory behaviors or interests, he/she can be diagnosed with autism. Children must have experienced autistic signs and symptoms since childhood in order to receive a diagnosis and stem cell treatment.

Stem Cell Treatment Protocol for Autism used by GAIA (in association with CEMAB) 

Protocol for the treatment is created to follow a standard procedure & and a line of treatment. The two professors of medicine at CEMAB were able to determine the most effective treatment options based on their clinical trials investigation. For autism, the primary goal of our protocol is the marked reduction in the levels of chronic low-grade inflammation for an extended period of time, and the improvement of emotional and social connections, by improving brain function, specifically, cell-to-cell communication. GAIA firmly believes that multiple groundbreaking clinical trials conducted at universities in the United States have demonstrated conclusively that stem cells help improve the lives of children with autism. Specifically, the Stem Cells help the child’s brain with new blood vessel formation and cell-to-cell signaling and re-programming. This resulted in more social interaction and the expression of emotions that were not previously expressed.

In one groundbreaking study from Duke University, 180 children who received mesenchymal stem cells experienced behavioral changes including being more emotional, more interactive, more facial expressions, and for one very happy mother, her child said the words “I love you, mommy” for the first time.

Mesenchymal Stem Cells are used to replace the dying cells during the treatment. MSCs are the most often used cell type in regenerative medicine because, in addition to their ability to cure any type of inflammation, they are also “immune privileged.” Immune privilege indicates that the cells are not recognized as foreign by the patient’s immune system. There is no need to test for donor-patient matching when MSC from a donor are given to a patient. This has the huge benefit of allowing a clinic to receive MSC from unrelated donors and use them to treat all of their patients. Because stem cell therapy is not yet proven to be safe and effective for autism, it’s often carried out by under-qualified practitioners.

Treatment Protocol:

  • The Protocol consists of a two-day period, including the intravenous transplant of a minimum of 120 million cord tissue-derived MSCs (Mesenchymal Stem Cells)
  • The procedure takes approximately 45 minutes
  • The protocol is minimally invasive to the patient and has very little downtime.
  • Patients normally travel home two days following their scheduled appointment.

Advantages of Stem Cell Therapy for Autism

As you must be aware Stem cells have the unique ability to move to areas of injury and inflammation in the body. The ability of stem cells to coordinate the repair and regeneration of degraded tissues, as well as modify the immune system to promote improved health, has been demonstrated in studies. The benefits of stem cell therapy can include a reduction in undesirable symptoms, a slowdown of disease development, and an overall improvement in quality of life, depending on the sickness or the patient’s initial condition.

ASD is treated in a variety of ways, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. It includes traditional therapies like social skills training, early intensive behavior therapy, applied behavior analysis, speech therapy, and occupational therapy, as well as psychotropic drugs, TMS, and alternative treatments like hyperbaric oxygen therapy, music therapy, and cognitive and social behavioral therapy. Because of the brain’s sluggish and limited neurogenesis, neurologic disorders are usually permanent. As a result of stem cells’ regeneration potential, transplantation therapies of diverse stem cells have been investigated in basic research with animal models, as well as preclinical and clinical studies, and many have shown significant promise. Reprogramming dead cells into induced MSCs could provide an alternate technique for understanding the biological pathways that contribute to autism, as well as developing and evaluating a variety of new therapy alternatives.

After multiple groundbreaking clinical trials undertaken at colleges around the United States have conclusively shown that stem cells can help children with autism live better lives. Stem cells specifically help in the creation of new blood vessels, cell-to-cell signaling, and reprogramming in children’s brains.

Benefits you can avail with stem cell therapy for autism are-

  • Minimally invasive treatment
  • No surgical intervention, therefore no chances of delayed external recovery. Also, children’s skin is very sensitive, so it will be an ideal choice to avoid any kind of incisions.
  • No hospitalization
  • Stem cells specifically involve the development of new blood vessels, cell-to-cell signaling, and reprogramming in children’s brains.

 To Apply For Stem Cell Treatment for Autism? 

Applying for stem cell therapy is very convenient and hassle-free for you through MediGence-

  • Step1– Send us an inquiry with relevant details of your condition
  • Step2– Our team of experts will validate your case
  • Step3– A dedicated patient care manager will be assigned to your case
  • Step4– Once validated, you can also avail a teleconsultation with our stem cell specialist

>>Frequently Asked Questions

Since it is currently an experimental method that has only been used on a small number of patients, it is still in the research and development stage. It’s impossible to say how long a treatment will endure, but it can last for years or even indefinitely (depending on the patient’s condition). According to current findings, stem cell therapy for autism has had a remarkably excellent impact. Clinical improvements have been seen in 91% of people with autism. Aggressive behavior and hyperactivity have decreased, while eye contact and attention span have improved, and communication and social skills have improved.

Autism is a good candidate for stem cell therapy because there is evidence that some types of stem cells when administered intravenously, can improve immune system control and neuronal connectivity in the brain.

