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PDA Closure in Acibadem Kadikoy Hospital : Cost & Doctors

Acibadem Kadikoy Hospital has emerged as a leading center for most of the cardiac surgeries due to its world-class infrastructure, modern technology, patient-centric approach, highly experienced, etc. When it comes to PDA closure, Acibadem Kadikoy Hospital holds a distinct place as it has achieved amazing results with the procedure. Strict protocols are followed while performing PDA closure to ensure patient safety. Medical care at the facility matches international standards. A thorough analysis of the patient’s condition is done to understand the case more properly. The highly equipped lab offers various diagnostic facilities such as Cardiac MRI, Nuclear Cardiology, and 2 Dimensional 256 Multi –Slice CT. A number of non-invasive procedures are also available at Acibadem Kadikoy Hospital, such as Cardiac stress test 24-hour ECG and blood pressure monitoring, Color Doppler Echocardiography, 2-D, Doppler, CT coronary angiography and Cardiac stress echocardiography. Its vast range of modern technology also includes 3 Tesla MRI and Digital Subtraction Angiography. Their Cardiovascular Surgery department very closely monitors patients after the procedure and assists in all ways for speedy recovery.

Best doctors for PDA Closure at Acibadem Kadikoy Hospital:

  • Dr. Gul Sagin Saylam, Child Cardiology, 25 Years of Experience

Hospital Overview

  • The number of beds in the hospital are 138 and Intensive Care beds are 23.
  • There are as many as 6.500 access points for a building control system.
  • There are 10 Operating theatres and more than 500 employees.
  • There are specific healthcare facilities in Acibadem Kadikoy Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey which have been established per integrated healthcare outreach such as Breast Health Center, Check-up Center, and Diabetes Clinic etc.
  • The hospital has the very best of Medical Technologies such as Flast CT, da Vinci robot, Magnetom Area MRI, Greenlight, Ortophos XG 3D and Full Body MRI, 4-Dimensional Breast Ultrasound, 3-Dimensional Tomosynthesis Digital Mammography.

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Hospital Address : Acbadem Mahallesi, Acbadem Kadk

Costing related to PDA Closure in Acibadem Kadikoy Hospital

Types of PDA Closure in Acibadem Kadikoy Hospital and its associated cost

Treatment OptionApproximate Cost Range (USD)Approximate Cost Range (TRY)
PDA Closure(Overall)8362 - 13359257674 - 401526
Transcatheter PDA Closure8279 - 11035251445 - 340890
Surgical PDA Closure8979 - 13285270231 - 411461
  • Address: Acbadem Mahallesi, Acbadem Kadk
  • Facilities related to Acibadem Kadikoy Hospital: Choice of Meals, Interpreter, SIM, TV inside room, Accommodation

** No doctors are currently available for PDA Closure at Acibadem Kadikoy Hospital.