Stroke: Types, Prevention and Treatment

Stroke: Types, Prevention and Treatment

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Stroke is a significant medical condition that demands attention due to its consequences. It happens when the flow of blood to the brain is interrupted, which leads to the damage and death of brain cells. The effects of a stroke can be severe, ranging from temporary weakness or paralysis to long-term disability and even death. Understanding the stroke types, stroke prevention and stroke treatment is important for patients and doctors.

What is a Stroke?

A stroke is a condition that occurs when a part of the brain becomes deprived of adequate blood flow. This deprivation of blood flow typically transpires due to either a blockage in an artery or bleeding within the brain. When the brain does not receive a consistent supply of blood, the cells in the affected area begin to perish due to oxygen deprivation. This lack of oxygen causes damage to the brain tissue.

It can lead to a range of symptoms, including difficulty speaking, weakness or paralysis on one side of the body, and problems with coordination or balance. Strokes are considered life-threatening emergencies and require immediate medical attention to minimize the extent of damage and improve outcomes.

If you notice any stroke symptoms, it is necessary to seek immediate medical attention, even if the symptoms appear transient or disappear entirely. Remember the acronym “FAST” and take the following steps:

  • Facial Test: Kindly ask the person to smile. Look for any asymmetry or drooping on one side of their face.
  • Arm Examination: Request the individual to raise both arms. Observe if one arm tends to drift downward or if they struggle to lift one arm.
  • Speech Evaluation: Ask them to repeat a simple phrase. Listen for any slurring or changes in their usual speech pattern.
  • Time is of the essence: If any of these signs are noticed, immediately call for an ambulance or seek urgent medical attention.

What are the Stroke types?

Strokes can be categorized into two main types: Ischemic and Hemorrhagic.

>>Ischemic Stroke

Ischemic Stroke occurs when there’s inadequate blood flow to a few parts of the brain, which results in oxygen deprivation to cells. This lack of blood flow is usually caused by a blockage in a blood vessel. Ischemic strokes comprise almost 80% of all strokes and can happen in various ways:

  • Thrombosis: Formation of a clot within the blood vessels of the brain.
  • Embolism: A clot originating from elsewhere in the body breaks free and then travels through the bloodstream until it gets lodged into a blood vessel within the brain.
  • Lacunar Stroke: Small vessel blockage, often associated with untreated conditions such as high BP, high cholesterol, or high blood sugar (Type 2 diabetes).
  • Cryptogenic Stroke: Stroke of unknown origin, where the cause is not readily identifiable.

>>Hemorrhagic Stroke

Hemorrhagic Stroke occurs when there is bleeding either within the brain (intracerebral hemorrhage) or into the space surrounding the brain (subarachnoid hemorrhage). These types of strokes are caused by ruptured blood vessels and result in the release of blood into areas where it should not be:

  • Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Bleeding occurs within the brain when a blood vessel ruptures or tears, leading to pressure on surrounding brain tissue.
  • Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Bleeding into the subarachnoid space, the area between the brain and its outer covering (arachnoid membrane). This type of bleeding can occur due to damage to blood vessels passing through the arachnoid membrane.

Also Read: Brain Stroke Treatment FAQs: Top 10 Questions Answered

Both stroke types require immediate medical attention, as they can have severe consequences if left untreated. Early recognition of symptoms and prompt intervention are crucial for better outcomes in stroke management.

Treatment Ischemic Stroke Hemorrhagic Stroke
Thrombolytic drugs Administered within 3-4.5 hours of symptom onset. Not applicable (may increase bleeding risk).
Thrombectomy Within 24 hours if no significant brain damage. Not applicable (may increase bleeding risk).
Blood pressure management Important for reducing further bleeding. Essential to limit bleeding and reduce pressure.
Clotting support Not applicable Used to support hemostasis and control bleeding.
Surgery Not common, but may be necessary in some cases. Sometimes necessary to relieve pressure on the brain.

What are the symptoms of Stroke?

