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Colorectal Cancer ( Colon Cancer ) Treatment in Acibadem Altunizade Hospital : Cost & Doctors

Acıbadem Altunizade Hospital is a leading cancer treatment facility, offering excellent care with state-of-the-art facilities. The hospital has a spacious indoor area of 98,000 square meters and 350 beds. The hospital is highly regarded for its expertise in diagnosing and treating colorectal cancer. The oncology department at Acıbadem consists of board-certified specialists who deliver personalized and comprehensive care, supported by advanced infrastructure.

Modern technologies like Tomotherapy, Trubeam, Vitalbeam, and Gamma Knife Icon are utilized for precise tumor treatment. PET CT and Spect CT devices aid in accurate diagnosis and staging. The hospital offers various diagnostic tests for colorectal cancer detection, such as colonoscopy, biopsy, tumor biomarker testing, blood tests, CT scans, MRI, ultrasound, and chest x-rays. Common treatment options available include surgery (partial or complete removal of the colon or rectum), cryosurgery, radiofrequency ablation, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. Prof. Aziz Yazar, Prof. Başak Oyan Uluc, and Prof. Faysal Dane are some of the specialists at Acibadem Hastanesi Altinizade Hospital.

Hospital Overview

  • The indoor area of Acibadem Hastanesi - Altunizade, Istanbul, Turkey is one of the largest at 98,000 square meters.
  • There are 550 beds and as many parking spots.
  • 75 of the beds are in the intensive care unit.
  • A hybrid operating room which has 3 diagnostic units at one location which is an amazing concept as at one time surgeries can be performed in 3 operating theatres.
  • International patients are serviced well through a particular center for them where services related to therapy and diagnostics are done.
  • Healthcare delivery in this part of the hospital can be availed in 16 different languages.
  • Robotic Surgery and Cell Therapy Unit are representative of the high standards of technology present in the hospital.

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Hospital Address : Altunizade, Acbadem Hastanesi - Altunizade, Yurtcan Soka,

Costing related to Colorectal Cancer ( Colon Cancer ) Treatment in Acibadem Altunizade Hospital

Types of Colorectal Cancer ( Colon Cancer ) Treatment in Acibadem Altunizade Hospital and its associated cost

Treatment OptionApproximate Cost Range (USD)Approximate Cost Range (TRY)
Colorectal Cancer Treatment (Overall)3331 - 13255103153 - 401718
Surgery2853 - 791083095 - 234316
Chemotherapy882 - 285327448 - 83597
Radiation Therapy1124 - 335234571 - 102761
Targeted Therapy1718 - 392251285 - 118623
Immunotherapy2260 - 454866460 - 137029
Hormone Therapy1144 - 341633626 - 101519
Colostomy1680 - 458451903 - 135926
Ileostomy2283 - 505368626 - 150141
Proctectomy2778 - 662384808 - 206396
Lymph Node Removal887 - 281527164 - 85573
Laparoscopic Surgery2790 - 669685340 - 205787
Robotic Surgery3394 - 7986100902 - 239398
Minimally Invasive Surgery2751 - 667085622 - 206836
  • Address: Altunizade, Acbadem Hastanesi - Altunizade, Yurtcan Soka,
  • Facilities related to Acibadem Altunizade Hospital: Choice of Meals, Interpreter, SIM, TV inside room, Accommodation

** No doctors are currently available for Colorectal Cancer ( Colon Cancer ) Treatment at Acibadem Altunizade Hospital.