However, in general, the following stages are included in the treatment:

  • Pre-treatment examinations: Before beginning treatment, the patient may undergo blood tests, medical history examinations, and other physical examinations to determine whether they are a good candidate for the therapy.
  • The types of stem cells available, as well as how they’re gathered and treated, differ. Stem cells can be extracted from donor placentas, umbilical cords, or bone marrow, for example. They can also be taken from a patient’s own bone marrow, fat, or cerebrospinal fluid.
  • Cultivation: After collection, some stem cells might need to grow in a laboratory for a few weeks.
  • The cells are injected into the vein or spinal canal of the patient. This technique can be both painful and intrusive. The patient may require an anesthetic and/or admission to the hospital. Multiple stem cell injections may be given over a period of days, weeks, or months, depending on the clinic and the patient.
  • Follow-up: There are usually follow-up appointments after each treatment.

Children with autism benefit from stem cell therapy. Stem cells specifically aid in the development of new blood vessels, cell-to-cell signaling, and reprogramming in children’s brains. This resulted in more social interaction and expression of emotions that had not previously been expressed.

MediGence is a health-tech organization that specializes in improving quality healthcare accessibility using its innovative set of tools and technology. With a global network of internationally certified and recognized healthcare providers, we strive hard to simplify the complexity of availing the expert second opinion (named thinkTWICE), online virtual consultation (Telemedicine), Treatment overseas (multiple options), Treatment with complimentary additional benefits & discounts (Prebundled packages), and Post-operative care (comprehensive patient care with post-op packages). Many other services are still in progress.

Following the HIPAA and GDPR compliances, MediGence became one of the first companies certified by TEMOS for upholding international quality standards. 

MediGence has always placed a premium on gaining and maintaining the trust of its patients and the physicians with whom it works. We’ve always strived for excellence and expanded our service offerings to our patients in order to increase healthcare accessibility and quality of life for them. We’ve formed a number of useful and reputable partnerships with world-class hospitals and doctors all over the world. We, like the others, have brought GAIA from Colombia (a world-renowned stem cell advanced laboratory in association with CEMAB) on board, as we recognize the importance of stem cells in the future. Stem cells are often regarded as the medicine of the future.

Some major values that we follow are- 

  • Our focus is safety, efficacy, and patient-­centric care when providing access to superior stem cell therapy and other treatment techniques
  • We utilize only board-certified surgeons, physicians, and accredited clinicians to provide care for patients.
  • A clinical team with expertise in practicing stem cell therapy for various conditions at GAIA & CEMAB
  • Methods of administering stem cells that steer them to certain conditions
  • Skilled Patient Advocates/Advisors who are trained to provide truthful, realistic expectations resulting from stem cell therapy. We do not make outlandish promises of cures or inaccurate claims related to improvement rates

We have numerous reasons as to why choose us for your medical accessibility partner- 

  • Patients’ convenience is our motto and for that, in these years of our existence, we have launched patient-centric services & and products such as Telemedicine, thinkTwice, Prebundled and prenegotiated Packages for availing treatment abroad with additional benefits, our network of 4000+ doctors in 20+ countries, our exploring platform for multiple treatments overseas, our logistics arrangement, and much more.
  • MediGence ensures that you receive complete attention and a stress-free medical experience in addition to delivering products and services. Keeping this in mind, we’ve assigned specialist case managers to your case, who will handle all of your coordination with the doctor, healthcare staff, and hospital, as well as any other necessary logistics arrangements.
  • Not only do we have a large network of healthcare providers visiting or connecting with us from all over the world, but we also have a wide network of patients who have complete faith in us to handle their entire medical journey. We have been the most popular healthcare provider among patients from Turkey, India, Russia, Spain, Singapore, Lithuania, the United Arab Emirates, the United States, the United Kingdom, and a variety of other countries.
  • We chose to work with GAIA for stem cell therapies because we wanted to broaden our service offerings and help suffering people all over the world avoid invasive surgical procedures.
  • Together, we are providing stem cell treatment for successfully treating autoimmune or inflammatory diseases like Autism, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Arthritis, Lupus, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Diabetes, Psoriasis, Graves’ Disease, and many others – often with breathtaking results.
  • We have a network of several doctors from Central and South America. who have helped thousands of patients restore their health with STEM CELL therapies. They have demonstrated an impeccable safety profile, and the results have often been breathtaking, utilizing these advanced treatments that are not available in the world.
  • We work with pioneers of stem cell science who have bought this cutting-edge technology in the world and that too at affordable rates.
  • Many celebrities have benefited from stem cell therapies and they have also encouraged people in many talk shows by telling them the advantages of stem cells.
  • There is no compromise on the treatment quality due to reduced prices, as we have already established beneficial mutual collaborations with the hospitals & doctors.
  • Before undertaking the stem cell treatment, MediGence always prefers you to consult with the specialists via phone consultation or teleconsultation, which can help you with more clarity regarding your condition and treatment eligibility, possibilities, durability, & other factors.