The symptoms of a stroke can vary depending on which part of the brain is affected. Some common symptoms include:

  • One-sided weakness or paralysis can affect the face, arm, or leg on one side of the body. The person may struggle to move or control the affected limbs.
  • Aphasia: Difficulty with language, including speaking, understanding, reading, or writing.
  • Slurred or garbled speech (dysarthria): Difficulty speaking clearly or forming words correctly.
  • Loss of muscle control on one side of the face can manifest as drooping or sagging on one side.
  • Sudden loss of one or more senses: This can include vision, hearing, smell, taste, or touch.
  • Blurred or double vision (diplopia): Difficulty seeing clearly, with images appearing doubled or out of focus.
  • Loss of coordination or clumsiness (ataxia): Difficulty controlling movements, leading to instability or stumbling.
  • Dizziness or vertigo: Feeling lightheaded, dizzy, or a sensation of spinning.
  • Nausea and vomiting: Feeling sick to the stomach and vomiting.
  • Neck stiffness: Difficult neck movement, often accompanied by pain or discomfort.
  • Emotional instability and personality changes: Sudden shifts in mood or behavior, such as irritability or confusion.
  • Confusion or agitation: Difficulty understanding or processing information or feeling restless or agitated.
  • Seizures: Sudden, uncontrolled movements or convulsions.
  • Memory loss (amnesia): Difficulty remembering recent events or information.
  • Headaches: Often sudden and severe, sometimes accompanied by other symptoms.
  • Passing out or fainting: Loss of consciousness, which may be brief or prolonged.
  • Coma: Complete loss of consciousness, with the person unable to respond to stimuli.

What is the Treatment for Stroke?

>>Ischemic Stroke Treatment

  • Thrombolytic drugs: Administered within 3 to 4.5 hours after symptoms start to dissolve clots.
  • Mechanical thrombectomy: Catheterization procedure to remove clots within 24 hours if thrombolytics aren’t viable.
  • Blood pressure management: Lowering blood pressure to limit bleeding and aid clotting.

>>Hemorrhagic Stroke Treatment

  • Blood pressure management: Reducing blood pressure to minimize bleeding.
  • Reversal of medication: Stopping any medicines that could increase bleeding.
  • Clotting support: Administer medications or blood factors to aid clotting.
  • Surgery: Occasionally necessary to relieve pressure on the brain, especially for subarachnoid hemorrhages.

>>Supportive Treatments

  • Stroke Rehabilitation: Vital for recovery, involving speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and cognitive therapy to regain lost abilities.
  • Other Supportive Treatments: Depending on the individual case, other supportive treatments may be recommended by healthcare providers.

What is stroke prevention?

To know about stroke prevention there are many lifestyle changes and precautions you can take:

  • Improve Your Lifestyle: Incorporate a healthy diet and regular exercise into your daily routine. Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
  • Avoid Risky Behaviors: Stay away from smoking, vaping, recreational drug use, and excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Manage Health Conditions: Take steps to manage conditions that increase stroke risk, such as obesity, sleep apnea, abnormal heart rhythms, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol. Adhere to prescribed medications, including blood thinners, to prevent severe stroke-related complications.
  • Regular Checkups: Schedule annual wellness visits with your doctor to monitor your health and detect potential issues early on.
  • Regarding dietary considerations, if you’re at risk for Stroke, your healthcare provider may advise avoiding certain foods and drinks that can increase blood pressure:
  • Reduce consumption of beverages containing caffeine, including coffee, tea, and soft drinks.
  • Minimize consumption of foods high in salt or sodium, as they can elevate blood pressure levels.
  • Avoid foods containing saturated fats, such as fried foods, to promote heart health and lower stroke risk.
  • Limit Alcohol and Stimulants: Cut down on alcohol consumption and avoid recreational stimulant drugs like cocaine and methamphetamine, as they can contribute to stroke risk.


In conclusion, Stroke is a critical medical condition with potentially devastating consequences, making it imperative for individuals and healthcare professionals to understand its types, symptoms, treatments, and prevention strategies. By adhering to healthy lifestyle practices, managing underlying health conditions, and avoiding risky behaviors, individuals can reduce their risk of experiencing a stroke. Additionally, advancements in medical treatments and rehabilitation therapies offer hope for stroke survivors in their journey toward recovery and rehabilitation.


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Last modified on blank at Apr 09, 2024

Reviewed By :- Dr. Vishwas Kaushik

Vijita Jayan

With over 14 years of experience. Dr. Vijita Jayan is an extremely competent, skilled & revered Senior Neuro Physiotherapist. She holds an impeccable academic record and extensive experience in the field of neuro-rehabilitation. She is renowned for handling mobility-dependent cases. She is also an avid writer of several published articles & research papers. Being awarded several accolades in her career, she is considered one of the leading names In the field of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

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