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Kyphoplasty in Acibadem International Hospital : Cost & Doctors

The Acbadem International Hospital has many fully equipped units with all of the latest medical technologies and features. Orthopedics, spine surgery, and neurosurgery are a few of the medical specialties offered at the hospital. In its 19, 000 m2 of indoor space, the Acbadem International Hospital has 112 beds, including 16 patient observation beds and 26 intensive care beds. Acibadem International Hospital is a recognized green building with a LEED Gold certification.

In addition to congenital and acquired kyphosis and scoliosis, Scheuermann kyphosis, spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, problems related to an aging spine, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoporosis, fractures, dislocations, spinal injuries, and spinal infections are all treated in the hospital's spinal surgery department. A cement that resembles bone is used during kyphoplasty to straighten the spine and lessen pain. The procedure is minimally invasive. Additionally, it tends to enhance posture. PET-CT, Force CT, 3 Tesla MR, Robotic Arm Angio, Whole Body MR, Sliding CTFibroscan, and Intraoperative 3 Tesla MRI are some of the diagnostic methods that are accessible at the hospital. Prof. SEZGİN SARBAN is an expert orthopedic surgeon at the hospital.

Hospital Overview

  • The Ac?badem International Hospital is spread over an indoor area of atleast 19,000 square meters.
  • It comprises as many as 122 beds which also means there are intensive care beds (26) with observation beds (16).
  • Medical technologies are present such as Whole Body MR, DSA Digital Angiography, EUS (Endoultrasonography), and Ultrasonography.
  • Additional services like Heliport, Prayer Room, Cafeteria, ATM within premises etc. can also be availed.
  • Patients can choose from either a standard room or a suite during their hospital stay.

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Hospital Address : Yeilk

Costing related to Kyphoplasty in Acibadem International Hospital

Types of Kyphoplasty in Acibadem International Hospital and its associated cost

Treatment OptionApproximate Cost Range (USD)Approximate Cost Range (TRY)
Kyphoplasty (Overall)6690 - 13610207210 - 399378
Balloon Kyphoplasty5055 - 10336150934 - 300834
Vertebroplasty6716 - 13712199634 - 406618
  • Address: Yeilk
  • Facilities related to Acibadem International Hospital: Choice of Meals, Interpreter, SIM, TV inside room, Accommodation

** No doctors are currently available for Kyphoplasty at Acibadem International Hospital.