Providing an epilogue to the above benefits with MediGence, we have- 

  • 150+ years of collective healthcare and technology experience
  • Patient-centric approach with a focus on well-being
  • Affordable healthcare options worldwide
  • Ease of access to the world’s best healthcare
  • Patients’ data privacy by complying with HIPAA and GDPR compliance

Stem cells are completely a safe & and effective autism treatment. Treatment with stem cells is a non-surgical, injectable method for treating both elective and non-elective illnesses. As a result, most adult stem cell therapy is deemed safe because the stem cells are taken from the patient, lowering the likelihood of an adverse reaction. Temporary swelling and discomfort are the most prevalent side effects. As a result of the bone marrow harvesting surgery, patients usually have some stiffness and bruising for about a week. There haven’t been any further issues discovered. Over a hundred investigations and clinical trials have shown that stem cell therapy is safe and has a low risk of negative effects. The safety and efficacy of stem cell therapy for this issue have been proven in studies and trials. Other benefits of stem cell therapy for Autism treatment are No hospitalization required, No side effects found, and No delayed recovery.

As GAIA already stated (followed by the CEMAB stem cell advanced laboratory), the procedure takes approximately 45 minutes, is minimally invasive, and has very little downtime. Patients normally travel home two days following their scheduled appointment. Results are typically noticed four to six weeks after injection. It usually takes 3 to 12 months for your immune system to recover from your transplant. The first year after the transplant is like your first year of life as a newborn baby. Therefore, you need to really take care of yourself with a good & regular follow-up consultation with your treating stem cell expert or team.

Yes, before opting to visit, you are invited to speak with one of our stem cell experts.

You can schedule an online consultation with one of our highly qualified “Stem Cell Treatment” experts, who will review your medical history and walk you through the treatment process and possible outcomes. He or she will determine your treatment eligibility and answer any questions you may have based on your medical information. Your call will be scheduled with stem cell experts via our teleconsultation platform if you simply follow the booking instructions.

In order to book your appointment for a virtual consultation with a stem cell expert, you will need to visit the Telemedicine platform, initiated by MediGence under HIPAA secured & safety protocols for your healthcare accessibility. You can have hassle-free, easy-to-use, and quite affordable one-to-one virtual conversations with the doctor/stem cell specialist via Telemedicine.

Since everyone’s characteristics and goals are unique, it’s critical to have an in-depth discussion with your doctor before deciding on surgery. MediGence is a well-known medical travel technology company that provides a single, integrated platform for all of a patient’s medical needs, including browsing, comparing, booking, and reviewing. Our team of professionals considers every step of their trip to ensure that they remain on a safe road to recovery. Our experts (in partnership with GAIA) assist our patients in selecting the best places with the best medical care, and our experts evaluate every aspect of their journey and accompany them on a safe path to recovery.

The following is the response to the question of how we can help you with the complete stem cell process-

  • MediGence connects you with a network of certified & and most recognized doctors and our patient-centric services
  • MediGence is in charge of your complete stem cell treatment process, from booking to recovery.
  • MediGence- Walks you through the full treatment process as well as the benefits you’ll receive.
  • Transparently displays the cost of stem cell therapy for each disease/condition
  • In just a click, we will establish your contact with one of our ‘Stem cell specialists’ for a quick chat about your eligibility and treatment protocol.
  • Make an appointment with your doctor for an online consultation before you travel.
  • Make an appointment with GAIA for your treatment.
  • When you’re ready to fly for treatment, make your plans.
  • Your treatment plan includes follow-up consultations.

MediGence will ensure that you receive all required answers during consultation before beginning a treatment/procedure.

The following topics will be discussed during your child’s autism condition consultation with the stem cell specialist:

  • Your desires and objectives for the procedure of ASD treatment
  • You must disclose any medical conditions, allergies, and/or any line of treatment that your child is currently receiving.
  • Your current prescriptions, vitamins, supplements, and any other medications that are being consumed

During the consultation, your doctor will also:

  • Examine your child’s general physical condition.
  • Assess your psychological and emotional well-being for starting the treatment
  • Discuss the likely outcomes of your child’s ASD treatment, as well as any risks or side effects associated with the stem cell operation (no side effects as such)

That’s why we recommend giving us a call and speaking with one of our skilled professionals. To find out if stem cell Autism treatment is suitable for your child, schedule a personal, one-on-one consultation to discuss your issues and learn more about our cutting-edge treatments. Get in touch with us right away!

Reference Links:

Reviewed By :- Urvi Agrawal


With over 14 years of experience. Dr. Vijita Jayan is an extremely competent, skilled & revered Senior Neuro Physiotherapist. She holds an impeccable academic record and extensive experience in the field of neuro-rehabilitation. She is renowned for handling mobility-dependent cases. She is also an avid writer of several published articles & research papers. Being awarded several accolades in her career, she is considered one of the leading names In the field of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

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